site version notes
To make it quick, easy and explicitly legal to
- Tailor and integrate Drîm World & Drîm Academy materials for your own use.
- Copy, share and disseminate Drîm World & Drîm Academy materials individually & within your organisation.
- Create, disseminate and profit from derivative and original material based on Drîm World and Drîm Academy material.
- Translative, Derivative, Integrative and Collaborative works. (Need a word to convey works that contain more than fair use but less than the other categories: Contributive; Extrapolitive; Original works.)
Our approach is to state explicitly what you can do under a simple licensing system.
Licence Types
- Public Domain Licence: Otherwise known as a General Public Licence, this is effectively the licence not to need a licence. Do what you want to with this content, without restriction or the need to attribute its source. Attribution is totally optional.
- We will publish simplified and summarised public domain versions of our copyright content, over time.
- We will transfer our copyrighted material into the Public Domain, bit-by-bit, as the Drîm Framework gets adopted, civilisation-wide.
- Fair Use Licence: Although Fair Use is not typically regarded as a licence but as a defence, we clarify what we regard as Fair Use (use, without special permission, but referencing Prodsol International Limited, Prodsol Limited or Gary Bartlett as the copyright holder) of our content:
- Any of the ideas underlying our content - obviously: ideas can;t be copyrighted.
- Up to 10% of the actual text, imagery or other media type in each section, on each page.
- Member Auto-Licences: Licences that are generated for Drîm World and Drîm Training members, upon registration.
- The basic idea is that you receive the right - and are encouraged and equipped to:
- Use: Make as many copies of our content - as is or modified as you see fit - as you need for your own use (Attribution is optional).
- Show: it to others, displaying your licence and theirs, with a URL link that will enable them to register theirs.
- Publish: material they have access to:
- Individuals can share copies of a single page or template that they have access to per week with other individuals, their team and informal groups - displaying the licence block.
- Leaders can share copies of a single page or template that they have access to per week, with others within their organisation, every week.
- Practitioners: can share copies of a single page or template that they have access to per week, with other organisations, every month.
- Action: Use|Show|Publish.
- Type: Copy|Customisation|Modification|New Work.
- Audience: Self|Someone else|Team|Own Organisation|Other Organisation|Tribe|Public.
- The basic idea is that you receive the right - and are encouraged and equipped to:
- Special Member Licenses: Licences that go beyond Member Auto-Licences are generated on request with special terms mostly for free but, in some cases with a commercial agreement of some sort.
- Organisational Auto-Licences: We will provide the ability for members to register their organisation for Drîm world or Drm wrld for Drîm Training, in due course.
- This will enable bulk discounting, administration and organisational licencing.
- In the short-term, we'll manage this manually, on application.
- Special Organisational Licences: Licences that go beyond Orginastional Auto-Licences are generated on request with special terms mostly for free but, in some cases with a commercial agreement of some sort.
Your IP Licences
The General Drîm World IP Licence is: P-DW:G000999. You may disseminate any Drîm World content you have access to when you are not logged in:
- As is, with the following General IP Licence notice:
- As a no larger than 10% part of a derivative work with the following Fair Use Copyright Attribution notice:
The General Drîm Academy IP Licence is:P-DA: G000999. You may disseminate any Drîm Academy content you have access to when you are not logged in (or content that has a (G) symbol on it):
- As is, with the following General IP Licence notice:
- As a no-larger-than 10% part of a derivative work with the following Fair Use Copyright Attribution notice:

Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2024.