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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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The Drim Solution Arena Patterns

Drim Solution Arena Patterns

A growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top-right beyound the square, with the primary arena icons surrounding the head of the arrow.

Drim Solutions secure dramatic improvement in performance and fulfilment for all concerned.

Drim Solution Arena Patterns

Drim Solutions are simple and (of necessity) counter-intuitive and invariably take advantage of (rather than fighting) the situational forces that constrain the improvement we're seeking.

The primary drim solution arenas are:

  1. The Personal Drim Solution Arena.
  2. Organisational Drim Solution Arena.
  3. Community Drim Solutions.
  4. National Drim Solutions.
  5. Civilisation Drim Solutions.

Personal Drim Solutions

Prodsol Personal Pictogram Link

Dramatic improvement solutions for oneself and interaction with others.

Personal Drim Solutions

  1. General [Impact Revolution]
  2. Arenas [Myself|Family|Friends|School|Work|Sport| Community|Leisure]
  3. Domains [Health|Happiness|Relationships|Wealth| LifeStyle|Productivity|Ingenuity]
  4. Dimensions [Flow|Ingenuity|Change|Mastery| Synergy|Meaning]

Organisational Drim Solutions

Prodsol Organisational Drim Pictogram Link

Dramatic improvement solutions for organisations.

Organisational Drim Solutions

  1. General [Culture|Productivity|Processes|Projects| Meetings|Collaboration| Strategy]
  2. Departments [Marketing|Sales|Distribution| Operations|Production|Projects|R&D and PD|Finance|Management]
  3. Dimensions [Flow|Ingenuity|Change|Mastery| Synergy|Meaning]
  4. Sectors [Farming & Mining|Manufacturing| Services|Intellectual|Government]

Community Drim Solutions

Silhouette of people on a black disc

Dramatic improvement solutions for physical and virtual groups of people and their environments.

Community Drim Solutions

Advances in technology and communication have brought us virtual communities - often at the cost of the local communities.  There's a lot we can do - individually and collectively - to both enrich virtual communities and strengthen local communities.

  1. Dramatic improvement in Community Wealth.
  2. Dramatic improvement in Community Health.
  3. Dramatic improvement in Community Safety.
  4. Dramatic improvement in Community Lifestyle and Culture.

National Drim Solutions

Silhouette of a crowd of people and a flag on a black disc

Dramatic improvement solution for regions and nations.

National Drim Solutions

The opportunity for improvement at larger scale is even more dramatic than at smaller scale - and local and central government are even less productive, efficient and rewarding than organisations are.

  1. Internal Solutions: Policies and frameworks for improving the individual and collective lot of internal stakeholders, populations, sectors and interest groups.
  2. External Solutions: Policies and frameworks for dramatically improving interactions with other regions and nations.

Civilisation Drim Solutions

Bottom half of an atlas (globe) with people silhouettes completing the top-half, on a black disc

Dramatic improvement solutions for our civilisation and our planet.

Civilisation Drim Solutions

  1. Domains [Education|Poverty|Healthcare|War| Democracy|Crime|Fundamentalism|Capitalism| Existential Threats|Globalisation]
  2. Arenas [Industry|Science|Government|Healthcare| Technology|Sport|Politics|Community]
  3. Dimensions [Flow|Ingenuity|Change|Mastery| Synergy|Meaning]
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