The Flow Drîm Solutions

Everything is a flow-system.
The Flow Drîm Solutions
Everything is a flow-system. There are five primary & interrelated facets of flow that can be improved:
- Flow-RATE Acceleration: Maximise flow-rate through the bottleneck.
- Flow-TIME Reduction: Target the greatest end-to-end flow-time contributors.
- Flow-QUALITY Optimisation: Identify and resolve the core contributors to quality failures.
- Flow-COST Containment: Target the biggest end-to-end cost-contributors.
- Flow-STATE Enablement: Defrag your brain and deliberately engineer the optimal mental state.
The Drîm Flow Discovery Page Contents

A high-level portal contents overview.
The Drîm Flow Discovery Page Contents
- Intro to Drîm.
- The Drîm Manifesto.
- The Drîm Dimensions.
- The Drîm Principles.
- The Drîm Solution Library.
- The Drîm Templates.
- The Drîm Mindset.
- The Drîm Method.
- Implications of the Drîm Framework.
- Integration with existing frameworks.
How to Improve Flow Dramatically

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system. This section covers counter-intuitive ways of deliberately and systematically improving flow.
How to Improve Flow Dramatically
The problem with flow is that we all think we understand it & how to improve it - but there's a lot more to it than we realise.
The primary dimensions of flow are: flow-rate, flow-time, flow-quality, flow-cost & mental flow-state. They're closely related, which doesn't make it any easier to work out how to improve things!
Even the simple insight that end-to-end flow-rate is determined by a single bottleneck - which is obvious to everyone - is seldom capitalised on (people seldom know, agree, prioritise or focus on relieving the bottleneck).
The Flow GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution)
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The Primary Flow Leverage Patterns
The Primary Flow Lever Patterns

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system - & so benefits from the application of counter-intuitive dramatic improvement flow-improvement patterns.
The Primary Flow Lever Patterns
- Flow-RATE Acceleration is increasing the volume produced by the situation or thing per time.
- Flow-TIME Reduction is reducing how long it takes to produce each outcome or thing.
- Flow-QUALITY Optimisation is improving the value of what's produced.
- Flow-COST Containment is reducing how much investment is required.
- Mental Flow-STATE Enablement is deliberately jumping into and remaining in a mental flow-state.
Flow-Rate Acceleration

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to improve the flow-rate of any system, process, programme, situation or thing dramatically.
Flow-Rate Acceleration
- Draw the flow.
- Identify the end-to-end bottleneck.
- Optimise the bottleneck for performance.
- Introduce QC immediately before the bottleneck.
- Choke the inflow to match the bottleneck's.
- Buffer the bottleneck to protect it.
- Introduce pre- and post-processing.
- Add bottleneck capacity.
Flow-Time Reduction

Set of counter-intuitive steps to reduce the cycle-time of any system, process, programme or situation.
Flow-Time Reduction
Flow-time is related to, but distinct from flow-rate. Flow-rate affects flow-time, but there are other things that contribute to flow-time, including:
- Rework time.
- Wait-time.
- Setup-time.
- Processing time.
- Curing time.
- Travel-time.
Flow-Quality Optimisation

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to enhance the quality of any system, process, programme, situation or thing - dramatically.
Flow-Quality Optimisation
The cost of perfection is infinite, so the objective is to optimise quality, rather than to maximise it.
- Assess the target against the primary quality dimensions (Performance|Features|Reliability| Conformance|Durability|Serviceability|Aesthetics|
Perception) - Draw the quality flow-system for each dimension.
- Identify the key intervention point to improve/ degrade quality.
- Intervene in stages.
Flow-Cost Containment

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to reduce the cost of any system, process, programme, situation or thing dramatically.
Flow-Cost Containment
The opportunity for cost reduction is limited to zero, so the objective is to contain rather than minimise costs to avoid compromising Flow-Rate, -Time, -Quality and -State)
- Identify the primary cost contributors, like Labour|Materials|Waste|Services|Utilities|Inventory |Advertising|Sales in the direct and indirect fixed, variable, extraordinary etc categories (e.g. TIMWOOD).
- Draw the cost flow-system and identify ways of containing cost at the ideal intervention points.
Flow-State Enablement

Free up time and energy lost (easily a day a week) in seemingly unavoidable multitasking.
Gain not only time and throughput, but also increased customer satisfaction and & accelerated capability & collaboration, in the process.
Flow-State Enablement
Defragment your Time & Focus, to reduce the task-interleaving effect, the task-switching overhead, the parallel processing overhead, pfc bypass, accelerated neurochemical depletion & arrested capability development.
Here is a starting set of simple techniques for reducing the seemingly unavoidable costs multitasking:
- Task Completion.
- Task Batching.
- FocusTimes.
- Interruption Windows.
- Scheduled Catch-Ups.
- Interruption Processing Slots.
- Cognitive Momentum Caching.
Here's a starting set of solutions for engineering the ideal mental state
- Define the ideal state: Motivated, enthusiastic, energetic, confident, focused, resourceful, masterful.
- Diagnose & address the current state: pathology; physical, physiology, cogntiive, emotional, relational, philosophical. (table, with score)
- Use the techniques for engineering the desired state, by addressing each foundational current state immediately & over time.
Key Drîm Solutions

Free up time and energy lost (easily a day a week) in seemingly unavoidable multitasking.
Gain not only time and throughput, but also increased customer satisfaction and accelerated capability and collaboration, in the process.
- Task Completion: Complete tasks before switching.
- Task Batching: Batch similar tasks together.
- FocusTimes: Schedule times to work uninterrupted.
- Interruption Windows: Publish ideal interruption times.
- Scheduled Catch-Ups: For co-workers.
- Interruption Processing Slots: Times for working on non-urgent stuff that comes up.
- Mental Bookmarking: Record next steps before switching.
TAP (Time Allocation Planning)

Allocate your time and energy in proportions that make the most sense and deliver the best end-to-end benefit.
TAP (Time Allocation Planning)
We tend to allocate our time, focus and energy to what we can make the most difference to, rather than what will make the most end-to-end difference.
- List the activities that currently take up your week.
- Estimate how much of your time each takes up.
- Add important activities that aren't even on the list.
- Determine the ideal time and energy allocation.
- Calculate the difference between them.
- Use Deliberate Genius to develop strategies for migrating from current to ideal allocation.

There are two primary sub-dimensions to flow-state engineering: Defragmenting Time & Focus & Attittuning:
Here is a starting set of simple techniques for reducing the seemingly unavoidable costs multitasking:
Here's a starting set of solutions for engienering the ideal mental state
- Task Completion.
- Task Batching.
- FocusTimes.
- Interruption Windows.
- Scheduled Catch-Ups.
- Define the ideal state: Motivated, enthusiastic, energetic, confident, focused, resourceful, masterful.
- Use the techniques for engineering that state.
- Diagnose the current state: pathology; physical, physiology, cogntiive, emotional, relational, philosophical.
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Drîm Motivation

We know that motivation is crucial to performance, but struggle to become - and stay - motivated and struggle to motivate others and keep them motivated.
Drîm Motivation
The key to becoming and remaining motivated - and regaining it if we lose it - is to become good at deliberately creating the crucible conditions for motivation:
- {tip title="Daily Motivation Maintenance" content="
Because motivation is so vulnerable to mood, events and our physical and mental state, it's essential to deliberately and proactively check and maintain motivation on a regular basis - daily by default and more or less frequency if required.
The objective is to assess your motivation levels and take appropriate restorative action as early as possible.
Proactively Assess your current levels of motivation and Review a purpose-built collection of motivating thoughts, including inspirational quotes, words and notes of encouragement and recognition and clear statements about your mission in life to reinforce the gounded and realistic perspective needed to remain motivated.
"}Daily Motivation Management. - Foundation Check.
- Clear the Decks.
- Get Perspective
- No Dementors!
- Connect to Meaning.
- Size the task to your appetite, aptitude and energy.
- Deliberately build confidence.
- Build momentum over time.
The secret to sustainable motivation is to determine and connect with what is most meaningful - to ourselves and others - within the context. And then keep reminding ourselves of the connection.
Flow & Other Dimensions

How flow affects & is affected by other dimensions.
Flow & Other Dimensions
All other dimensions are actually flow systems - & all other dimensions are required to improve flow: the dimensions are all recursive & omnipresent:
- Flow The rate at which flow is improved is a flow system - like the other dimensions, flow is infinitely recursive & omnipresent.
- Ingenuity The ingenuity process is a flow system | Ingenuity is required to accelerate flow.
- Change Change is a flow system | Improving flow requires change.
- Mastery is a flow-system | Mastery is an essential part of every flow-system.
- Synergy is a flow-system | Synergy is required to optimise flow.
- Understanding is a flow system | We need to understand flow in orrder to maximise it.
Prodsol Limited 1998-2021 - Gary Bartlett - Original Remix.
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Publisher, Author & Publication-Type
Published by: Prodsol Limited, a limited liability company registered in and operating from Auckland, New Zealand.
Dates: 1998-2021.
Author: Gary Bartlett of Prodsol International Limited.
Publication-Type: Licensed Original Remix, based on repeating patterns in and across cognitive science and systems science. See [A]cknowledgements for details.
Licence: The exclusive right to publish in this form granted by Prodsol International Limited.

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More Info stuff: Goldratt's Theory of Constraints

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