Drîm World Overview
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A bird's eye view of what Drîm World is & provides
Drîm World Overview
Drîm World is an online membership site & community for people who want to improve the world &/or their part of & in it dramatically.
Drîm World has:
- Five membership levels (for the moment).
- The Dramatic Improvement Solution Library.
- Five portals - which enable members to access the drîm framework for five primary purposes.
The current content and feature-set is but a fraction of what's in the pipeline - and it's evolving, progressing & getting populated fast.
In a Nutshell
...to help you make sense of it all!
In a Nutshell
Drîm World is a dramatic improvement solution for discovering, learning, applying, enhancing, capturing, collaborating on, mastering & disseminating dramatic improvement thinking & solutions.
It comprises a set of Drîm Portals that make it easy to do so. It's a work in progress, so is evolving rapidly.
Scan this page to prepare your mind for what's to come in the rest of this portal and beyond.
Read only the flashcards that appeal to you. Study only those that intrigue you.
Drîm World Overview Contents

A high-level contents overview .
Drîm World Overview Contents
- About Drîm World.
- The Drîm World Membership Levels.
- The Drîm World Portals.
- The Drîm World Pipeline.
- How to Drîm the Benefit.
- How to Get Support.
- How to Contribute.
- The Drîm World FAQ.
- Other Drîm Gateways.
- Join Drîm World.
What is Drîm?
Dramatic Improvement
What is Drîm?
Drîm (Dramatic improvement, pronounced "Dream") is a framework, practice & solution library for deliberately & systematically improving any situation or thing dramatically.
It's highly compatible with & easy to integrate with all other dramatic improvement frameworks & solutions, by definition & design.
Every single challenging situation can be improved dramtically - the more challenging, the more dramatic the improvement potential.
The Drîm World Portals
Five ways to access the drîm framework
The Drîm World Portals
The Drîm World Portals are part of the drîm solution for disseminating drîm. They tailor the framework to five primary activities:
- Drîm Discovery: Explore & understand drîm.
- Drîm Quest: Drîm challenging situations.
- Drîm Journey: Introduce drîm into your practice.
- Drîm Academy: Drîm training & certification.
- Drîm Community: Collaboration & support.
The Drîm World Membership Levels
Five ways to access the drîm framework
The Drîm World Membership Levels
Our Membership Levels provide tailored access:
- Anonymous Visitor: For checking it out ...
- Basic: Free plan with just the basics ...
- Drîm Enthusiast: If you find drîm appealing ....
- Drîm Individual: To help you drîm your role....
- Drîm Leader: To help you lead your people....
- Drîm Practitioner: To help you help your internal & external clients.
- Drîm Creators: To help you codify and disseminate your own drîm stuff.
The Drîm World Pipeline
A steady stream of upcoming content & features
The Drîm World Pipeline
Drîm World is a continuously evolving platform & will always be a work in progress.
The pipeline lets members see (& influence) what's coming up and when.
In due course, other members will be able to develop, introduce & publish theiir own drîm content.
How to Maximise the Benefit
A drîm solution to understanding, learning & using new approaches in a fraction of the normal time.
How to Maximise the Benefit
- Scan & browse only as deep as you need to.
- Use spaced repetition for exporation & learning.
- Expect to experience cognitive dissonance every single time you try to apply drîm to reality: it's perfectly natural and unavoidable.
- Focus on insight progress, not perfection & speed, not quality- quality will emerge iteratively.
- Review the the content, repeat the processes & refine the templates you've populated frequently, to accelerate neural network development & strengthening.
How to Get Drîm World Support
From the Drîm Community, Practitioners & Prodsol
How to Get Drîm World Support
Help is escalated through four levels:
- Drîm Community Support: Voluntary support from other Drîm World Members.
- Drîm Practitioner Support: Committed Community Support from Drîm Practitioners.
- Prodsol Drîm Support: Committed reactive & proactive support.
- Paid Support Services: From Prodsol & other Practitioners.
We're working to reduce the need for support, over time.
How to Contribute
Be active in the Drîm Community & shape your contribution for inclusion.
How to Contribute
- Helping others in the Drîm Comunity will hone your skill as well as advance the person you're helping's impact. Hot Support Tip
- The ability to submit content for inclusion will be introduced, in due course. In the interim, shape your content in a way that maps into the Drîm Portals.
- Give feedback & make enhancement suggestions - once you've made sense of what's here already.
- Spread the word to people who have the appetite, aptitude & influence for drîm.
The full set of Drîm Gateways
Drîm World|Training|Support|Tools|Team
The full set of Drîm Gateways
Drîm World is one of five Drîm Gateways:
- Drîm World.: Membership & community.
- Drîm Training.: Subset of Drîm World Academy.
- Drîm Support.: Get help from Prodsol, directly.
- The Drîm Tools.: Software & physical tools.
- Drîm Team.: Join us as we drîm our world.
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This content is not available for your subscription-level. Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access.

Publisher, Author & Publication-Type
Published by: Prodsol Limited, a limited liability company registered in and operating from Auckland, New Zealand.
Dates: 1998-2021.
Author: Gary Bartlett of Prodsol International Limited.
Publication-Type: Licensed Original Remix, based on repeating patterns in and across cognitive science and systems science. See [A]cknowledgements for details.
Licence: The exclusive right to publish in this form granted by Prodsol International Limited.

Acknowledgements & Attribution

Member Licence: member licence
Drîm Members are granted the right to use, adapt and publish this content (your membership level determines which audiences you can publish for, without registering a special licence.).
Anything you publish must state the following in the appropriate place(s) within your publication:
Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2021. Published under Ⓛ <your licence code>. Click here to get a free or paid licence to use, show and publish this content, yourself.
Click here for the details.

More Info
More Info stuff: Goldratt's Theory of Constraints

Propogation Support
We want to help you use, modify, show, publish and contribute dramatic improvement thinking and resources.
Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2024.