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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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The Drîm Dimension Solutions

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The Drîm Dimension Solution Patterns

The drîm icon (growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top right outside of the square) with idea bulbs

Six primary dimensions to consider in order to unlock dramatic improvement.

The Drîm Dimension Solution Patterns

There are six dramatic improvement dimensions - in this model, anyway!  (There are many, many other ways to dimension reality up!)

The purpose of the dimensions is to enable us to deal with the various facets of a challenging situation independently, first - ;before doing so in concert.

The Drîm Hexagon, below, summarises the dimensions and the essence of their shared solution pattern.

Click the details button beneath each dimension flashcard for more detail.

Hexagon comprising the first 6 rainbow colours with the six dimension pictograms and names (Flow; Ingenuity; Change; Mastery; Synergy; Understanding)

The Primary Drîm Dimensions

The drîm icon (growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top right outside of the square) with yellow xyz dimension arrows bottom left

The six primary dramatic improvement facets of every challenging situation.

The Primary Drîm Dimensions

The Flow Drîm Dimension PictogramFlow: The speed and rate that stuff is produced.

The Ingenuity Drîm Dimension PictogramIngenuity: Simple counter-intuitive solutions.

The Change Drîm Dimension PictogramChange: Transitioning from old to new.

The Flow Mastery Dimension PictogramMastery: Knowledge, expertise & experience.

The Synergy Drîm Dimension PictogramSynergy: 2 + 2 = 5: things and people.

The Understanding Drîm Dimension PictogramUnderstanding: Alignment of beliefs with reality.


More about the Drîm Dimensions

The Drîm Dimensions Pictogram

Perspectives - leverage opportunity types - for securing dramatic improvement in any challenging situation.

More about the Drîm Dimensions

The drîm dimensions are really the top level of a deeper taxonomy - and each dimension contains and applies to every other dimension.

Feel free to adapt this set of Drîm Dimensions to suit your world, toolset and way of thinking - this set is merely one way of looking at things.

We do advise that you familiarise yourself and take advantage of this set first - as there are many thousands of hours of research, thought and work behind their selection.


The Six Primary Dimension Solutions

1. The Flow Dimension Solutions

Prodsol Flow Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Everything is a flow-system - and so benefits from the application of counter-intuitive flow-rate, flow-time, flow-quality, flow-cost and flow-state patterns.

1. The Flow Dimension Solutions

  1. Flow-RATE Acceleration : Maximise flow-rate through the bottleneck.
  2. Flow-TIME Reduction: Target the greatest end-to-end flow-time contributors.
  3. Flow-QUALITY Optimisation: Identify and resolve the core contributors to quality failures.
  4. Flow-COST Containment: Target the biggest end-to-end cost-contributors.
  5. Flow-STATE Enablement: Defrag your brain and deliberately engineer the optimal mental state.

2. The Ingenuity Dimension Solutions

A bright yellow light bulb emitting rays of light within a black circle background

Every challenging situation requires extraordinary ingenuity - because we don't know what we don't know. This is a non-trivial problem to solve!

2. The Ingenuity Dimension Solutions

  1. Provisionals: Generate a series of rough, provisional solutions.
  2. AGI: Generate and integrate alternatives to the current provisional solution.
  3. GPS: Establish the single Goal, Problem and Solution for all stakeholders in all time periods.
  4. Pattern Thinking: Instead of compromising or choosing between inadequate solutions, find the repeating pattern across them.
  5. RET: Reverse-Engineer solutions from the benefts sought to the solution features required.

3. The Change Dimension Solutions

Prodsol Change Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Having a perfect solution is of only academic value without the ability to make the change from the old way of doing things to the new way - conventional approaches leave a lot to be desired.

3. The Change Dimension Solutions

Create a Pull-System for Change:

  1. Engagement & Response Frameworks, to help people respond constructively & collaboratively.
  2. Staged Evolution: Advance in short, achievable stages to reduce friction and overwhelm.
  3. CommonStreaming: Capitalise on existing enthusiasm and passion by starting there.
  4. Restricted Access: Limit access to ideal candidates.
  5. Early Intervention: Identify the earliest indications that the new way will be required.

4. The Mastery Dimension Solutions

Prodsol Mastery Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Mastery is about becoming - individually and collectively - so good at challenging things that we can do them quickly and automatically.

4. The Mastery Dimension Solutions

The Mastery Definition: early diagnosis and intervention.

  1. Templates give novices structure and experts freedom to diagnose and intervene early.
  2. Decision-Trees corporatise complex diagnostic and decision-making capability.
  3. MODIFs: Multi-Option Diagnostic & Intervention Frameworks impart virtual mastery to novices and reduced overhead for experts.
  4. Deep Practice): Practice extremely slowly and repeatedly at the limit of capability first.

5. The Synergy Dimension Solutions

A yellow central hub with two yellow anti-clockwise arrows within a black disk.

Deliberately forging synergy from dysergy (lack of synergy) and antergy (anti-synergy) offers huge opportunities, because we are so inept at it.

5. The Synergy Dimension Solutions

  1. The Golden Assumption: Assume good intent - you'll be correct 99.999% of the time.
  2. Xplor: Use a multi-option+add-your-own framework to secure alignment.
  3. WWMMDT - 'wimditty': Ask What Would Make Me Do That to understand their perspective.
  4. Deliberate Trust & Respect:Provide a succession of trust-rewarding experiences.
  5. Deliberate Synergy: Use synergy inhibitors as synergy levers.

6. The Understanding Dimension Solutions

A pictogram of the human brain.

Hold as many true and as few false (dramatic improvement) beliefs as possible.

6. The Understanding Dimension Solutions

The Understanding Dimension enables us to troubleshoot all dimensions - including itself.

  1. The Alladin/RUB Method: Check and correct misalignment of our beliefs with reality.
  2. Understanding Audit: Classify beliefs to determine their validity.
  3. Understanding Upgrade: Use validation and invalidation testing to improve understanding.
  4. Disseminating Understanding: Exploratory discussions to check for common brain blips.

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