Here are some illustrations of the impact you can expect.
There are always solutions as impactful as these to be found, even - especially - when situations seem intractable, at the start.
We've enhanced the dramatic improvement framework significantly since some of these solutions were implemented - especially in the creating and sustaining change dimension.
So the impact you can expect is at least as significant as what we share below: no matter how intractable your situation may seem.
As you can see, the solutions are deceptively simple - and obvious in hindsight. Beware the trap of thinking that your situation is different!

Sales-ready leads with over 80% conversion-rate.
Global Distributor: Healthcare Equipment
Solution Overview
- Targeted dissemination of highly tailored self-diagnostics that enable ideal prospective clients (for whom the product offering is ideal) to diagnose their need reliably and map it into the distributor's product portfolio.
- Access to the prospective clients is direct marketing via special a interest groups that the most influential of them belong to.

Overweight business person needed a dramatic improvement solution for weight loss - he was prepared to do anything to lose weight.
Solution Overview
- Never say no to tasty or unhealthy food: merely delay gratification for as long as your motivation allows, and hydrate, exercise, attitune and eat healthy food in the interim.
- Realise that being hungry is not a life-threatening condition, but a highly attractive one (from a weight-loss point of view), because it means that any energy expended will burn fat reserves.

Dramatic increase in insurance sales across bank branches country-wide.
Bank: Life Insurance
Solution Overview
- A simplified, customer-centric understanding of the complex product.
- A tangible and memorable value proposition - supported by simple graphical illustrations.
- A simple selection and decision framework.
- A small collection of rapport- and trust-gaining techniques.

Dramatic increase in production throughput, on lower costs and dramatically reduced rebates and waste.
Manufacturer: Exotic Veneer Boards
Solution Overview
- Identified the press as the bottleneck.
- Ensured that the bottleneck was never starved (3 ready-to-go jobs, comprising veneer, substrate, glue and pressure|time specifications).
- Press switched on first thing and off last thing., to ensure that press utilisation is high.
- Split shifts - overlapping in the middle of the day, to ensure that the press is always working.

Many marriage relationships turned around - all over the world.
Marriage Reconciliation|Improvement
Solution Overview
- Recognise that relationship is the mutual satisfaction of respective and shared needs - and that neither party is clear on even what they really need, never mind what the other party really needs.
- Simple technique for surfacing respective and shared needs.
- Decision-framework for acting on the insight.

12 week projects completed in 8 weeks instead of 14 - company became very popular with both schools and trade-subcontractor - whose profits also soared.
Construction Company: School Blocks
Solution Overview
- Pool task-float on the project instead of the tasks.
- Agree with sub-contractors to reduce multitasking in exchange for guaranteed ability to start work on arrival.
- Rolling plan against a check-list of prerequisites (previous steps, equipment, resourcing, materials and information).

Backlog decimated within weeks. Dramatic improvement in Customer and Staff satisfaction.
Insurance Company: Standard Claims
Solution Overview
Simple asymmetrical decision-tree and accompanying scripting that asks 6 questions to determine whether we have a potentially valid claim or not.
New claims specialists can use the method reliably on their first week rather than in their 3rd month.
Backlog decimated within weeks. Dramatic improvement in Customer and Staff satisfaction.

This primary school soccer team was being beaten by 4 - 10 goals: mostly to nil.
The win-loss record averaged a 5 goal deficit at the end of the first round, when we introduced our solution and a 5 goal advantage in the second round.
U8 Soccer team
Solution Overview
- We taught and drilled the players (and their parents!) a simple technique (instead of merely kicking the ball as hard as possible):
- Pass square, and run straight (or through) and
- Pass straight (or through) and run square
- This enabled the team to carve up the opposition, and accelerated game sense development.

The project budget - shortly beforehand approved to grow from 12M to 19M and 11 months to 24 months - was reduced to 350K and 3 months.
Telecommunications: Billing Platform
Solution Overview
Instead of replicating a newly acquired subsidiary's front-end and back-end for the new billing middleware system, develop shims between the subsidiary's front-end and the middleware and between it and the subsidiary's back-end.
This was at least a decade before this was a known solution and long before the days of API's.

This company owned over 80% of the NZ market but was being losing out to inferior international competitors as it began expanding overseas.
Pathology Lab Software
Solution Overview
- Iterative, detailed working mockups of screens and reports before a single line of code is written.
- Pseudo coding and code prototyping.
- Pair design and development practices.
- Scheduled catch-ups between junior & senior devs.
- Agreed time allocation between support and new product development.

The class teacher was phlegmatic about this student who was pretty smart for her age, but disliked reading intensely and was in the bottom reading group.
Junior School Student: Reading Group
Solution Overview
- The problem was that the student's interests and maturity exceeded her reading ability.
- We had the parents read books on subjects and at levels that she was interested in - the student following along.
- Parents stopped frequently to allow her to read the next word (that she could read), increasing the complexity and number of words, over time.

12 internal and external projects had resulted in patient visit duration increasing and patient and clinician satisfaction decreasing.
Public Orthopaedic Clinic
Solution Overview
Patient flow-sequencing and -streamlining:
- Interleaving of appointment types at the clinical consultant step in the process.
- Patients are scheduled at the next available slot for their appointment type with their consultant.
- Patients' place in the clinic queue is retained no matter how long each process takes.

Misalignment and frustration on both sides was reaching concerning levels: both parties thought that the other was being unreasonable.
Parent-Teenager Relationship
Solution Overview
- Realise that the time to direct the teenager's life is long past.
- Instead of trying to get him to adopt a solution that has a greater chance of succeeding, dedicate yourself to helping him make his solution succeed, including identifying flaws and opportunities within his approach.
Instantaneous change in relationship.

Publisher, Author & Publication-Type
Published by: Prodsol Limited, a limited liability company registered in and operating from Auckland, New Zealand.
Dates: 1998-2021.
Author: Gary Bartlett of Prodsol International Limited.
Publication-Type: Licensed Original Remix, based on repeating patterns in and across cognitive science and systems science. See [A]cknowledgements for details.
Licence: The exclusive right to publish in this form granted by Prodsol International Limited.

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More Info stuff: Goldratt's Theory of Constraints

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