The Drîm Manifesto
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Dramatic Improvement is ALWAYS possible.
The Drîm Manifesto
The Dramatic Improvement Manifesto asserts that drîm is eminently feasible in every single challenging situation - and provides a high-level rationale for that assertion - as well as explaining why it may be counter-intuitive, at first.
The Manifesto is the foundation of the dramatic improvement framework, discipline and practice.
You'll find yourself returing to the Manifesto frequently, to remind yourself of the fundamental idea - especially when things are most challenging.
1. The Drîm Fact

Dramatic improvement is eminently feasible in EVERY single situation - without exception.
1. The Drîm Fact
It doesn't matter how challenging the situation is - or how much time we have - we can always secure dramatically better outcomes and experiences than we are currently securing. Drîm is not only always possible, but always feasible in challenging situations.
It's perfectly - unavoidably - natural to be sceptical of this claim (especially at first) but it is demonstrably, unequivocally true.
There are no exceptions: every single situation can be improved dramatically - no matter how intractable it may seem.
2. The Drîm Key

The key is LEVERAGE: the more challenging the situation, the greater the leverage opportunity.
2. The Drîm Key
The key to dramatic improvement is leverage.
In fact, the only way improvement can be dramatic is as a result of leverage - there is no other way.
Truly challenging situations are challenging because they're dynamically complex - i.e. there are strong and complex interactions between the situation elements.
So the more challenging the situation (the greater the dynamic complexity) the greater the leverage - and, consequently, the more dramatic the potential for improvement.
3. The Drîm Problem

The problem is, WE CAN'T SEE the leverage points – not that they aren't there.
3. The Drîm Problem
There is always another level of leverage – hidden, in plain hindsight, in the reality beyond the one we can currently see.
The problem is that we can't see those leverage points, until we see them, because they are beyond our current capability to see - not because they aren't there.
We can't see the next-level leverage points, because they're counter-intuitive to the previous level of insight. It's only when we see them that they begin to make sense and become more obvious.
4. The Reason for the Problem

The reason that we can't see the problem is because challenging situations are too complex and multi-dimensional for our brains.
4. The Reason for the Problem
Challenging situations are too complex and multi-dimensional for our brains, unavoidably. Here's some detail:
- Detail Complexity Challenges.
- Dynamic Complexity Challenges.
- Multi-Dimensionality Challenges.
- Integration Challenges
- Codification Challenges.
- Unconscious Incognizance Challenges.
- Application Challenges.
5. The Drîm Insight

There's a small set of universal lever patterns that all levers follow.
5. The Drîm Insight
There's a small set of simple universal lever patterns that all drîm levers follow.
These lever patterns are hidden within plain sight within each situation and repeat within and across domains, dimensions and arenas.
They may be invisible to us, until we see them, but once we've seen them, they become a lot more recognisable.
More importantly, once we've seen them in one place and know what we're looking for, they become more and more easy to find, see, use and share elsewhere.
6. The Drîm Solution

Use Universal Leverage Patterns as cognitive scaffolding to find the next level of leverage opportunities.
6. The Drîm Solution
If we know the common patterns that drîm levers follow, we can use these universal patterns as templates and exemplars – cognitive scaffolding – for finding the next-level leverage points, which until then are invisible to us.
All it takes is a deliberate - counter-intuitive at first - scan for each of the patterns, in the face of the firm belief we have that, because we can't see the drîm levers automatically, they must not be there.
Because the set of universal leverage patterns is so small, it doesn't take long to master them.
7. The Drîm Implications

ANYONE that learns the universal drîm patterns can improve ANY SITUATION dramatically.
7. The Drîm Implications
The implications of the Drîm Manifesto are immense for us, individually and collectively - both immediately and into the future.
Armed with the Manifesto, a set of universal drîm patterns and some practice, anyone can impact any situation or thing dramatically - the more complex and challenging, the more dramatic the impact.
There is no situation beyond our reach. In fact, the ever-increasing complexity of our world positions us better for dramatic improvement leverage, than we have ever been positioned before.

Publisher, Author & Publication-Type
Published by: Prodsol Limited, a limited liability company registered in and operating from Auckland, New Zealand.
Dates: 1998-2021.
Author: Gary Bartlett of Prodsol International Limited.
Publication-Type: Licensed Original Remix, based on repeating patterns in and across cognitive science and systems science. See [A]cknowledgements for details.
Licence: The exclusive right to publish in this form granted by Prodsol International Limited.

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More Info
More Info stuff: Goldratt's Theory of Constraints

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