The Universal Human Condition Solution

Multi-Option-Add-Your-Own Diagnostic & Intervention Frameworks
The Universal Human Condition Solution
The universal human condition problem is unconscious incognizance - we're forced to live in ignorance of what we don't know we don't know. This is a signficant physiological problem, because it prevents us from seeing & recognising the significance of what's right in front of us.
The solution to this problem of unconscious incognizance is to generate, integrate & test alternatives to an evolving hypothesis, building a multi-option-or-add-your-own diagnostic & intervention framework, in the process. Hover here for a little more detail.
The Human Condition GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution) Strategy Pattern
know we
don't know
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The Human Condition Goal Pattern

Dramatic & ongoing improvement in performance, impact, satisfaction & fulfilment.
The Human Condition Goal Pattern
Performance, impact, satisfaction & fulfilment cover the various facets & fundamentals of human happiness.
It's a recursive repeating pattern, because our goal is to secure it for ourselves & others, close & far - and it's only if we can secure it for us all, that we can truly be happy & fulfilled, energised, confident & competent & respectful, honouring & appreciative of each other.
We seek dramatic & ongoing improvement - wrt an ever-unfolding vista of opportunity. It's not an absolute state that we can ever achieve, because the possibilities & challenges are endless.
The Human Condition Problem Pattern

Unconscious incognizance (we don't know what we don't know we don't know) compounded by detail & dynamic complexity.
The Human Condition Problem Pattern
Unconscious Incognizance
- We don't know what we don't know we don't know
- Much of what we don't know ain't so and
- Much of what we do know we don't realise can be applied to the situation we're currently facing.
Compounding Detail & Dynamic Complexity:
- Detail Complexity: Lots of parts.
- Dynamic Complexity: Moving parts with lots of interactions.
- Compounding Complexity: Every uninformed step tends to makes things worse.
The Human Condition Solution Pattern

Reverse-engineered, multi-option-add-your-own diagnostic & intervention frameworks, with alternative generation & integration
The Human Condition Solution Pattern
- Frameworks provide unconstrained structure.
- Reverse-Engineered Frameworks bridge the gap.
- Multi-Option-Add-Your-Own Frameworks reduce the need to invent from the ground-up.
- Building-Blocks extend the multi-option concept into multi-option sets.
- AGI forces us to think outside the square.
- Provisional Completion provides a starting place.
- Extending existing frameworks is the quickest way to build neural & collaborative network.
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The GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution)

Simple, powerful, universal strategy model.
The GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution)
- The Goal Pattern: The single situation-wide goal pattern,
- The Problem Pattern: The single situation-wide core/root problem pattern.
- The Solution Pattern: The single simple situation-wide breakthrough solution pattern.
There is a single, situation-wide GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution) Pattern for each & every challenging situation or thing. It can be found using Pattern Thinking or AGI, below.

A way of overcoming the fundamental Human Condition Problem of Unconscious Incognizance
A more comprehensive version of MODIF for overcoming the seemingly intractable human condition problem of unconscious incognizance:
- Reverse-Engineered (from the nirvana state)
- Multi-Option (for quick, reliable selection)
- Frameworks (to provide both control/predictability and freedom) with
- Alternative Generation and Integration (to ensure ongoing improvement).
Alternative Generation & Integration

A way of deliberately and systematically developing lateral, outside-the box breakthrough solutions.
Alternative Generation & Integration
Generate and integrate significant alternatives to a starting provisional solution.
The starting provisional solution defines and is defined by the box one is currently thinking in.
Generating alternatives to it forces one to come up with something outside that box: a solution that defines its own - different - box.
Integrating the solution ideas defines a new - bigger & more powerful & valid - box.
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Pattern Thinking

Generate genius-level insights and solutions, on demand.
Pattern Thinking
A simple technique for finding the repeating patterns that drive the behaviour of the systems that make challenging situations seem so intractable.
- List the elements of the situation - like issues & challenges - & opportunities and solutions.
- Look for common themes across the set
- Look for the single repeating pattern across the set of common themes.
The themes & pattern won't be immediately obvious but will, very quickly, leap into focus.
Pattern Extrapolation

Continue in the direction & pattern of the breakthrough to flush out additional gains
Pattern Extrapolation
Extend the essence of the new insight or breakthrough solution beyond your comfort level - looking for further implications & ramifications to capitalise on the Drîm momentum gained.
The Repeating Pattern Phenomenon implies that any discovery or advance will apply throughout the situation.
Extrapolation is delibertaely looking for other applications, so that they don't need to be discovered or invented independently.
Deep Thought & Practice

Deliberately and systematically accelerate capability by stimulating myelination - the wrapping of myelin around axons in the brain.
It peaks after 12-16 minutes and drops off after 40-60 minutes. It's triggered by deep, repetitive concentration at the limits of current capability.
Deep Thought & Practice
- Break the desired performance into its key steps or elements.
- Repeatedly and uninterruptedly learn then practice each of the elements independently
- Slowly at first and with
- Increasing speed and pressure
- Combine the various elements together.
Myelin reduces electrical signal degradation and increases the flow of current which strengthens thinking patterns and performance.
Staged Evolution

An agile-esque way of migrating to ideality in stages, over time - and establishing a market leadership position in the process.
Staged Evolution
- Define the current ideal outcome, product, service or state.
- Define the current state.
- Develop a very rough 3- or 4-stage migration from the current to the ideal state.
- Deliver the first stage - only introducing new ideas that reduce risk and accelerate this stage; add other new ideas to an Ideas List.
- Return to step 1, using the ideas list to enhance the ideal outcome.
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The Drîm Framework

This entire site is designed to help people overcome the unconscious incognizance problem.
The Drîm Framework
The Drîm Framework - developed, specifically, to overcome this problem, comprises:
- The Drîm Manifesto.
- The Drîm Dimensions.
- The Drîm Principles
- The Drîm Solution Library.
- The Drîm Mindset.
- The Drîm Templates
- The Drîm Method.
MCAYO Drîm Templates

Translating concept into tangible benefit.
MCAYO Drîm Templates
- Templates provide a thinking & communication structure, while increasing - freedom & flexibilty.
- Multi-choice templates are quicker & easier to use.
- The ability to add your own option enables ....
- Example populated-templates help people get a feel for the finished product ....
- Guidelines & simple self-tests ensure that we gain the most benefit with the least effort.
MCAYO templates enable us to apply any template, concept, model or framework directly, ....
The Flashcard Solution

A brain-friendly way to present ideas & information.
The Flashcard Solution
A brain-friendly way to discover & learn new concepts:
- The front of the flashcard (Title, Pictogram & Teaser) provides an overview.
- The back of the flashcard, provides detail.
- The tooltips provide a deeper layer of detail.
- Hovering (or pressing) on the flashcard provides detail.
- The navigation link (bottom right), links to comprehensive detail.
- The template link (bottom-left) links the template.
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Notes on the Human condition solution and GPS and how it applies to everything and how it can be used.

Publisher, Author & Publication-Type
Published by: Prodsol Limited, a limited liability company registered in and operating from Auckland, New Zealand.
Dates: 1998-2021.
Author: Gary Bartlett of Prodsol International Limited.
Publication-Type: Licensed Original Remix, based on repeating patterns in and across cognitive science and systems science. See [A]cknowledgements for details.
Licence: The exclusive right to publish in this form granted by Prodsol International Limited.

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More Info
More Info stuff: Goldratt's Theory of Constraints

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