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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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Drîm World

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Drîm World

Drim pictogram (black arrow from bottom-left corner to beyond top-right corner) walking up steps

Online drîm resources, learning, training & the support of a global drîm community.

Drîm World

  1. It's our online dramatic improvement membership site.
  2. It's for people who want to improve their & our world dramatically.
  3. Membership levels range from Basic (which is free), though individuals, leaders and practitioners.

Join us if you have a specific situation that you'd like to drîm, take your game to the next level or add drîm to your toolkit.

It's evolving quite rapidly, so get in early!


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Drîm World Contents

Drim pictogram (black arrow from bottom-left corner to beyond top-right corner) walking up steps

A high-level contents overview .

Drîm World Contents

  1. Drîm World Overview.
  2. The Drîm World Portals.
  3. Drîm World Membership Levels, Roles & Solutions.
  4. Drîm World Membership Plans.
  5. About Drîm Wrold.
  6. The Drîm World FAQ.

What is Drîm World?

A question mark to the right of the Drim World Logo (a globe icon, with a curved arrow starting from the bottom, with the arrow-head sligly above and tot he right of the globe).

Prodsol's online drîm membership site.

What is Drîm World?

Drîm World is our online dramatic improvement membership-site and community.

It's the best way to:

  1. Discover, learn, apply & collaborate in improving your - or any - challenging situation dramatically.
  2. Codify, build, curate & disseminate your dramatic improvement expertise.

It will evolve into a web and mobile app over the next 12 months.


Drîm World Overview

Drîm World Overview

Map with left & right curled up edges, with a gray Drîm World icon on it, with black location bubbles over various parts of the icon

A bird's eye view of what Drîm World is & provides

Drîm World Overview

Drîm World is an online membership site & community for people who want to improve the world &/or their part of & in it dramatically.

Drîm World has:

  1. Five membership levels (for the moment).
  2. The Dramatic Improvement Solution Library.
  3. Five portals - which enable members to access the drîm framework for five primary purposes.

The current content and feature-set is but a fraction of what's in the pipeline - and it's evolving, progressing & getting populated fast.


The Drîm World Portals

The Drîm World Portals

The five Drîm World Portals arranged in a pentagram shape

Five ways to access the drîm framework

The Drîm World Portals

The Drîm World Portals are part of the drîm solution for disseminating drîm. They tailor the framework to five primary activities:

  1. Drîm Discovery Portal: For understanding drîm.
  2. Drîm Quest Portal: For drîming challenging situations.
  3. Drîm Journey Portal: For introduce drîm into your practice.
  4. Drîm Academy Portal: For drîm training & certification.
  5. Drîm Community Portal: For drîm collaboration & support.

Drîm World Membership Levels, Solutions, Plans & Pricing

Membership Levels, Roles & Solutions

Head and shoulders person pictogram to the left of a Drîm World (globe icon with a growing 45 degree arrow emerging from the bottom right)


Membership Levels, Roles & Solutions

There are five Drîm World membership levels, which match to the primary [[Drîm Roles]], which add level-/role-specific resources, licensing, support & discounts to what the previous levels get.

  1. Basic: Just the basics.
  2. Enthusiast: Core drîm content & features.
  3. Individual: Adds content & features for drîming your world.
  4. Leader: Become a drîm leader of a drîm organisation.
  5. Practitioner: Help leaders & individuals drîm their worlds & organisations.

Quick Subscribe

Membership LevelMonthly PlanAnnual PlanLifetime Plan

All prices are in US Dollars

Hover for discount details.


We don't want affordability to prevent anyone from getting access to membership at the level they need.

Please contact us to find out about applying for or sponsoring a Drîm Scholarship.


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Acknowledgements: Capital A within a square
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