- Week of 27 January 2020
- Drîm Newsletter 2020-01 (27 January).
- AMA 1: Ask Me Anything: Gary Bartlett (29 January) - Open to ALL Members (M-P).
- Week of 3 February 2020
- Site Launch (3 February)
- Drîm Strategy 2020: Guided Exercise Programme to develop/enhance your strategy for the year. (Module 1 of 2).
- Module 1, Session 1: Enthusiast-Level & Above (4 February).
- Module 1, Session 2: Individual-Level & Above (5 February).
- Module 1, Session 3: Leader-Level & Above (6 February).
- Module 1, Session 4: Practitioner-Level (7 February).
- Week of 10 February 2020
- AMA 2: Ask Me Anything: Gary Bartlett. (12 February) - Open to Enthusiast, Individual, Leader & Practitioner Members.
- Week of 17 February 2020
- Drîm Strategy 2020: Guided Exercise Programme to develop/enhance your strategy for the year. (Module 2 of 2).
- Module 2, Session 1: Enthusiast-Level & Above (18 February).
- Module 2, Session 2: Individual-Level & Above (19 February).
- Module 2, Session 3: Leader-Level & Above (20 February).
- Module 2, Session 4: Practitioner-Level (21 February).
- Drîm Strategy 2020: Guided Exercise Programme to develop/enhance your strategy for the year. (Module 2 of 2).
- Week of 24 February 2020
- AMA 3: Ask Me Anything: Gary Bartlett (26 February) - Open to Enthusiast, Individual, Leader & Practitioner Members.
- Drîm Newsletter 2020-02.

know we
don't know
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their needs or
match them to our
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the unpredicta
gent insights
bility of emer
& challenges
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e reliably indi
y over time
rectly & varies
& unpreduictabl
& geography
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rt lead-time
conspire to c
y & inventor
reate capacit
y challenges

icult to defi
change withou
g freedom &
ne, codify &
t compromisin

endencies comp
whelm & unpr
ounded by over

s in timidity & str
self-fulfilling pro
ycle of ever-ero
ess that creates a
phecy & a vicious c
ding confidence

th &/or capabil
in or initiat
ity in the doma
ive concerend
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