Prodsol was established in 1998 and used a combination of TOC (Theory of Constraints), TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), Systems Thinking and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) to improve organsational performance.
Pattern Thinking
In 2000 we made our first breakthrough discovery - Pattern Thinking. Pattern Thinking ( combines fundamental elements of TOC, TRIZ, Systems Thinking and Cognitive Neuroscience into a single simple technique for deliberately and systematically gaining deep, pattern-level insights into complex and challenging situations and systems.
Solution Library
Over the next few years, client engagements led us to develop a library of common industry, sector and functional area productivity patterns, insights and solutions.
By 2007 it was becoming difficult to find new challenges that we hadn't come across before - indicating that we'd identified the most common challenges organisations face. The only way to improve our practice was to look for even deeper root cause problems and even more simple and powerful solutions to them.
The Human Condition Problem|Solution
In 2009 we realised that there is a single, universal - seemingly impossible-to-solve - human condition problem underlying all of the challenges people and organisations face: unconscious incognisance.
Unconscious incognizance is the seemingly inescapable biological reality that we don't know what we don't know and are consequently trapped within our current thinking and capability, only advancing in a slow evolutionary way.
We found a way of overcoming unconscious incognizance by enhancing and accelerating the evolutionary process (Deliberate Ingenuity) and creating a pull-system for change. By 2011 Deliberate Ingenuity had evolved into Deliberate Mastery - a simple technique for deliberately and systematically accelerating individual and collective capability.
Deliberate Mastery led to TEASE, a simple diagnostic and intervention tool for targeting, enhancing, accelerating, streamlining and energising impact and capability.
TEASE enables us to diagnose and intervene faster and more effectively and, as a result, get even better results even sooner, growing capability even faster in the process.
We're currently building an online application version of TEASE, called Mystro.
Impact Revolution
In 2012 we designed the Impact Revolution, a simple framework for creating a worldwide ingenuity and mastery movement starting within organisations and communities.
Impact Revolution comprises an ongoing series of intriguing, inspiring and transforming fortnightly gatherings that establish a self-perpetuating and self-reinforcing pull-system for the dissemination of dramatic improvement insights, solutions and capability.
It's an organisational/societal transformation delivery system for all of the solutions we and others have gathered and developed so far and will develop into the future. Click here to join the movement - or start one in your organisation or community.
Universal Intervention Taxonomy
Our latest discovery/development is a universal taxonomy/ontology for intervening in challenging situations. It comprises a comprehensive set of intervention domains for individual and collective improvement, which link to a many-to-many diagnostic and intervention framework.
This has resulted in a Universal Management Intervention Template that organisations can use to shape individual and collective intervention and accelerate capability development, codification and dissemination.
We have designed and have begun developing an online application that will enable people and organisations to diagnose situations, devise solutions and design and manage interventions, collaboratively.