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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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Is Drim for you?


The Drim Framework is for you if:

  1. Your aspirations exceed what you're currently confident of securing.
  2. The idea of using a framework to focus your energy and creativity appeals to you.
  3. You can cope with adapting concepts to your reality - not everyone can!
  4. You grasp and embrace the idea of continuous effort and focus over an extended period of time.


The gains that you will get from using a Dramatic improvement Framework include:

  1. A deliberate and systematic way of securing dramatic improvement.
  2. A way of integrating new insights into your existing practice. 
  3. Growing confidence that you're meeting all of the prerequisites for dramatic improvement.


The Drim Framework is not for you if:

  1. You'd like better results, but are looking for a single simple thing you can set and forget.
  2. You feel that your creativity is stifled by having a framework.
  3. You don't enjoy concepts and having to work out how to apply them.
  4. You prefer inventing your own solutions, than adapting and adopting other people's solutions.


It might be better for you to:

  1. Scan the specific solutions on this site - in the hope that you'll find the odd nugget that you're looking for.
  2. Consider the possibility that - in spite of thinking that you operate best as a free thinker - you actually do use a framework or solution set: it's just not clearly articulated.
  3. Work through the ideas in the framework as a way of adding new things to your library.
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