How to improve Any Challenging Situation dramatically
Every single situation - no matter how intractable it may seem - can be improved dramatically.
The key is to realise that apparent intractability is a consequence of dynamic complexity - which guarantees dramatic improvement opportunity.
How to improve Any Challenging Situation dramatically
Every situation can be improved dramatically.
Solution Examples
- Flow Optimisation.
- Deliberate Genius.
- Deliberate Evolution.
- Deliberate Synergy.
- Deliberate Mastery.
- Pull-System for Change.
The Impact Potential
The Dramatic Improvement Opportunity
The opportunity for improvement in challenging situations is significantly higher than in unchallenging situations, because we can use the very interactions that make challenging situations challenging to transform them dramatically.
There's a trick to using the system to transform itself, but the resulting solution requires significantly less time, cost and effort - because the energy within the situation does all the work.
The Dramatic Improvement Opportunity
- Flow-rates in physcial systems can be improved by 25% to 50%.
- Flow-rates in cognitive systems and be improved almost infinitely - and easily by 100's of percent.
- Apparently conflicting interests can always be resolved without compromise.
- There is no meaningful limit to human capability and performance improvement.
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