Drîm Discovery
site version notes | release roadmap | how this page works | how to use itThe Drîm Discovery Portal
Explore the drîm concept, framework, solutions & method.
The Drîm Discovery Portal
This portal helps you explore the drîm concept, framework, solutions & method.
Spend your time here to get your head around drîm & discover its application to your world.
We roll out new content here every month. This is only a tiny fraction of what's still to come.
Go elsewhere to (a) solve a specific problem; (b) introduce the drîm way of thinking into your practice; (c) get training & certification or; (d) connect with or get support from the Drîm Community.
The Drîm Discovery Portal Contents

A high-level portal contents overview.
The Drîm Discovery Portal Contents
- Intro to Drîm.
- The Drîm Manifesto.
- The Drîm Dimensions.
- The Drîm Principles.
- The Drîm Solution Library.
- The Drîm Templates.
- The Drîm Mindset.
- The Drîm Method.
- Implications of the Drîm Framework.
- Integration with existing frameworks.
How to use the Drîm Discovery Portal

Let curiosity be your (only?) guide.
How to use the Drîm Discovery Portal
- Let curiosity be your (only?)guide.
- To embed the ideas into your thinking, make your own outline as you go.
- Use the normal way to explore the page.
- Be prepared to find things confusing at first.
- Write down insights as you go - or risk losing them.
- Return often to skim this portal to remind yourself of how things fit together, see things that you missed before & gain deeper insights.
Intro to Drîm
What are we talking about here?
Intro to Drîm
- Drîm is about improving things dramatically.
- Expect 100's of % improvement ....
- The essence is to see constraints as levers.
- Drîm provides a MCAYO way of finding the levers - reducing the needs for re-invention
- Drîm is highly compatible - with all other frameworks: by intent, definition & design.
- Drîm is based on other work & is evolving rapidly.
- Drîm is for you if your aspirations exceed your expectations & you revel in the counter-intuitive.
The Drîm Dimensions

The primary leverage opportunity-pattern types.
The Drîm Dimensions
Flow: The speed & rate that stuff is produced.
Ingenuity: Simple counter-intuitive solutions.
Change: Transitioning from old to new.
Mastery: Knowledge, expertise & experience.
Synergy: 2 + 2 = 5: things & people.
Understanding: Alignment of beliefs & reality.
Drîm is way easier if you know the Drîm Dimension Leverage Patterns.
Drîm Impact Expectations

What can you expect in your seemingly intractable situation?
Drîm Impact Expectations
You can expect to improve things by 25% to 50% within 2-3 weeks within your role & within 2-3 months, within your organisation, if you give it a fair whack.
You should notice the impact within a few hours & days, respectively, though.
The more this looks like Mission Impossible, the more certain & significant the gains are likely to be.
It's amazing what happens when you switch from fighting the levers to using them!
The Drîm Principles

The guiding fundamentals of Drîm.
The Drîm Principles
- Focus on what will make the most impact - not on what we can make the most impact on.
- Take all stakeholders & all timeframes into consideration.
- Embrace imperfection: progress & momentum beat perfection: every.single.time.
- Choose when to use pull - instead of push.
- Drîm challenges are drîm levers in disguise.
- As simple as possible - but no simpler.
- IDK=IDK (I don't know means I don't know).
The Drîm Manifesto

Dramatic Improvement is ALWAYS possible.
The Drîm Manifesto
Fact: Drîm is always feasible - always.
Key: Leverage - it increases with complexity.
Problem: We can't see the levers.
Reason: Multi-dimensional complexity.
Insight: Reality comprises repeating patterns.
Solution: Use them as cognitive scaffolding.
Implications: Anyone can learn to do it.
The Drîm Solutions

Universal solution patterns that apply everywhere.
The Drîm Solutions
- The Universal Human Condition Solution.
- The Drîm Dimension Solutions.
- The Individual Drîm Solutions.
- The Leadership Drîm Solutions.
- The Organisational Drîm Solutions.
- The Practitioner Drîm Solutions.
- Solution Design | Implementation Design | Implementation Management Drîm Solutions.
MCAYO Drîm Templates

Translating concept into tangible benefit.
MCAYO Drîm Templates
- Templates provide a thinking & communication structure, while increasing - freedom & flexibilty.
- Multi-choice templates are quicker & easier to use.
- The ability to add your own option enables ....
- Example populated-templates help people get a feel for the finished product ....
- Guidelines & simple self-tests ensure that we gain the most benefit with the least effort.
MCAYO templates enable us to apply any template, concept, model or framework directly, ....
The Drîm Mindset

What is & how to adopt the drîm nmindset.
The Drîm Mindset
- Look expecting to find.
- Expect & manage cognitive dissonance.
- Expect & manage cognitive bias, logical fallacy & unconscious incognizance.
- Reverse-engineer to include everything essential & nothing superfluous.
- Combine rather than choose between alternatives.
- Use Deliberate Resourcefulness & Agency .
The Drîm Method

Three stages following the same cycle.
The Drîm Method
- Three Interactive Stages
- Solution Design
- Implementation Design.
- Implementation Management.
- One- to three-step Cycle
- Adopt the Drîm Mindset: Look in drim-space, not settle-space.
- Find Solution Matches: With Drîm patterns.
- Build a Custom Drîm Solution: Find patterns across inadequate solutions.
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Integrating Drîm with other Frameworks

Integrating Drîm with other Frameworks
We advise against replacing your current framework with drîm - add, infuse, combine & integrate instead.
- Step/Option 1: Use Drîm as (one of) your go-to's when (a) you're stuck or to (b) sanity check or (c) TEASE) more from your situation.
- Step/Option 2: Infuse drîm thinking, techniques & solutions into your current framework(s).
- Step/Option 3: Make Drîm your default framework & turn to others when (a) you're stuck or to (b) sanity check or (c) TEASE more from your situation.
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This content is not available for your subscription-level. Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access.
The Drîm Concept
Every single situation or thing can be improved dramatically: if you know how.
The Drîm Concept
Any situation or thing can be improved dramatically - once we see the improvement constraints as improvement levers.
It's hard to see the levers for what they are, at first - but once you do, it's surprising what impact you can have.
And, because all levers follow the same set of lever patterns, once you can see them in one situation, it's easy to find them in another.
This portal focuses on presenting the most common lever patterns to convey the basic concept to you.
Overview: The Drîm Framework

A framework of simple frameworks for dramatically improving any situation or thing.
Overview: The Drîm Framework
The Drîm Framework comprises:
- The Drîm Manifesto.
- The Drîm Dimensions.
- The Drîm Solution Library.
- Implications of the Drîm Framework
- The Drîm Mindset.
- The Drîm OSI Framework and
- The Drîm Method.
- Coming Soon.
Take Action
The Drîm Quest Portal
Apply the drîm concept, framework and method to a challenging situation you face.
The Drîm Quest Portal
This portal provides tools for overcoming any challenge you may face, whether it's:
- An ambitious target or deadline to meet
- A problem to solve or
- Something new to create.
We'll add tools and examples here every month. The first tools are the Drîm OSI Framework & Drîm GPS.
The Drîm Journey Portal
Go here to start applying the drîm concepts, framework, method & solutions to your world.
The Drîm Journey Portal
This portal to drîm provides a framework that you can introduce into your daily practice in a step-by-step way, over time.
Although it's not essential that you adopt the order here (you can introduce things in any sequence & combination, you like), this sequence sets up the following elements for easy introduction & adoption.
We'll add tools and examples here every month.
The Drîm Academy Portal
Go here for self-training, online training & in-person training & certification.
The Drîm Academy Portal
This portal enables you to deliberately and systematically build, test and certify your and your team's drîm expertise.
The Drîm World Drîm Academy is a more comprehensive version of the training courses in the Drîm Training part of the website - and includes self-learning content & frameworks.
The Drîm Community Portal
Go here to connect & collaborate with the global community - & get & give support.
The Drîm Community Portal
This portal connects you with the Global Drîm Community, via online discussion forums.
You can get or provide drîm support here as well as collaborate on global drîm projects.
You have full access to the community at your level & below.
The Drîm Community forums are also the primary channel that Prodsol provides Level One Support through.

Publisher, Author & Publication-Type
Published by: Prodsol Limited, a limited liability company registered in and operating from Auckland, New Zealand.
Dates: 1998-2021.
Author: Gary Bartlett of Prodsol International Limited.
Publication-Type: Licensed Original Remix, based on repeating patterns in and across cognitive science and systems science. See [A]cknowledgements for details.
Licence: The exclusive right to publish in this form granted by Prodsol International Limited.

Acknowledgements & Attribution

Member Licence: member licence
Drîm Members are granted the right to use, adapt and publish this content (your membership level determines which audiences you can publish for, without registering a special licence.).
Anything you publish must state the following in the appropriate place(s) within your publication:
Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2021. Published under Ⓛ <your licence code>. Click here to get a free or paid licence to use, show and publish this content, yourself.
Click here for the details.

More Info
More Info stuff: Goldratt's Theory of Constraints

Propogation Support
We want to help you use, modify, show, publish and contribute dramatic improvement thinking and resources.
Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2024.