Prodsol Client Testimonials
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"The work done (and the speed at which it was done) really impressed us, particularly (Prodsol)'s ability to understand the issues.
Compliments like these are as scarce as the Moa in the health sector."
Ian Pipe
GM Radiology, South Auckland Health
This was a competitive situation with one of the "big-six" (at the time!) consulting firms. They had had two people working on a solution for over 7 months and Ian was not confident that they were going to deliver.
We chose to present recommendations within a week - to synchronise with the competing consulting firm's delivery date.
We found a way of nearly doubling clinic capacity.
The competing company took another 5 weeks and found a 4.5% gain.
"In addition to solving known performance problems, Prodsol identifies and resolves core issues that the organisation is not yet even aware of.
I recommend their services unreservedly and welcome the opportunity to confirm these comments in person."
Dave Slomp
MD Extra Mile Technologies
I did some work for and with Dave when he was in the telecommunications industry - and then again when he had started his own manufacturing software development company.
The solutions, in both cases, resulted in a the decimation of lead time (the telco one reduced the remaining project duration from 13 months to 3 months and $7M to $360K and the second from over a year to 5 weeks).
The latter resulted in another career change for Dave - one that he has negotiated very successfully.
"Prodsol’s methodology is highly effective.
I have seen it in action and it definitely works."
Martin Jones
GM Crusader Distributors
This company was in the gaming industry.
We interviewed a manager and a staff member as well as Martin - and were able to find a simple change in culture that resulted in a dramatic improvement in both financial performance and staff and volunteer satisfaction.
"Prodsol has tools and techniques for enabling proper understanding of business or personal challenges and then finding solutions to them, even when the problem seems almost impossible to solve or to solve in the time required or with the resources available."
Wayne Johnstone
Insurance Company Manager
Wayne and I worked with his team to improve distribution sales of his company's personal insurance product portfolio.
After a 5 week trial across 5 client bank branches (in which sales improved dramatically) the company's board decided to bring the project forward and roll the training we developed together out to the remaining 172 branches.
Similar gains were secured across the other branches - and were still evident a year later.
"Prodsol achieved more in two weeks than all the other firms put together."
Gary French
Orthopaedic Surgeon
We were able to reduce patient visit duration substantially and free up clinical consultant capacity by a similar amount.
One of the biggest achievements was to enable a far higher level of inter-disciplinary alignment within the clinic.
Gary's comment was against a back-drop of over a dozen internal and external consulting attempts in recent years
"I didn’t think it could be done!"
David Howell
Chief Executive: Metrowater
We devised a solution to the problem David's organisation was facing that resulted in him being on on the TV news every night of the week before we started, as the result of legislative changes that affected water bills.
David set us the challenge of finding the optimal pricing structure - that would create the least dissatisfaction across small and high-usage users.
We found a different way of looking at it that totally satisfied all customers and the matter dropped out of the news immediately.
Prodsol has helped me and my organisation achieve exceptional results - on more than one occasion and in different arenas.
The outcome has always exceeded my expectations.
I highly recommend Prodsol's services.
Mike Weiss
Insurance General Manager
As Mike says in his comment, we've done a few projects for him over the years:
- Claims decision speed, quality and capacity.
- New Business processing capacity, quality and lead-time.
- Corporate Product Strategy.
- Distribution Sales.
- Organisational optimisation.
There's a handful of intellectual giants around the world who are pioneering entirely new & successful approaches to our individual & collective challenges.
Gary Bartlett is one of those game-changers. Like many of them, he's a rare combination of modesty & ambition for our civilisation.
Peter Schibli
Management Consultant
Peter is a seasoned business and leadership consultant and strategist, working for and with global and national brand company leadership and executive teams.
He's run a few businesses and been at the forefront of different approaches to business improvement over the last 25 years, both receiving and delivering training in the best of them from and to corporates and smaller businesses.
Gary distills seemingly complex organisational and personal situations to the core problem and then develops extremely elegant and simple, yet ruthlessly powerful, solutions that elude most people.
Carlton Corbett
Airline Pilot
Carlton is an airline Captain - working out of Hong Kong on international routes.
He's been privy to some of the deeper dramatic improvement concepts from the early days and applied quite a few of the deeper solutions within his world.
I've worked on numerous client engagements with Gary and have been consistently amazed by the results he delivers as well as the significant impact his methodology has on the people involved.
Scott Jacobs
Scott started off as litigation lawyer, them moved into marketing and consulting.
He's been the unique position of account-managing multiple clients that Prodsol shared with top-notch (in many cases world class) consulting experts - so he had deep insight into both the client situations and their responses to the dramatic improvement concept.
Gary provides a unique blend of skills & experience combining the 'soft' & 'hard' elements of business.
His expertise in process optimisation & productivity solutions creates business efficiencies, financial benefits & positively impacts the employee experience.
Kate Billing
Kate is passionate about leadership & expert in helping leaders & leadership teams take things to the next level.
We've worked together on a number of client engagements.

Publisher, Author & Publication-Type
Published by: Prodsol Limited, a limited liability company registered in and operating from Auckland, New Zealand.
Dates: 1998-2021.
Author: Gary Bartlett of Prodsol International Limited.
Publication-Type: Licensed Original Remix, based on repeating patterns in and across cognitive science and systems science. See [A]cknowledgements for details.
Licence: The exclusive right to publish in this form granted by Prodsol International Limited.

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