Scan for Drîm Solution Patterns
3.2. Scan for Drîm Solution Patterns

It's way easier to find drîm levers if you have a picture of each of them in your mind.
3.2. Scan for Drîm Solution Patterns
This section provides access to the current libraries of solution patterns. Scan each library for solution patterns that could apply within your situation.
- Scan for Drîm Arena Solution matches.
- Scan for Drîm Dimension Solution matches.
- Scan for Drîm Situation Solution matches.
Expect to find it hard at first, because it requires on-the-fly adaptation to your situation - and, of course, there's the overwhelm-problem!
Reminder: Drîm Solutions

Drîm requires a significantly different way of thinking.
Reminder: Drîm Solutions
Drîm Solutions enable us to deal with dynamic complexity and multi-dimensionality. They:
- Are simple and (of necessity) counter-intuitive.
- Take advantage of (rather than fighting) the forces that constrain the situation or system.
- Repeat throughout the situation or system.
Be prepared:
- Stage 1: From no solutions, to too many solutions.
- Stage 2: The solution is too simple and obvious.
The Drîm Arena Solution Patterns

Drîm Solutions secure dramatic improvement in performance and fulfilment for all concerned.
The Drîm Arena Solution Patterns
These drîm arena solution patterns apply a combination of the drîm dimensions solution patterns.
- The Personal Drîm Solution Arena.
- Organisational Drîm Solution Arena.
- Community Drîm Solutions.
- National Drîm Solutions.
- Civilisation Drîm Solutions.
Each of these arenas has many sub-arenas - many of which are shared with other arenas and have their own sub-arenas.
The Drîm Dimension Solution Patterns

The six primary drîm facets of any situation or thing: cover whichever of these are relevant and drîm is assured.
The Drîm Dimension Solution Patterns
Flow: The speed and rate that stuff is produced.
Ingenuity: Simple counter-intuitive solutions.
Change: Transitioning from old to new.
Mastery: Knowledge, expertise & experience.
Synergy: 2 + 2 = 5: things and people.
Understanding: The alignment of perception with reality.
Common General Solution Patterns

Generic patterns that apply across all dimensions, arenas and domains.
Common General Solution Patterns
The Universal Patterns apply across all domains, dimensions and arenas. They include:
- The Goal|Problem|Solution Pattern
- The Reverse-Engineering Pattern.
- The Pull (instead of Push) Pattern.
- The Batch-Size Pattern
- The Indirect Pattern.
- The Alternative Generation and Integration Pattern
- The Horses-For-Courses Pattern.
The Primary Lever Solution Patterns

Familiarity with the most common forms of leverage makes it way easier to spot opportunities that you might otherwise miss.
The Primary Lever Solution Patterns
Indirect, rather than direct intervention:
- Cause>Effect: Addressing effects via causes.
- Wedges: Using, directing and magnifying existing weight and force and inertia.
- Whips: Converting between momentum and speed.
- Bottlenecks: Relieving end-to-end flow-constraints.
- Reinforcing Cycles: Converting Vicious Cycles into Virtuous ones.
- Conflict/Dilemma Resolution: Resolving conflict with breakthrough rather than compromise.
The Primary Domain Solution Patterns

Drîm domains are specific fields or areas of interest or specialisation - a subset of patterns.
The Primary Domain Solution Patterns
There are too many and varied drîm domains to do justice to here, so here are the most common and pertinent:
- The People Domain
- Domain Key: Cognitive Science.
- Domain Pattern: The Golden Assumption
- The Things Domain
- Domain Key: System Science
- Domain Pattern: Indirect Intervention