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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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Feature Public Free Basic Standard Premium
Alternative Names Public Cursory|Casual|Basic| Standard|Curiosity|Essential|Standard|Concept Advanced|Plus|Application|Serious Expert|Elite|Serious|Extreme
Interest Level1 Not interested Interested Intrigued Passionate Obsessed
Interest Level 2 Not interested Curious Interested Intrigued Passionate
Interest Level 3 Not interested Mildly/Casually Interested Interested Very Interested Extremely Interested
Commitment Level Not committed Slightly committed Committed Very committed Extremely Committed
Expertise Sought None Awareness Cognizance Competence Mastery
Current Level Master Expert Competent Experienced Novice
Leverage sought Negligible Minimal Significant Huge Maximum
Advantage sought None A little Significant Massive Maximum
Speed and Ease NA None Significant Serious Maximum
Affordability !00% 100% Even more affordable More affordable Very Affordable
Content Description: 1 per page (5 pages) Essence: 1-3 per page (10 pages) Summary: 3-5 per page (20 pages) Detail: 7-5 per page (30 pages) Detail: 7-5 per page (40 pages)
Features   Single General Forum +DF Forum + Personal +Employee +Manager + Executive
Discounts     $5 $10 $15
Influence/Voting Privileges   1 3 6 9
Self-Diagnostic Check to see if it interests me

I need to be aware of this, in case i need to get dramatically better results at some point OR
I just want the basic idea - I can take it from there OR
I need to decide if this is for me, before I invest time, money or effort in it
My library of solutions and methods is adequate for my current needs and aspirations

I want to give drim a go - but can't afford more than the basic price AND/OR
I only need the basic personal solutions AND/OR


Key Notes

  1. Introductory section, at the top, explaining
    1. Pricing Rationale
      1. General Principles
        1. Priced and discounted for affordability
        2. Value at every price point.
        3. Trickle-down content
        4. Trickle-down features
        5. Services on top - with a discount.
        6. Webinars and Seminars etc > Content trickle-down
      2. Early Adopter Principles
        1. These plans will be repalced,once detailed plans have been created, with way more expensive plans.  Clickhere for details.
        2. You get access to a far broader set of content than future users will be abelt o get for anywhere near this price.
        3. There will be opportunity to extend the pricing beyond the time limited.
    2. Simple version
      1. Very clear from the top (summarised, with a link for detail) that the basic idea is
        1. Discounted for affordability
        2. Targeting a slightly different profile (personal|employee|manager - this may need to come later? OR example fo how things will develop)
        3. AND/OR
        4. More solutions
        5. More detail
      2. What you get at the start is easily worth it - as content gets added this wil be come ridiculously so

Other Notes

Alternative: Discounting for affordability.

Influencers Club.

Supporter's Club.

Practitioners Area.

Coaching sessions/Coaching series (online and in-person|individual and group).

Webinar / Webinar Series.

Seminar/Seminar Series.


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