About Drîm World
site version notes | release roadmap | how this page works | how to use itDrîm World Contents

A high-level contents overview .
Drîm World Contents
- About Drîm World.
- The Drîm World Membership Levels.
- The Drîm World Portals.
- The Drîm World Pipeline.
- The Drîm World FAQ.
- Join Drîm World.
Drîm Agency

The ability to influence and shape reality
Drîm Agency
The primary impact - sought & guaranteed - of drîm is gancy: the ability to influence and shape reality.
Who is it for?

People & Organisations with Challenging Aspirations.
Who is it for?
Drîm Online Membership is for people seeking a bigger impact on their and our world - and who are prepared to do what it takes to secure it.
It's for Enthusiasts; Vocationalists; Professionals; Experts; Leaders and Practitioners.
It's for people who recognise that drîm requires a different - of necessity counter-intuitive - approach.
It's for people who want to join a community of like-minded, like-motivated and like-satisfied people.
Membership Levels

Membership Levels
- There are five membership levels - the first free: Monitor|Enthusiast|Professional|Leader|
Practitioner. - Each level gets it's own content, templates and online discussion forums, in addition to those of lower membership levels. Pricing increments accordingly.
- Paid Members qualify for discounts on online & in-person programmes & modules & online and in-person support services.
What You Get

Resources, learning, training, support and global drîm commuinity membership.
What You Get
Each membership level gets it's own, highly tailored:
- Content: solutions, frameworks & templates.
- Newsletter: updates, articles & stories.
- Training Discounts: dollar or percentage.
- Discussion Forums: peer & Prodsol support.
- Influence over Dev Priorities: site & content.
- Prodsol Commitment: to ongoing improvement.
- Drîm Community: learn, contribute, collaborate.
... & the same from all lower membership levels.
Content Categories

Framework & solutions
Content Categories
- Drîm Framework: The Drîm Manifesto; The Drîm Dimensions &; The Drîm Method.
- Common Drîm Solutions: To the universal human condition: Time; Planning; Creativity; Motivation.
- Departmental Drîm Solutions: Tailored to the specific challenges faced by different org. functions:
- Organisation-wide Drîm Solutions.
- Industry Drîm Solutions: Sector-wide solutions.
- Drîm Software Solutions: Ways of using, configuring, integrating & automating software.
Drîm World Content Publication Plan

The provisional release sequence & timing.
Drîm World Content Publication Plan
- Primary content is published weekly on Mon/Tues.
- Drîm Solutions in odd weeks & Framework in even.
- The draft sequence for the first six weeks of 2020 is:
- 3/4 Feb 20: Drîm Strategy 2020 1/2.
- 10/11 Feb 20: H2D 1/8 - Overview.
- 17/18 Feb 20: Drîm Strategy 2020 2/2.
- 24/25 Feb 20: H2D 2/8 - Flow.
- 2/3 Mar 20: Defrag your Brain 1/1. 9/10 Mar 20: H2D 3/8 - Ingenuity.
Drîm World Membership Pricing

NZD 50 | 95 | 135 | 170 per month less discounts.
Drîm World Membership Pricing
- Monthly pricing is NZD 50 | 95 | 135 | 170.
- Annual membership is 12 m for the price of 10.
- Lifetime membership is three times annual.
- Organisations qualify for volume-based discounts.
- If you truly can't afford it, apply for a scholarship.
- If you can afford to, sponsor people who can't.
- Pre-Launch discount is 25% + 25% First-10 discount.
- Pricing is geared for affordability at scale - please spread the word to keep pricing low.
Is it Worth it?

How does the value stack up?
Is it Worth it?
The Drîm Approach is worth adopting if you find dramatic improvement attractive & elusive. It's highy compatible with other approaches & is easy to integrate with your current expertise & approach.
Drîm World Membership is the best option if you want to take your impact & satisfaction to the next level, across the board. In fact, it's the best option if you're interested in lifting your game in more than one way.
It's priced for mass dissemination (even without the current discounts) & there are even Drîm Scholarships, if you can't afford it. We guarantee your satisfaction.

In-person training & guided exercises at this point. We'll update once people comment on the full experienced.
- "Best workshop in 25 years in the industry."
- "Very useful techniques that will be invaluable within my team."
- "Really good course. Made me think in a different way. Everybody should do it."
- "Very relevant. Eye-opening - not just for work, but for other areas of life."
- "Great course! 'Got so much out of it."
- "Truly inspirational. New angle on 'common sense'."
Prodsol Drîm World Support

How we provide free & paid support to the Drîm World Community.
Prodsol Drîm World Support
- Site Support
- L1 (Free): How to use the site & Drîm Framework.
- L2 (Free): Platform & Content Enhancements.
- L3 (Paid): Roadmap Timeframe Escalations.
- Drîm Support
- L1 (Free): Ad hoc Feedback & Advice on your Quest or Journey.
- L2 (Paid): Standard Assessment & Recommendation Services.
- L3 (Paid): Remote or Onsite Support Services.
Prodsol Drîm Pactitioner Support

First, second and third level support for drîm practitioners.
Prodsol Drîm Pactitioner Support
This service is for internal and external BI, trainer, coach, contractor and consultant practitioner site members.
- Level 1 Drîm Practioner Support: Free online support via the Drîm Practitioner Support Forum.
- Level 2 Drîm Practioner Support: Development work required - free and paid.
- Level 3 Drîm Practitioner Support: Prodsol serves as your delivery partner / expert team.
Is it For You?

Is there a good fit?
Is it For You?
Well: it depends.
If you want (a) to take things to the next level & (b) a framework & community to help you do so, then yes.
If (a) or (b) doesn't apply - or if neither apply - then no.
It all hinges on whether you're looking for even better outcomes & a different way of thinking or not.
If you like counter-intuitive simplicity, leverage & using instead of fighting resistance & obstacles, then Drîm World is almost certainly for you.
Become a Drîm World Member
25% Pre-Launch + 25% First 10 Discount.
Free Prodsol Drîm Membership Sign-Up

Free registration to stay in the loop.
Free Prodsol Drîm Membership Sign-Up
- Subscription to the Free Drîm World Newsletter.
- Membership of the Free Drîm World Online Discussion Forum - with others who are also exploring the drîm idea , opportunity & potential within their world.
Signup here to stay in the loop until you're ready to embark on your own guided drîm journey and/or contribute to the community & movement.
Note: Discounts on the paid plans are temporary.
Enthusiast Drîm World Sign-Up

General Drîm Concepts, Resources, Support & Community.
Enthusiast Drîm World Sign-Up
- What it is: Drîm enthusiast resources, community,
Propogation Support
We want to help you use, modify, show, publish and contribute dramatic improvement thinking and resources.
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