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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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Prodsol Drîm Services

Prodsol Online Services Pictogram: hand beneath the dramatic improvement symbol (growing arrow from the bottom left corner of a box to beyond it's top right corner)

We're keen to help you and your organisation gain dramatic improvement impact and capability quickly and affordably.

Prodsol Drîm Services

Our objective is to disseminate dramatic improvement thinking, methods, solutions and capability as affordably as we can, civilisation-wide:

  1. Dramatic Improvement Training, Support & Tools.
  2. Online and In-Person.
  3. Public & Private.
  4. Real-time, Async and Own-time

We're keen to help you (DIY, DIT & DIF) - whether your objective is learning, situational, ongoing improvement or a combination.


Is Drîm for You?

Your Organisational Role

Conductor, performer, expert, leader icons

Are you in one of these roles?

Your Organisational Role

If you're in - or aspire to be in - one or more of the following roles, then Drîm probably is for you:

  1. Change Agent: Process; Practice; Culture; Org.
  2. Expert: Technical; Subject Matter; Scientific; Functional; Performance.
  3. Innovator: Product; Service; Technology; People.
  4. Leader: Peers; Team; Department; Project; Organisation; Industry; Civilisation.
  5. Practitioner: BI Specialist; Trainer; Coach; Consultant; Serial Entreprenuer.

The Drîm Mindset

The drîm symbol (growing arrow from the bottom-left to beyond the top right of a box) in a yellow brain in a black face sideview

Everyone wants better results - but are you prepared to do what it takes to secure them?

The Drîm Mindset

You have the drîm mindset if:

  1. Your aspirations exceed your delivery confidence.
  2. You're looking for a significantly different approach.
  3. You're up for continually adapting and integrating.

You probably don't have it if:

  1. You're happy with your current performance.
  2. It's others' approaches that need to change.
  3. You expect to do one thing once and have it work perfectly, first-time and forever thereafter.

What are you looking for?

Solution to a Situation

Addressing an immediate challenge, deadline or opportunity.

Solution to a Situation

Situations are challenging because they're multi-dimensional and dynamically complex.

The trick is to use the very multi-dimensional dynamic complexity that makes the situation challenging, to transform it to our liking.

The idea is to use the drîm famework to identify and manipulate the drîm levers, using a simple drîm smart-template tailored specifically for challenging situations.

It always seems impossible at first - but obvious in hindsight!


Staff Drîm Training & Certification

Learning by applying drîm to the real world, directly.

Staff Drîm Training & Certification

Choose this option to improve your and your people's dramatic improvement capability (qualifies as CPD).

The focus is to learn, independently and collectively, to improve any situation or thing, by applying the drîm framework to roles, teams, and departments and their current objectives and workloads.

This option could well be the most valuable investment you make in your people - growing their capability, engagement and satisfaction, while improving KPI performance and retaining them for longer.


Ongoing Improvement

Establishing a culture of ongoing dramatic improvement.

Ongoing Improvement

Choose this option if you don't have a single, pressing challenge, but want to establish a culture of ongoing improvement within your organisation.

It involves the introduction, integration and optimisation of additional drîm tools, processes & practices that will:

  1. Equip your people to get better results in less time & with less effort
  2. Free up time & energy for establishing a highly collaborative ongoing dramatic improvement practice, habit & culture.

Process & Practice Optimisation

Throughput, lead-time, quality and engagement.

Process & Practice Optimisation

In the drîm world, processes are the steps work items go through, while practices are the steps people go through in getting multiple work-items through the process.  The distinction, though small, is a highly signiicant one for optimising throughput, lead-time, quality and engagement.

Start with practice: Defrag, followed by Flow-Rate Optimisation and then Deliberate Genius, in design environments or a DARTin expert enironments.


Project & Programme Streamlining


Project & Programme Streamlining

If you need to streamline any project or an entire programme of projects dramatically, the drîm framework will enable you to maximise predictability & value delivered & reduce hidden time & material wasted.  The best options are:

  1. Site membership - start by focusing on Flow.
  2. The Project Flow Module.
  3. The How to Drîm Programme - oprganisational and practitioner-levels would be ideal.
  4. PMO Department - when it's published.

Challenging Objective

Seemingly impossible situation or thing.

Challenging Objective

Choose this option if you need a breakthrough solution to an ongoing problem, challenge, situation or thing - especially if it's (seemingly) intractable.

We'll help you through:

  1. Establishing exactly what outcome we're seeking to secure - & by when.
  2. Unearthing the single outcome-limiting issue.
  3. Developing a simple, counter-intuitive (of necessity) breakthrough solution.
  4. Implementing the solution in stages to maximise immediate & ongoing gains.

Strategy & Plan

Organisational | Departmental | Professional.

Strategy & Plan

If you're looking to build a strategy and implementation for your role, department or organisation, the Drîm Strategy Programme & the How to Drîm Programme are the best options.  Drîm Site Membership (which is nearly always the best way to consume those programmes) runs a close second & will enable you to develop & implement your strategy at a time of your choosing.

You'll be guided through completing a strategy template & drîm implmentation planning template - selecting & applying the drîm patterns that suit your situation best.


Department Performance Improvement

Dramatic improvement solutions for specific departments.

Department Performance Improvement

If you want to improve your department's performance you have a number of options:

  1. A department-specific solution exercise (as they become available).
  2. The Drîm Strategy Programme.
  3. The How to Drîm Programme.
  4. Online site membership - and raise department-specific questions in the appropriate forums.

Organisational Performance Improvement

End-to-end and bottom-line drîm .

Organisational Performance Improvement

If you want to improve end-to-end performance, your best course of action is:

  1. Join - or get someone from your BI team to join - the membership site, at the free level.
  2. Complete the Drîm Organisational Performance Improvement Template.
  3. If this justifies paid memberships (esp. within the bottleneck department(s) & role(s)), fund them.  Get group pricing, if it makes sense to do so.
  4. Get help from us directly, if you need it.

Drîm Practitioner Training & Certification

BI Specialists|Trainers|Coaches|Contractors|Consultants

Drîm Practitioner Training & Certification

If you're practitioner and want to add Drîm

  1. Become a Practitioner Level member of this site & community - participate in discussion & initiatives.
  2. Subscribe to every online & in-person programme that appeals to you.
  3. Continually integrate existing expertise with new Drîm insights & frameworks.
  4. Apply your evolving framework to client assignments & projects.
  5. Get certified & train, coach & certifiy others.

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Acknowledgements: Capital A within a square
Licenses Symbol: Capital L within a square
More Info Symbol: Capital I within a square
Propagation Support Symbol: Capital S within a square

Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2024.

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