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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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The Drim Method

The Prodsol Drim Framework

The Drim (Dramatic Improvement) Method lays out a simple way to get the most benefit from the Drim Framework with the least effort.

The Drim Method

  1. Keep an eye out for the Drim Triggers and move down the list until they disappear.
  2. Look for a Drim Story Match.
  3. Look for a Drim Arena Match.
  4. Look for a Drim Domain Match.
  5. Look for a Drim Dimension Pattern Match.
  6. Develop a (set of) Custom Drim Solution Patterns.

At each point, ask if the solution you've found is good enough, for now.  If so, run with it.  If not, move on to the next  step in the method


Redo - explaining, not (only?) which version to use, but how to apply it to your situation (as per the Drim Method: Story | Domain | Arena | Dimension Pattern | Custom Dimensions Patterns)

1.  Look for a Story Match

The Prodsol version has the benfit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

1.  Look for a Story Match

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specirfic situation.

2.  Look for an Arena Match

The Prodsol version has the benfit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

2.  Look for an Arena Match

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specirfic situation.

3.  Look for a Domain Match

The Prodsol version has the benfit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

3.  Look for a Domain Match

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specirfic situation.

5.  Look for a Dimension Solution Match

The Prodsol version has the benefit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

5.  Look for a Dimension Solution Match

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specirfic situation.

6.  Use the Prodsol Version First

The Prodsol version has the benfit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

6.  Apply the Prodsol Version First

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specific situation.

7.  Fashion your Own Version Next

Once you have you've got your head around the dimensions within the latest Prodsol Drim Framework, you will be well-placed to adapt the Prodsol version for your own use:

The primary objective is usefulness and ease-of-use, so get hung up on the (ever-evolving) Prodsol way, if the way things are presented or articulated don't work for you: the breakthrough is having a framework that enables one to address the various dimensions independently and in concert.

7.  Fashion your Own Version Next

Here are some steps you could follow:

  1. Reword the Prodsol version to suit your language, way of thinking, organisation, situation.
  2. Add, subtract and replace dimensions as makes sense to you.
  3. Relocate, add and enhance the specific solutions on this site in a way that makes sense to you. 
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