3. Solution
Build the Drîm Solution

Using std drîm patterns as building blocks.
3. Solution
Build the Drîm Solution
- Remember that the only reason we think that there are no drîm levers in the current situation is because we can't see them - yet.
- Select the most promising drîm solution patterns from the standard drîm solution library.
- Combine them into a simple, robust drîm solution.
- Enhance your drîm solution, iteratively, if necessary.
- Build your own custom drîm solution from scratch, if necessary.
Reminder: Drîm Solutions

Drîm requires a significantly different way of thinking.
Reminder: Drîm Solutions
Drîm Solutions enable us to deal with dynamic complexity and multi-dimensionality. They:
- Are simple and (of necessity) counter-intuitive.
- Take advantage of (rather than fighting) the forces that constrain the situation or system.
- Repeat throughout the situation or system.
Be prepared:
- Stage 1: From no solutions, to too many solutions.
- Stage 2: The solution is too simple and obvious.
3.1. Provisional Drîm Solution

Force out a quick, rough solution to create a tangible starting point.
3.1. Provisional Drîm Solution
- Force out a very rough and inadequate solution ahead of any thought or research to create a tangible starting point.
- A provisional captures the starting state of our thinking to compare with later.
- A tangible provisional is a lot easier to enhance than an ethereal solution floating around amorphously in our brains.
- Provisionals almost always advance us, because they force us to integrate our existing thoughts.
3.2. Scan for Drîm Solution Patterns

It's way easier to find drîm levers if you have a picture of each of them in your mind.
3.2. Scan for Drîm Solution Patterns
- Scan for Drîm Arena Solution matches.
- Scan for Drîm Dimension Solution matches.
- Scan for Drîm Situation Solution matches.
Expect to find it hard at first, because it requires on-the-fly adaptation to your situation - and, of course, there's the overwhelm-problem!
3.3. Combine and Integrate Drîm Solutions

Overcome the overwhelm!
3.3. Combine and Integrate Drîm Solutions
- Extract the main features of each drîm lever you've selected.
- Look for ways to combine them into a small set of simple elements.
- Unify into a single solution element.
- Sequence, one after the other - This THEN That.
- Do in parallel - This AND That,
- Select between - This OR That.
It's a lot easier than it seems before you start doing it!
3.4. Enhance and Simplify

Deliberate steps to ensure implementable impact.
3.4. Enhance and Simplify
Even the simplest framework makes deliberately enhancing and simplifying straightforward:
- Enhancement frameworks
- TEASE: Target|Enhance|Accelerate|Streamline|Energise
- FMA: Failure-Mode Analysis.
- Simplification frameworks
- Deliberate Simplicity
- Staged Evolution
3.5. Develop a Custom Drîm Solution

Develop your own solution elements, if the previous steps don't produce a good enough solution.
3.5. Develop a Custom Drîm Solution
Develop and integrate a set of solutions for each of the weakensses and inadequacies of your working solution.
- List the weaknesses and inadequacies in your current solution.
- For each weakness and inadequacy, generate a set of solution ideas.
- Integrate the solution ideas into a single simple solution.
- Repeat until the solution meets your requirements.