site version notes
The sustainable proliferation of individual and collective dramatic improvement ideas and IP resources.
Make it easy for people to disseminate and promote copies, derivatives, integrations and original works based on the dramatic improvement material on this site.
Publisher & Author (on every page): Enabling us to publish material from other authors, including members, under licence.
Acknowledgements: Going beyond copyright, by listing and providing links to idea and artefact sources and contributions.
Licencing: Providing automatic and special licenses to catalyse and streamline sustainable modification and dissemination.
More Info: Promoting source, parallel derivative and original works.
Creator ? Propagation Support: Helping people and organisations create and disseminate copies, applications, enhancements and original works based on our work.
Publisher & Author
We provide and advocate clear and linked publisher and author information on each page, enabling us to publish work created and published by others and in collaboration with others - especially our members - under explicit licences.
I want to go beyond copyright compliance to:
- Acknowledge ideas (not just content and media quoting) presented in both specific publications and entire bodies of work.
- Provide online links to those sources and contributions.
The initial launch will have only the most general and rudimentary version of this. It will become increasingly exhaustive and useful, over time.
Copyright, Copyleft, Creative Commons, GPL and other schemas don't do the trick - largely because they aren't designed for sustainable proliferation.
The basic idea is to:
- Provide Public Domain (Copyright Free) guidelines and wording examples - so that people know exactly what they can do without acknowledgement.
- Define Copyright Fair Use / Fair Dealing precisely - so that people know exactly what they need to acknowledge under a general Copyright licence.
- Provide appropriate modification and dissemination licences automatically on (free or paid subscription sign-up) in exchange for a link to the relevant information on my site - so that people are able to disseminate and build upon my work (and have others build upon their's) with ease and confidence.
- Provide special modification and dissemination licences by agreement - to make requirements beyond the above as quick, easy and painless as possible.
This may be the wrong approach - instead of explaining how I'm accomplishing my objectives, I could focus on how you can accomplish yours - including the licence you will get and are able to provide your audience with.
Click here for greater detail, your licences and licencing terms.
More Info
The More Info links on each page provide links to source, additional, derivative and original works, to make it easy for people to learn more and assess more reliably and easily.
Propagation Support
In pursuit of my objective, I want to not merely permit but assist you in your sustainable application, enhancement, dissemination of my work and your work that resonates with or is built upon mine.
To make it quick, easy and explicitly legal to
- Tailor and integrate Drîm World & Drîm Academy materials for your own use.
- Copy, share and disseminate Drîm World & Drîm Academy materials individually & within your organisation.
- Create, disseminate and profit from derivative and original material based on Drîm World and Drîm Academy material.
- Translative, Derivative, Integrative and Collaborative works. (Need a word to convey works that contain more than fair use but less than the other categories: Contributive; Extrapolitive; Original works.)
Your IP Licences
The General Drîm World IP Licence is: P-DW:G999000. You may disseminate any Drîm World content you have access to when you are not logged in:
- As is, with the following General IP Licence notice:
- As a no larger than 10% part of a derivative work with the following Fair Use Copyright Attribution notice:
The General Drîm Academy IP Licence is:P-DA: G999000. You may disseminate any Drîm Academy content you have access to when you are not logged in (or content that has a (G) symbol on it):
- As is, with the following General IP Licence notice:
- As a no-larger-than 10% part of a derivative work with the following Fair Use Copyright Attribution notice:

Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2024.