1. Dramatic Improvement

Reality is not as intractable as it seems. The misconception that it is constrains our entire civilisation. I think that we can correct this misconception: individually and collectively.

Dramatic Improvement ImageEvery situation can be improved dramatically.

By that I mean every single situation can be improved significantly, quickly and easily.


Here are some common ones:

  1. We’ve experienced many situations that are clearly intractable.
  2. Key parts of our current situation are indisputably intractable.
  3. It’s not plausible that every single situation can be improved dramatically.  There have got to be situations that can’t be.
  4. If it were true then the potential for improvement would be infinite.  That’s just not possible – there are limits to everything.
My Response

Reality is not actually intractable: it only seems that way.

Until we find a way….

We’ll address the above counter-arguments (and many more) in detail, in due course.

My Objective

I want to share my life’s work with you and help us:

  1. Realise – truly realise – that we can improve our individual and collective situation: dramatically;
  2. Overcome the flawed thinking that blinds us to this truth and leads us to settle and;
  3. Grow our intuitive library of dramatic improvement insights, solutions, tools, examples and anecdotes.

I think that we – and our entire civilisation – is massively and unnecessarily constrained by our (totally natural but totally flawed) belief that the challenges we face are intractable.

The impact of this misconception is huge.  It arrests – frustrates – our individual and collective progress.  It causes needless suffering.

My mission is to relieve this constraint.

Reality is not actually intractable: it only seems that way.