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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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Personal Flow

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How to Improve Personal Flow Dramatically

The Flow Drim Dimension Pictogram

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system. This section covers counter-intuitive ways of deliberately and systematically improving personal flow.

How to Improve Personal Flow Dramatically

The problem with flow is that we all think we understand it and how to improve it - but there''s a lot more to it than we realise.

The primary dimensions of flow are: flow-rate, flow-time, flow-quality, flow-cost and mental flow-state. They''re closely related, which doesn't make it any easier to work out how to!

Even the simple insight that end-to-end flow-rate is determined by a single bottleneck - which is obvious to everyone - is seldom capitalised on (people seldom know, agree, prioritise or focus on the bottleneck).


Context (If you're new to Drim)

The Drim symbol (a growing arrow from the bottom-left to beyond the top right of a square) inside square brackets.

A quick overview of the dramatic improvement concept and framework.

Context (If you're new to Drim)

  1. Dramatic improvement (Drim) is the discipline of deliberately and systematically improving challenging situations dramatically.
  2. Drim is always feasible - the more challenging the situation, the greater the improvement potential.
  3. The secret is to use common repeating drim patterns to find the drim solutions hidden within challenging situations.
  4. This section provides some of those drim solution patterns in some of the most common arenas.

Page Guidelines

A vertical multiple choice tree: Drim icon on the left options to the right

How to get the most from this page.

Page Guidelines

Some notes on how to get the most from this page, depedning on what your objective is:

  1. Consider installing Diigo or some other browser note-taking app.
  2. Situation Response: To drim a specific situation.
  3. Drim Project: To drim something over time.
  4. Explore Drim: To see if it is for you.
  5. Learn Drim: To use it in your everyday life.

Personal Drim Templates

Simple Mutli-Option Templates to create a personal drim framework.

Personal Drim Templates

Simple Multi-Option Templates enable us to create a robust, but highly-tailorable framework for dramatic improvement.

They make it easy to distil and summarise our evolving insights.

They're quick & easy to complete, refine & update.

They make picking up where we left off easy, painless and energising.

They keep us focused, while stimulating alternative generation and integration.


Personal Programme Example

A basic personal drim programme template.

Personal Programme Example

What we need is a simple frameowrk

  1. Ultimate State Exercise.
  2. Current State Assessment.
  3. Identify target dimensions and arenas.
  4. Foundations > Change > Relationships > Flow > Ingenuity > Mastery > Synergy Understanding.

The Five Flow Leverage Patterns

Prodsol Flow Drim Dimension Pictogram

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system - and so benefits from the application counter-intuitive dramatic improvement flow-improvement patterns.

The Five Flow Leverage Patterns

  1. Flow-RATE Acceleration is increasing the volume produced by the situation or thing per time.
  2. Flow-TIME Reduction is reducing how long it takes to produce each outcome or thing.
  3. Flow-QUALITY Optimisation is improving the value of what's produced.
  4. Flow-COST Containment is reducing how much investment is required.
  5. Mental Flow-STATE Enablement is deliberately jumping into and remaining in a mental flow-state.


Defrag Image:

Free up time and energy lost (easily a day a week) in seemingly unavoidable multitasking.

Gain not only time and throughput, but also increased customer satisfaction and accelerated capability and collaboration, in the process.


Here is a starting set of simple techniques for reducing the seemingly unavoidable costs multitasking:

  1. Task Completion.
  2. Task Batching.
  3. FocusTimes.
  4. Interruption Windows.
  5. Scheduled Catch-Ups.
  6. Interruption Processing Slot.
  7. Cognitive Momentum Caching.

Provisionals Technique

Provisionals Technique Image:

Use the power of provisional solutions to overcome the Peter Principle and Perfectionism.

Provisionals Technique

Provisionals Technique is deliberately adopting very rough - and consequently inadequate - solutions ahead of any thought or research.

The power of provisionals lies in their creation of a tangible working solution - that is a lot easier to enhance than an ethereal solution that doesn't yet exist.

Provisionals can take the form of a few descriptive words or a rough diagram or barely-working prototype: anything to trigger of the enhancement phase of the innovation cycle.


RET (Reverse-Engineering Technique)

RET (Reverse-Engineering Technique) Image:

Use the power of reverse-engineering to streamline and guarantee outcomes.

RET (Reverse-Engineering Technique)

Reverse-Engineering (working backwards from instead of forwards to) the ultimate state sought) offers a number unique of advantages.

  1. It enables us to ensure that we haven't missed any essential elements out.
  2. It enables to exclude the superfluous.
  3. It enables us to figure out demanding and complex challenges.

We don't need to abandon Forward Engineering - merely supplement it with RET.


TAP (Time Allocation Planning)

TAP (Time Allocation Planning) Image:

Allocate your time and energy in proportions that make the most sense and deliver the best end-to-end benefit.

TAP (Time Allocation Planning)

We tend to allocate our time, focus and energy to what we can make the most difference to, rather than what will make the most end-to-end difference.

  1. List the activities that currently take up your week.
  2. Estimate how much of your time each takes up.
  3. Add important activities that aren't even on the list.
  4. Determine the ideal time and energy allocation.
  5. Calculate the difference between them.
  6. Use Deliberate Genius to develop strategies for migrating from current to ideal allocation.

Drim Personal Health

Heart silhouette with a heart monitor graph to the left of a brain with a EEG monitor graph

How to optimise your physical and mental health flow-system.

Drim Personal Health

Physical Health

  1. Get Healthy:
  2. Keep Healthy:
  3. Speeding-up Recovery:

Emotional Health

  1. Getting Healthy:
  2. Keeping Healthy:
  3. Speeding-up Recovery:

Drim Personal Wealth


Drim Personal Wealth



Drim Career


images/content/prodsol-drim-framework-pictogram.png images/content/prodsol-drim-pictogram.png

Drim Career



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This content is not available for your subscription-level.  Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access. 

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