Deliberate & Orchestrated Genius
Ingenuity focuses on individual and collective genius - coming up with smarter, better, cheaper, more sustainable and predictable outcomes.
Deliberate & Orchestrated Genius
The problem with ingenuity is that it's extremely challenging - biologically - to come up with new outside-the-box solutions and insights.
Deliberately generating and integrating alternative ways of enhancing key dimensions of an evolving solution prototype enables us to escape this physiological constraint.
Applying patterns that resolve the common contradictions between physical properties accelerates things even further.
The Top Five Ingenuity Levers
Using these levers - independently or in concert - guarantees next-level outside-the-box genuius insights and solutions in a fraction of the normal time.
The Top Five Ingenuity Levers
- Provisionals: Tangible artefacts are way easier to improve than intangible ones.
- AGI: Integrating alternatives is way more effective than ranking and selecting them.
- Pattern Thinking: Finding and using the underlying patterns is the secret of genius.
- GPS: Distinguishing between goal, problem and solution unlocks and stimulates focused genius.
- AWAPITA: Working to deadline, without pressure shifts the focus from perfection to progress.
The Top Five Ingenuity Lever Solutions
Using these levers - independently or in concert - guarantees next-level outside-the-box genuius insights and solutions in a fraction of the normal time.
The Top Five Ingenuity Lever Solutions
- Provisionals: Force out a provisional solution, no matter how inadequate and enhance it iteratively.
- AGI: Generate and Integrate alternatives to a starting provisional solution or design.
- Pattern Thinking: Generate lots of ideas. Find common themes. Find the repeating pattern.
- GPS: Clarify the Goal, then the Problem and only then the Solution to maximise impact & efficiency.
- AWAPITA: Focus on completing As Well As Possible In the Time Available, rather than ASAP.
A subset of the many drîm ingenuity techniques that can be used independently or in concert
Provisionals Technique
Use the power of provisional solutions to overcome the Peter Principle and Perfectionism.
Provisionals Technique
Provisionals Technique is deliberately adopting very rough - and consequently inadequate - solutions ahead of any thought or research.
The power of provisionals lies in their creation of a tangible working solution - that is a lot easier to enhance than an ethereal solution that doesn't yet exist.
Provisionals can take the form of a few descriptive words or a rough diagram or barely-working prototype: anything to trigger of the enhancement phase of the innovation cycle.
Alternative Generation & Integration
A way of deliberately and systematically developing lateral, outside-the box solutions.
Alternative Generation & Integration
Generate and integrate significant alternatives to a starting provisional solution.
The starting provisional solution defines and is defined by the box one is currently thinking in.
Generating alternatives to it forces one to come up with something outside that box: a solution that defines its own - different - box. Integrating the solution ideas defines a new - more powerful and valid - box.
Pattern Thinking
Generate genius-level insights and solutions, on demand.
Pattern Thinking
Pattern Thinking is a simple technique for finding the otherwise invisible repeating patterns that drive and constrain the behaviour and performance of complex adaptive systems that make challenging situations seem so intractable.
The basic idea is to list the elements of the situation - like issues and challenges, opportunities and solutions and then, instead of comparing them for and raking them on difference, look for similarities and repeating patterns - they won’t be immediately obvious but very quickly leap into focus.
GPS Pattern
Goal|Problem|Solution Pattern
Simple, powerful, universal strategy model.
GPS Pattern
Goal|Problem|Solution Pattern
- The single goal all stakeholders share, immediately and into the future,
- The single core problem they all face, immediately and into the future - from which all other issues and symptoms arise and then
- develop a single, simple breakthrough solution that solves the single core problem and secures the single goal for all parties in all timeframes.
As Well As Possible In The Time
A powerful and effective alternative to ASAP.
As Well As Possible In The Time
Completing something AWAPITA rather than ASAP switches the focus from perfection-as-long-as-it-takes to getting-it-done-in-a-timely-way-even-if-it's-not-perfect). It enables us to overcome perfectionism, procrastination and multitasking and accelerate innovation and productivity.
It combines well with Provisionals, AGI and fast-cycle, multi-pass innovation.
(Reverse-Engineering Technique
Use the power of reverse-engineering to streamline and guarantee outcomes.
(Reverse-Engineering Technique
Reverse-Engineering (working backwards from instead of forwards to) the ultimate state sought) offers a number unique of advantages.
- It enables us to ensure that we haven't missed any essential elements out.
- It enables to exclude the superfluous.
- It enables us to figure out demanding and complex challenges.
We don't need to abandon Forward Engineering - merely supplement it with RET.
Innovation Hothouse
A way of deliberately and systematically catalysing, accelerating and synergising individual and collective ingenuity and innovation.
Innovation Hothouse
Run a succession of 90-second idea generation and recognition sessions to generate increasingly outside the box ideas and integrate and evolve them into simple counter-intuitive dramatic improvement breakthrough solution.
Innovation Hothouse has a number of advantages over conventional Brainstorming techniques, because it allows people to generate ideas in parallel and enables everyone's (not just the dominate personalities') ideas to be captured and built upon, collaborate lively.
- Target things more accurately or tightly.
- Enhance: Make things better.
- Accelerate: Make things faster.
- Streamline: Make things quicker, cheaper or easier.
- Energise: Make things more appealing to people.
TEASE is one of many Improvement Mode Frameworks that identify the improvement dimensions to consider.
Knowing what dimensions of a challenging situation or thing we can improve, enables us to both identify and focus on those dimensions more easily and precisely.
- Chose which dimensions will have the biggest impact - independently and in concert.
- Focus the Ingenuity Solutions at each dimension to generate ways of improving it.
- Find a combination that works.