The Drîm Solutions
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Drîm Solutions secure dramatic improvement in performance and fulfilment for all concerned.
Drîm Solutions
Drîm Solutions are simple and (of necessity) counter-intuitive. They take advantage of (rather than fighting) the forces that constrain the situation.
There are four primary perspectives to explore:
Arenas | Dimensions | Domains | Levers.
- Start with the perspective that appeals to you most.
- Note the most appealing ideas for your situation.
- Stop when you think that you have enough.
- Move to the next perspective only if you need to.
- Dig deeper on the most promising candidates.
Context (If you're new to Drîm)

A quick overview of the dramatic improvement concept and framework.
Context (If you're new to Drîm)
- Dramatic improvement (Drîm) is the discipline of deliberately and systematically improving challenging situations dramatically.
- Drîm is always feasible - the more challenging the situation, the greater the improvement potential.
- The secret is to use common repeating drîm patterns to find the drîm solutions hidden within challenging situations.
- This section provides some of those drîm solution patterns in some of the most common arenas.
Universal Drîm Solutions
The Universal Human Condition Solution

Multi-Option-Add-Your-Own Diagnostic & Intervention Frameworks
The Universal Human Condition Solution
The universal human condition problem is unconscious incognizance - we're forced to live in ignorance of what we don't know we don't know. This is a signficant physiological problem, because it prevents us from seeing & recognising the significance of what's right in front of us.
The solution to this problem of unconscious incognizance is to generate, integrate & test alternatives to an evolving hypothesis, building a multi-option-or-add-your-own diagnostic & intervention framework, in the process. Hover here for a little more detail.
The Drîm Dimension Solutions

The six primary drîm facets of any situation or thing: cover whichever of these are relevant and drîm is assured.
The Drîm Dimension Solutions
Flow: The speed and rate that stuff is produced.
Ingenuity: Simple counter-intuitive solutions.
Change: Transitioning from old to new.
Mastery: Knowledge, expertise & experience.
Synergy: 2 + 2 = 5: things and people.
Understanding: The alignment of perception with reality.
Membership-Level Drîm Solutions
Membership Level Solutions

Membership Level Solutions
- E: Universal MCAYODIF for performance & satisfaction.
- I: MCAYODIF for personal & professional performance & satisfaction.
- L: MCAYODIF for orchestrating team / department / organisational performance & satisfaction.
- P: MCAYODIF for supporting another team's / organisation's performance & satisfaction.
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The Individual Drîm Solutions

Apply drîm to your desk, workload & backlog.
The Individual Drîm Solutions
- Attituning: Deliberate attitude, motivation, resourcefulness & confidence.
- Defrag Your Brain: reduce the fixed-incrteasing overhead of task context swithing using cogtnitive batching & scheduling.
- TARPS: Time Allocation Ratios, Planning & Scheduling.
- Provisionals: Force something out, no matter how inadequate to serve as a proviaional solution.
- AGI (Alternative Generation & Integation): generate & integrate alternatives to an evolving provisional>working solution.
- GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution): the drîm solution strategy pattern.
- Need Surfacing:
- Xplor: instead of asking open or closed questions to secure and offer empathy, respect & trust, ask multi-option-add-your-own questions - and then validate by repeating it back in their workds before doing tso in your own, to tease out the insghts.
The Leadership Drîm Solutions

Applying drîm to the art & science of leadership & management.
The Leadership Drîm Solutions
- Situational Leadership: Different styles & approaches for different people in different situations.
- Provisionals: Develop provisiobnal solutions & enhance tghem iteratively, ahead of time. Get your people to provide a provisional solution for every question they ask or problem they bring.
- Conditional Access: Provide people with access to you & initiatives only if they've jumped through the hoops.
- Alignment Management: Discuss organisational, departmental, professional & personal goals & approaches, to help them see & create alignment & synergy.
- DERT: Gain & display empathy, respect & trust & provide an ongoing series of trust-rewarding experiences.
- Leadership Worth Following: Lead people to a worthwhile place - to them & the organisation.
- Followship: Provide people with a framework for following in a value-contributing way.
- MIF & LIF: A simple framework for diagnosing & inrtervening at the leadership and management friction points.
Organisational Drîm Solutions

Applying drîm departmentally & organisation-wide.
Organisational Drîm Solutions
- Defrag: Enable & support batching & scheduling to reduce interruptions.
- Flow-Optimisation & Reporting: Identify & prioritise departmental & end-to-end bottlenecks
- Innovation Hothouse: Replace brainstorming with collaborative idea generation & integration.
- Pull-System for Change: Build momentum using Restricted Access & Ripples in the Pond.
- Drîm Templates: Provide & encourage the use of standard problem-solving & performance improvement templates.
- Soaring Above: Avoid the brlame game & dark triad behaviours to foster collaboration, respect & synergy.
- Drîm Funnel: Agree on & promote the criteria for assessing ideas & recommendations, to secure alignment & collaboration.
- Departmental Solutions: Marketing; Sales; Operations; Production; R&D; Projects; Leadership; Tech Support; IT Support; Software Development.
Drîm Solution Design, Implemenation Planning & Implementation Management

Three stages following the same cycle.
Drîm Solution Design, Implemenation Planning & Implementation Management
- Solution Design: Describe the situation; look for a match. Develop a GPS, enhance the GPS.
- Implementation Design: Staged Evolution; Swim-lanes; Pull-System for Change; Pool time, people, money & resources; Implementation Funnel.
- Implementation Management: Implemenation Management Framework, enabling ahead of time & situational identification of the primary failure, opportunity & sucess modes.
Practitioner Drîm Solutions

Applying drîm as an internal or external practitioner.
Practitioner Drîm Solutions
- GPS Pattern
- The Drîm Training Solution: Give people a safe environment to practice the new understanding, skills & approaches in - starting with a common worked through situation, repeated at least three times before moving on to repeated freer-format situations.
- The Drîm Coaching Solution: Help people make the discoveries themselves (both from scratch & by choosing between options). Help them learn using multiple-choice self-diagnosis & intervention frameworks. Help them to make their chosen solutions work - only helping them choosing a better solution, when they realise the need for one.
- The Drîm Contracting Solution: Deliver to the terms of the contract, using a pre-arranged framework for adjusting scope & time.
- The Drîm Consulting Solution: Understand their situation & perspective better than they do, before suggesting a single thing. Develop a simple MECE Pattern Framework to enable people to appreciate the soundness of the thinking.
- Deliberate Trust Network: Develop a trust network within the organisation, by providing a series & network of uncommonly-experienced trust-rewarding experiences.
Sector, Regional & National Drîm Solutions

Sector, Regional & National Drîm Solutions
- Sector: Disseminate universal & sector-specific drîm solutions - that exploit the common (universal & situational - e.g. Covid-19) challenges & opportunities the sector faces, via industry associations & training companies.
- Regional: Disseminate universal & region-specific solutions that exploit the common (universal & situational - e.g. Covid-19) challenges & opportunies the region faces, via local/regional goverment, the media, business associations & training organisations.
- National: Disseminate universal & country-specific solutions that exploit the common (universal & situational - e.g. Covid-19) challenges & opportunies the country faces, via country leadership, central government local/regional goverment, the media, business associations & training organisations.
Use story, art, humour & culture-specific paradigms to get the message across.
Civilisation Drîm Solutions

Civilisation Drîm Solutions
- Disseminate standard drîm solutions, civilisation-wide, in the appropriate languages, dialects, idioms & humour forms.
- Distil national & global expertise & convert it into MCAYO format to enable people to improve their thinking, decision-making, appraoches, processes & systems - indidually & collectively.
- Provide the platform that will allow people to distil & capture their - or others' - drîm expertise & make it available.
- Introduce Drîm thinking into the education system, so that school- & university-leavers are highly competent when they enter the work-force.
The Primary Drîm Perspectives
The Primary Drîm Arenas

There are both universal and specific drîm patterns for each arena and domain of life.
The Primary Drîm Arenas
Drîm Solutions are simple and (of necessity) counter-intuitive and invariably take advantage of (rather than fighting) the situational forces that constrain the improvement we're seeking. They include:
Personal Drîm Solutions: Provisional set.
Community Drîm Solutions: Coming soon.
Organisational Drîm Solutions: Provisional set.
National Drîm Solutions: Coming soon.
Civilisation Drîm Solutions: Coming soon.
The Primary Drîm Dimensions

Six primary dimensions to consider to unlock dramatic improvement.
The Primary Drîm Dimensions
The (well, a starting set of) primary drîm dimensions to nearly all situations - applying to both People and Things.
Flow: The speed and rate that stuff is produced.
Ingenuity: Simple counter-intuitive solutions.
Change: Transitioning from old to new.
Mastery: Knowledge, expertise & experience.
Synergy: 2 + 2 = 5: things and people.
Understanding: Aligning beliefs with reality.
The Primary Domain Solution Patterns

The primary drîm domains are People and Things. All other domains and sub-domains derive from (mostly a combination of) them.
The Primary Domain Solution Patterns
People (Key: Cognitive Science)
People are more like us & we are more like them than either party realises. Interpersonal issues signal different perspectives - it's almost never malice.
Things (Key: System Science)
We tend to apply force directly (ignoring & then fighting the system that they are & are part of), instead of using the system to effect the change that we need.
The Physical Drîm Lever Examples

Familiarity with common lever-types make enables us to spot opportunities that we might otherwise miss.
The Physical Drîm Lever Examples
Indirect, rather than direct intervention:
- Cause>Effect: Addressing effects via causes.
- Wedges: Using, directing & magnifying forces.
- Whips: Converting between momentum & speed.
- Pulleys: Mechanical advantage from gearing.
- Bottlenecks: Relieving end-to-end bottlenecks.
- Reinforcing Cycles: Converting Vicious Cycles into Virtuous ones.
- Conflict Resolution: Resoving contradictions & conflicts without compromise - for either party/requirement.

Publisher, Author & Publication-Type
Published by: Prodsol Limited, a limited liability company registered in and operating from Auckland, New Zealand.
Dates: 1998-2021.
Author: Gary Bartlett of Prodsol International Limited.
Publication-Type: Licensed Original Remix, based on repeating patterns in and across cognitive science and systems science. See [A]cknowledgements for details.
Licence: The exclusive right to publish in this form granted by Prodsol International Limited.

Acknowledgements & Attribution

Member Licence: member licence
Drîm Members are granted the right to use, adapt and publish this content (your membership level determines which audiences you can publish for, without registering a special licence.).
Anything you publish must state the following in the appropriate place(s) within your publication:
Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2021. Published under Ⓛ <your licence code>. Click here to get a free or paid licence to use, show and publish this content, yourself.
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More Info
More Info stuff: Goldratt's Theory of Constraints

Propogation Support
We want to help you use, modify, show, publish and contribute dramatic improvement thinking and resources.
Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2024.