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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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Prodsol Forum Rules

  1. No Spam.  All automated messages, advertisements, and innapropriate links to competitor websites will be deleted immediately.
  2. No Adult content. No profanity or pornography is allowed. Posts containing adult material will be deleted.
  3. No illegal content. No re-posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is allowed. Any posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials will be deleted.
  4. No Harassment. No threats or harassment of other users will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or harassing behavior is grounds for deletion from the forums.
  5. Respect other users. No flaming or abusing fellow forum members. Users who continue to post inflammatory, abusive comments will be deleted from the forum after two warnings are issued by moderators.
  6. Be discrete with privileged information.  Please keep other subscriber personal and situational information confidential.  If you're not sure if they would like you to share anything about them, don;t without their permission.
  7. Use discretion when posting Prodsol subscription content.  It's OK to refer to and give the gist of subscriber content when posting to Prodsol forums where non-subscribers can view it.  Just don't do so to enable subscribers to have access to the content without subscribing.
  8. Please post in relevant sub-forums only. Messages posted in the wrong topic area will be removed and placed in the correct sub-forum by moderators.

Prodsol Forum Etiquette

  1. Don't be a know-it-all.  Make sure you understand the other user's position, oponion or question, before leaping in to save the day.
  2. Focus on helping, not correecting.
  3. Avoid the Fundamenal Attribution Error (assuming bad motives in others but extenuating circumstances in yours).
    1. Explore first before "putting people right".
    2. Look at your behaviour from other people's point of view, before defending it too rigorously.
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