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Site User Guide

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How to Use this Website

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Brief notes on how the site works and how to get the most from it.

How to Use this Website

Quick advice on how to get the most from this site:

  1. Layout and Navigation for desktop and mobile: it's simple - once you know how!
  2. Discover the dramatic improvement philosophy, framework, solutions and method.
  3. Learn the dramatic improvement framework.
  4. Apply the dramatic improvement solutions and method to your situation or thing.
  5. Find out about the site - so that you understand what it's got and what not!

Layout & Navigation

How to benefit from the Content


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Discover first, before learning and applying, to get the biggest gain in the shortest time.  Expect new insights to start emerging in the next few days - automatically.


The first step is to review the top level of this website:

  1. The Illustrations (and the stories behind them) will give you sense of the sort of gains that are possible.
  2. The Testimonials (and the stories behind them) will help you accept that it's at least possible.
  3. The Drîm Framework (and, especially, the Drîm Dimensions) will give you the key building blocks.
  4. The Drîm Solutions are specific building blocks that flesh out the detail in a tangible way.


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Deliberately learn the key drîm patterns by reviewing them repeatedly until you can remember / predict the detail and what's coming next, reliably.


predict > review > refine > apply > reflect

Predicting makes existing insights tangible and, in combination with Refining, reduces total learning load and provides attention-drawing contrasts to the brain.

Refining existing insights is way faster and more pleasant and effective than rote learning.

Applying fresh insights enriches and accelerates learning - if the application is simple and guided.

Reflecting integrates and embeds the new insights.  



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Deliberately apply - and check that you're applying - the drîm framework, solutions and thinking to the challenges and opportunities in your world.


Don't be surprised if you find drîm solutions and principles difficult to apply and implement, at first.  Remember that dramatic improvement requires counter-inutive thinking and solutions!

Use feelings of resignation, despair or being stuck, confused, trapped or frustrated as triggers to follow the Drîm Method and browse the relevant parts of this site in search of the insight you need.

Follow the application and implementation steps rigorously - and check back periodically to make sure that you haven't forgoteen a key element.


About the Site


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This site is evolving very quickly.  We have many dozens of features in the pipeline - and many hundreds of content items, too.


>So please be patient with the current content and functionality - we're enhancing it as quickly as we can!

We're prioritising speed in getting the content out to you - at the expense of:

  1. Content quality, completeness and comprehensiveness and
  2. Application features and functionality.

So please make the best use of what is there that you can - and use the Engage Button to suggest enhancements and offer support.


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