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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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The Dramatic Improvement Dimensions


The Drim Dimensions

The Drim Dimensions Pictogram

The Drim Dimensions are perspectives - opportunity types - for securing dramatic improvement in any challenging situation or thing.

The Drim Dimensions

The dimensions are really the top level of a deeper taxonomy - and each dimension contains and applies to every toher dimension.

Feel free to adapt this set of Drim Dimensions to suit your world, toolset and way of thinking - this set is merely one way of looking at things.

We advise you to familiarise yourself and take advantage of this first - as there are many thousands of hours of research, thought and work behind their selection.


1. The Flow Dimension

Prodsol Flow Drim Dimension Pictogram

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system - and so benefits from the application counter-intuitive of dramatic improvement flow-improvement patterns. 

1. The Flow Dimension

  1. Flow-RATE Acceleration is increasing the volume produced by the situation or thing per time.
  2. Flow-TIME Reduction is reducing how long it takes to produce each outcome or thing.
  3. Flow-QUALITY Optimisation is improveing the value of what's produced.
  4. Flow-COST Containment is reducing how much investment is required.
  5. Flow-State Enablement is deliberately jumping into and remaining in a mental flow-state.

2. The Ingenuity Dimension

Prodsol Ingenuity Drim Dimension Pictogram

Ingenuity focuses on individual and collective genius - coming up with smarter, better, cheaper, more sustainable and predictable outcomes.

2. The Ingenuity Dimension

The problem with ingenuity is that it's extremely challenging - biologically - to come up with new outside-the-box solutions and insights.

Deliberately generating and integrating alternative ways of enhancing key dimensions of an evolving solution prototype enables us to escape this physiological constraint.

Applying patterns that resolve the common contradictions between physical properties accelerates things even further.


3. The Change Dimension

Prodsol Change Drim Dimension Pictogram

Having a perfect solution is of only academic value without the ability to make the change from the old way of doing things to the new way.

3. Change Dimension

The problem is that we are so familiar with the old way that we can follow it automatically, while the new way is unproven, untested and full of risks and kinks. 

The solution is to collaborate in creating simple frameworks for identifying and mitigating risks and ironing out kinks - and to give people the opportunity to become adept at the new way, over time, before abandoning the old way. 

The trick is to make the new way way more compellingly attractive, appealing and addictive than the old way, in the short-term – for all parties.


4. The Mastery Dimension

Prodsol Mastery Drim Dimension Pictogram

Mastery is about becoming - individually and collectively - so good at challenging things that we can do them quickly and automatically.

4. The Mastery Dimension

The problem with learning new things beyond our current capability is that we learn best from (many) mistakes - and opportunities are relatively uncommon, so it takes a long time to achieve it.

The solution is to deliberately identify the most common remaining success and failure modes - and their earliest symptoms - ahead of time - so that we can apply deep practice techniques to grow our capability, at increasing speed, in the face of growing complexity and under increasing pressure, over time,


5. The Synergy Dimension

Prodsol SynergyDrim Dimension Pictogram

Deliberately forging synergy from dysergy (lack of synergy) and antergy (anti-synergy) offers huge oportunities, because we are so inept at it.

5. The Synergy Dimension

he problem with creating synergy is that our brains are wired to see conflicts, differences and incompatibilities far more easily than similarities, combinations and compatibilities.

The solution is familiarity with the most common forms of synergy - elusive concepts to the uninformed brain - and how they can be fashioned from the most common forms of dysergy (lack of synergy) and antergy (anti-senergy).

This enables us to deliberately identify and capitalise on synergy opportunities.


6. The Meaning Dimension

Prodsol Meaning Drim Dimension Pictogram

Meaning is a what motivates us - our motivations and beliefs and how they inhibit and drive individual and collective performance and fulfilment.

6. The Meaning Dimension

Meaning and purpose - immediate and ultimate  - drives all human activity and provides huge untapped opportunity for dramatic improvement.

The challenge with keying into meaning is that it is elusive and not as well-defined, logically grounded, accessible or easy to articulate as we may like to think.

The secret is to recognise that it's fundamentally about our perceived significance within the world we choose to live in - and our value system (what we think is important) and the mental model we have of how things work.

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