Acknowledgements & Attribution
site version notes
The content on this site was developed using what is now the Drîm Framework, developed by Gary Bartlett of Prodsol International. Except for specific references and links, everything on this website is based on:
- Cognitive Science and System Science ideas, concepts and works.
- Supplemented by the insights and contributions of many smart people.
In most cases, every bit of content is the repeating pattern across many domains and sources.
CogSci and SysSci
The ever-evolving Drîm Framework combines and integrates the underlying ideas and concepts found in:
- The Cognitive Sciences
- Lateral Thinking: Edward De Bono
- SOT: The School of Thinking, co-founded by Stewart Hewitt-Gleason and Edward De Bono.
- Cognitive Science: Partial list coming soon.
- Cognitive Neuroscience: Partial list coming soon.
- The System Sciences
- TOC: The Theory of Constraints, originally developed by Eliyahu Goldratt
- TRIZ: The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, originally developed by Genrich Altshuller.
- ASIT: A simplification of TRIZ, developed by Ronnie Horowitz.
- System Dynamics: J Forrester.
- Systems Thinking: Peter Senge
Insights & Contributions from Smart People
In addition to the works mentioned above, many people have contributed to the content on this site:
- Prodsol Clients.
- Prodsol Associates.
- Friends and family.
Future Content
We'll publish a more comprehensive list of both of the above categories, in due course - and add details on the nature of each publication's and person's contribution.

Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2024.