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How to Enrich and Achieve Meaning


How to Enrich and Achieve Meaning

The Meaning-Drim Dimension Pictogram

Meaning is a what motivates us - our motivations and beliefs and how they inhibit and drive individual and collective performance and fulfilment.

How to Enrich and Achieve Meaning

Meaning and purpose - immediate and ultimate  - drives all human activity and provides huge untapped opportunity for dramatic improvement.

The challenge with keying into meaning is that it is elusive and not as well-defined, logically grounded, accessible or easy to articulate as we may like to think.

The secret is to recognise that it's fundamentally about our perceived significance within the world we choose to live in - and our value system (what we think is important) and the mental model we have of how things work.


The Motivation Model

Prodsol Motivation Model Pictogram

We know that motivation is crucial to behaviour, but struggle to become - and stay - motivated and struggle to motivate others and keep them motivated.

The Motivation Model

We know that motivation is crucial to behaviour, but struggle to become - and stay - motivated and struggle to motivate others and keep them motivated.

The key to motivation is to realise that it's the link between our perception of meaning and our behaviour - and that different things are meaningful in different situational contexts (Think: Maslow).

The secret to sustainable motivation is to determine and connect with what is most meaningful - to ourselves and others - within the context.  And then keep reminding ourselves of the connection.


The Worldview | Beliefs Model

Prodsol Worldview-Beliefs Model Pictogram

Our world is the product of our beliefs about meaning.

The Worldview | Beliefs Model

Our worldview is the product of our beliefs, which, in turn are created by contemplation on experiences and influences in our lives.

Worldview is belief-based, not reality-based.  Our beliefs are the our society- and environment-assisted interpretation of past, current and future reality.

The point here is that our worldview is on fairly shaky ground, because beliefs are valuable and reliable only as temporary proxies - avatars - for reality.



Meaning:Worldview Alignment

Meaning Worldview Alignment Pictogram

Our worldview is the set of beliefs we hold about what is meaningful.  Our ability to secure dramatic and sustainable improvement is dependent on the accuracy of our worldview so it's crucial that we work out what our worldview is : how closely our beliefs about reality coincide with that reality - and what we do to improve that alignment. 

Meaning:Worldview Alignment

Meaning is elusive, because it's intangible and varies - between people, over time and situationally.  There're many dimensions to meaning, so it's often quite difficult to articulate accurately and effectively.

The matter is further clouded by the worldview problem.  Worldview is our perception of meaning - our beliefs about what will satisfy and fulfil us - distorted by Cognitive Biases and Logical Fallacies.

The trick is to deliberately test our worldview:
Past: Does it adequately explain past reality?
Future: Does it adequately predict future reality?


The Worldview Model

Prodsol Worldview Model Pictogram

Our worldview is the combination of our values and the model we use for advancing them - adding value.

The Worldview Model

It's really worth working what our view is - and what the worldviews of others are, to (a) be able to key into and key things to our own worldview and (b) to be able to key into and the key things to their worldview.

It's worth working out what your ideal and actual worldviews are.  Your ideal worldview is the relative importance you put on each value.  Your actual worldview is reflected in the attention, time and effort you've invested in each one over the last 30 days. 

You might be surprised at the difference between the two!  So don't be surprised if others are the same!


How to Key Into Meaning

Prodsol Key Into Meaning Pictogram

Connecting the dots between meaning and the desired behaviours, produces motivation: the rocket fuel for dramatic improvement.

How to Key Into Meaning

Once we've determined what our worldview is and are actively improving its alignment with reality, we can key activities - both ours and others - to it.

It will seem as if the activities - especially the more mundane ones - are totally unrelated, at first.  But it only takes a little effort and practice before things start connecting up in all of our brains.

At that point, things start becoming more fulfilling and effortless and a virtual cycle is quickly established.  The cycle can be maintained if we remain vigilant - re-establishing the connection every time it gets lost. 


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How to Create a Pull System for Change

How to Create a Pull-System For Change

Magnet attracting smiling faces

Replace the normal coercive push-system for change that people can't help but resist with a vengeance to a compellingly attractive pull-system for change that they embrace with a passsion.

How to Create a Pull-System For Change

We resist change only because of perceived or valid concerns: address them and we embrace the change.

  1. Restrict access to the programme to people with the drîm appetite, aptitude and influence.
  2. Commonstream roll-out features with participants' existing interests and passions.
  3. Provide response and engagement frameworks, to bring and equip people to engage collaboratively.
  4. Roll out like ripples in a pond - using a demand-driven approach.

The Need for a Change Framework

Change Framework Image:

Having a perfect solution is of only academic value without the ability to make the change from the old way of doing things to the new way.

The Need for a Change Framework

The problem is that we are so familiar with the old way that we can follow it automatically, while the new way is unproven, untested and full of risks and kinks.

The solution is to collaborate in creating simple frameworks for identifying and mitigating risks and ironing out kinks - and to give people the opportunity to become adept at the new way, over time, before abandoning the old way.

The trick is to make the new way way more compellingly attractive, appealing and addictive than the old way, in the short-term - for all parties..



The Change Management Framework
Change Framework Image:

A simple diagnostic and intervention framework to help people to target their change efforts.


The Change Management Framework

Diagnose and intervene, surgically at the lagging prerequisite(s) for change.

Resistance to change is very seldom illogical - never mind willful. It's nearly always perfectly understandable - even if it's not totally valid.

Identifying, ahead of time, the full set of potentially concerns that people might have - and providing ways of addressing them to everyone's satisfaction, smoothes the way for and enhances change.


Response Framework

Response Framework Image:

Simple framework to deal with the cognitive dissonance that arises from being faced with new ideas that you aren’t that familiar with.

Response Framework

A series of simple questions to diagnose the origin of cognitive dissonance and respond accordingly.

Do you have reservations about:

  1. The Goal: what we're seeking to achieve?
  2. The Problem: what's holding us back?
  3. The Solution we're adopting for the Problem?
  4. The Plan: how we'll implement the solution?
  5. Your role in the plan?

If so, raise your concerns and present alternatives.



CommonStreaming Image:

Instead of coercing people to abandon their existing interests and passions for new ones, key into aligned existing interests and passions.


Ensure that change is closely aligned with people's interests and passions - even if not as closely aligned with the change sought.

Start by introducing change in areas most aligned with the change that people are already interested and passionate about - to capitalise on existing energy and momentum.

It's sometimes even worthwhile to head in the opposite direction to the change sought, temporarily, to gain momentum, relieve pain and stress and foster alignment and synergy.


Restricted Access

Change Framework Image:

Instead of trying to coerce people to join the change programme, restrict access to it and encourage them to compete for the opportunity.

Restricted Access

  1. Rank ideal Change Program Champions on Appetite, Aptitude and Influence.
  2. Tap the shoulder's of ideal Champions ahead of time, hinting at the career benefits of volunteering.
  3. Warn everyone that they'll be competing for a very small number of Champion opportunities.
  4. Ask for volunteers - and accept only as many as advertised.
  5. Lavish attention, support, praise and promotion on the Champions.

The Change Pattern

ChangeGenius Pattern Image: Trigger point triangle at the bottom with a two-part red arrow heading off in an arc to the left (old response > consequences) and a two-part green arrow heading off in an arc to the right (new response > Prosequences

Identify and clearly define the Change Trigger point and symptoms and contrast the new response and it's prosequences with the old one and its consequences.

The Change Pattern

  1. Define the ideal transition point in migrating from the old way to the new way.
  2. Work out what triggers to use to prompt/remind ourselves to change to the new way.
  3. Identify the Prosequences of the new way and the Consequence of the old way.
  4. Contrast the new approach with the old approach.
  5. Use deep practice to make the transition easier and more effective.

Ripples in a Pond

Large black drop touching the centre of balck concentric rings, representing ever-widening ripples

Start small, tight and concentrated and expand outwards only as the value become obvious.

Ripples in a Pond

  1. Start with a series of small pilots where the appetite, aptitude and influence is greatest.
  2. Allow the roll-out to happen slowly at first - under the influence of pull, rather than push.
  3. Allow - and bring - momentum to gather over time - setting a cadence that people are comfortable with.
  4. Ensure the learnings are captured, recognised and disseminated in a way that makes the transition attractive and appealing to people.
Deliberate & Orchestrated Genius

Deliberate & Orchestrated Genius

Prodsol Ingenuity Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Ingenuity focuses on individual and collective genius - coming up with smarter, better, cheaper, more sustainable and predictable outcomes.

Deliberate & Orchestrated Genius

The problem with ingenuity is that it's extremely challenging - biologically - to come up with new outside-the-box solutions and insights.

Deliberately generating and integrating alternative ways of enhancing key dimensions of an evolving solution prototype enables us to escape this physiological constraint.

Applying patterns that resolve the common contradictions between physical properties accelerates things even further.


The Top Five Ingenuity Levers

Prodsol Ingenuity Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Using these levers - independently or in concert - guarantees next-level outside-the-box genuius insights and solutions in a fraction of the normal time.

The Top Five Ingenuity Levers

  1. Provisionals: Tangible artefacts are way easier to improve than intangible ones.
  2. AGI: Integrating alternatives is way more effective than ranking and selecting them.
  3. Pattern Thinking: Finding and using the underlying patterns is the secret of genius.
  4. GPS: Distinguishing between goal, problem and solution unlocks and stimulates focused genius.
  5. AWAPITA: Working to deadline, without pressure shifts the focus from perfection to progress.

The Top Five Ingenuity Lever Solutions

Prodsol Ingenuity Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Using these levers - independently or in concert - guarantees next-level outside-the-box genuius insights and solutions in a fraction of the normal time.

The Top Five Ingenuity Lever Solutions

  1. Provisionals: Force out a provisional solution, no matter how inadequate and enhance it iteratively.
  2. AGI: Generate and Integrate alternatives to a starting provisional solution or design.
  3. Pattern Thinking: Generate lots of ideas. Find common themes. Find the repeating pattern.
  4. GPS: Clarify the Goal, then the Problem and only then the Solution to maximise impact & efficiency.
  5. AWAPITA: Focus on completing As Well As Possible In the Time Available, rather than ASAP.

A subset of the many drîm ingenuity techniques that can be used independently or in concert

Provisionals Technique

Provisionals Technique Image:

Use the power of provisional solutions to overcome the Peter Principle and Perfectionism.

Provisionals Technique

Provisionals Technique is deliberately adopting very rough - and consequently inadequate - solutions ahead of any thought or research.

The power of provisionals lies in their creation of a tangible working solution - that is a lot easier to enhance than an ethereal solution that doesn't yet exist.

Provisionals can take the form of a few descriptive words or a rough diagram or barely-working prototype: anything to trigger of the enhancement phase of the innovation cycle.



Alternative Generation & Integration
AGI Image: Cycle with one circle, three circles and and combination of four curcles, around a bar graph with alternatiing flat and angled-up tops.

A way of deliberately and systematically developing lateral, outside-the box solutions.


Alternative Generation & Integration

Generate and integrate significant alternatives to a starting provisional solution.

The starting provisional solution defines and is defined by the box one is currently thinking in.

Generating alternatives to it forces one to come up with something outside that box: a solution that defines its own - different - box. Integrating the solution ideas defines a new - more powerful and valid - box.


Pattern Thinking

Pattern Thinking Image:

Generate genius-level insights and solutions, on demand.

Pattern Thinking

Pattern Thinking is a simple technique for finding the otherwise invisible repeating patterns that drive and constrain the behaviour and performance of complex adaptive systems that make challenging situations seem so intractable.

The basic idea is to list the elements of the situation - like issues and challenges, opportunities and solutions and then, instead of comparing them for and raking them on difference, look for similarities and repeating patterns - they won’t be immediately obvious but very quickly leap into focus.


GPS Pattern

Goal|Problem|Solution Pattern
GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution) Pattern Image: A sky-bluerRectangle with GOAL PATTERN in it above a faded red rectangle with PROBLEM PATTERN in it, above a faded yellow rectangle (SOLUTION PATTERN), with an arrow extending over the middle of the PROBLEM PATTERN shape and pointing to the GOAL PATTERN shape.

Simple, powerful, universal strategy model.

GPS Pattern

Goal|Problem|Solution Pattern


  1. The single goal all stakeholders share, immediately and into the future,
  2. The single core problem they all face, immediately and into the future - from which all other issues and symptoms arise and then
  3. develop a single, simple breakthrough solution that solves the single core problem and secures the single goal for all parties in all timeframes.


As Well As Possible In The Time

A powerful and effective alternative to ASAP.


As Well As Possible In The Time

Completing something AWAPITA rather than ASAP switches the focus from perfection-as-long-as-it-takes to getting-it-done-in-a-timely-way-even-if-it's-not-perfect).  It enables us to overcome perfectionism, procrastination and multitasking and accelerate innovation and productivity.

It combines well with Provisionals, AGI and fast-cycle, multi-pass innovation.



(Reverse-Engineering Technique
RET (Reverse-Engineering Technique) Image:

Use the power of reverse-engineering to streamline and guarantee outcomes.


(Reverse-Engineering Technique

Reverse-Engineering (working backwards from instead of forwards to) the ultimate state sought) offers a number unique of advantages.

  1. It enables us to ensure that we haven't missed any essential elements out.
  2. It enables to exclude the superfluous.
  3. It enables us to figure out demanding and complex challenges.

We don't need to abandon Forward Engineering - merely supplement it with RET.


Innovation Hothouse

Innovation Hothouse Image:

A way of deliberately and systematically catalysing, accelerating and synergising individual and collective ingenuity and innovation.

Innovation Hothouse

Run a succession of 90-second idea generation and recognition sessions to generate increasingly outside the box ideas and integrate and evolve them into simple counter-intuitive dramatic improvement breakthrough solution.

Innovation Hothouse has a number of advantages over conventional Brainstorming techniques, because it allows people to generate ideas in parallel and enables everyone's (not just the dominate personalities') ideas to be captured and built upon, collaborate lively.



TEASE Image:
  1. Target things more accurately or tightly.
  2. Enhance: Make things better.
  3. Accelerate: Make things faster.
  4. Streamline: Make things quicker, cheaper or easier.
  5. Energise: Make things more appealing to people.


TEASE is one of many Improvement Mode Frameworks that identify the improvement dimensions to consider.

Knowing what dimensions of a challenging situation or thing we can improve, enables us to both identify and focus on those dimensions more easily and precisely.

  1. Chose which dimensions will have the biggest impact - independently and in concert.
  2. Focus the Ingenuity Solutions at each dimension to generate ways of improving it.
  3. Find a combination that works.

The Dramatic Improvement Stories


The Drim Stories 

The Prodsol Drim Story Library Pictogram

Dramatic Improvement is ALWAYS possible.

The Drim Stories

There is a growing list of Drim Stories - from multiple sources

  1. The Drim Dimension Stories.
  2. The Theory Of Constraints Stories
  3. The Drim Discovery Stories
  4. The TRIZ Stories
  5. The Systems Thinking Stories
  6. The Pattern Thinking Book Stories.

The Drim Dimension Stories (Series)

Drim Dimensions Story Library Pictogram

Stories about the Dramatic Improvement Dimensions.

The Drim Dimension Stories (Series)

  1. The Production Story
  2. The Ingenuity Story
  3. The Change Story
  4. The Mastery Story
  5. The Synergy Story
  6. The Meaning Story



The Flow Story

Drim Flow Dimension Story Pictogram


The Flow Story



The Dramatic Improvement Method


The Dramatic Improvement Method

The Drim Method Pictogram Link

The Drim Method is a continuous improvement process for applying the Drim Manifesto and Dimensions to a challenging situation or thing.

The Dramatic Improvement Method

It's nearly always better - and possible - to make incremental imrpovements, repeatedly, over time.

Occasionally a paradim shift is required, however - although it's nearly always possible to migrate to the the new paradigm in a staged way.

So, the Drim Method is actually a never-ending cycle, in which the previous solution is the either the next solution requirement or the cause of the current challenge and state.


The Drim Method Flowchart

The Drim Method Pictogram Link

The Drim Method is a simple set of steps for identifying and applying the Drim Manifesto and Dimensions to a challenging situation or thing.

The Drim Method Flowchart

Move down the flow-chart until your solution is good enough - for now.

  1. Keep a look out for triggers.
  2. Scan for leverage opportunities.
  3. Look for Drim Story matches.
  4. Look for Arena Solution matches.
  5. Look for Drim Dimension matches.
  6. Develop a (set of) custom Drim DImension solutions.
  7. Develop a (set of) custom Drim solutions.

1. Look for your Favourite Levers

The Image Placeholder Pictogram Link

Nearly every lever is present in every single situation. Start by looking for the levers that you know best.

Look for Your Favourite Levers

It's worth looking for your favourite levers first - because you're pretty adept at seeing them.

  1. Ask yourself how this lever applies to the situation/thing you are facing.
  2. If you've already found that lever, consider applying the lever to itself (e.g. What's the bottleneck in the bottleneck?)
  3. if you can't find your favorite lever in the situation/thing, ask yourself why not?  This will probably point to the idea leaver to use.

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This content is not available for your subscription-level.  Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access. 

This content is not available for your subscription-level.  Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access. 

2.  Look for Drim Story Matches

Prodsol Drim Story Match Pictogram

Nearly every drim story has parallels with every other drim story - but you have to look to find them.

2.  Look for a Drim Story Match

Stories are fantastic vehicles for conveying, storing and disseminating drim solutions.

  1. View your challenging situation/thing as a story.
  2. Look for parallels - even if only partial ones - in your library of dramatic improvement stories.  
  3. You'll find that very few stories will have no parallels at all with your story - although it may seem that way at first.
  4. Work out how to apply the underlying princiiples from the matching stories to your one.

3.  Look for Arena Solution Matches

Prodsol Drim Arena Match Pictogram

Look for specific personal or organisational arena drim solutions to pattern your solution on. 

3.  Look for Arena Solution Match

  1. Browse the related personal and/or organisational arenas (e.g. Relationships, Ingenuity, Marketing, Sales) looking for matching elements to your situation.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Work out which elements of the arena solution apply most directly to your specific situation.
  4. Take a crack at applying the elements that don't match, to your situation - you'll be surprised!

4.  Look for Dimension Solution Matches

Prodsol Drim Dimension Match Pictogram

Look for matches between the drim dimensions and your situation, that you can patern your soltuion on.

4.  Look for a Dimension Solution Match

  1. Identfy which of the Drim Dimensions (Flow| Ingenuity|Change|Mastery|Synergy|Meaning) will have the biggest impact - all will apply in some way.
  2. Identify solutions in the relevant dimensions that apply to your situation.
  3. Adapt and apply them - independently at first, then in combination - to your situation.
  4. Enhance your solution until you're happy with it.

5.  Develop a Custom Drim Solution

Prodsol Custom Drim Solution Pictogram

Develop and integrate a set of solutions for each of the msot relevant Drim Dimensions, using teh Ingenuity.

5.  Develop a Custom Drim Solution

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specific situation.

The Dramatic Improvement Dimensions


The Drim Dimensions

The Drim Dimensions Pictogram

The Drim Dimensions are perspectives - opportunity types - for securing dramatic improvement in any challenging situation or thing.

The Drim Dimensions

The dimensions are really the top level of a deeper taxonomy - and each dimension contains and applies to every toher dimension.

Feel free to adapt this set of Drim Dimensions to suit your world, toolset and way of thinking - this set is merely one way of looking at things.

We advise you to familiarise yourself and take advantage of this first - as there are many thousands of hours of research, thought and work behind their selection.


1. The Flow Dimension

Prodsol Flow Drim Dimension Pictogram

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system - and so benefits from the application counter-intuitive of dramatic improvement flow-improvement patterns. 

1. The Flow Dimension

  1. Flow-RATE Acceleration is increasing the volume produced by the situation or thing per time.
  2. Flow-TIME Reduction is reducing how long it takes to produce each outcome or thing.
  3. Flow-QUALITY Optimisation is improveing the value of what's produced.
  4. Flow-COST Containment is reducing how much investment is required.
  5. Flow-State Enablement is deliberately jumping into and remaining in a mental flow-state.

2. The Ingenuity Dimension

Prodsol Ingenuity Drim Dimension Pictogram

Ingenuity focuses on individual and collective genius - coming up with smarter, better, cheaper, more sustainable and predictable outcomes.

2. The Ingenuity Dimension

The problem with ingenuity is that it's extremely challenging - biologically - to come up with new outside-the-box solutions and insights.

Deliberately generating and integrating alternative ways of enhancing key dimensions of an evolving solution prototype enables us to escape this physiological constraint.

Applying patterns that resolve the common contradictions between physical properties accelerates things even further.


3. The Change Dimension

Prodsol Change Drim Dimension Pictogram

Having a perfect solution is of only academic value without the ability to make the change from the old way of doing things to the new way.

3. Change Dimension

The problem is that we are so familiar with the old way that we can follow it automatically, while the new way is unproven, untested and full of risks and kinks. 

The solution is to collaborate in creating simple frameworks for identifying and mitigating risks and ironing out kinks - and to give people the opportunity to become adept at the new way, over time, before abandoning the old way. 

The trick is to make the new way way more compellingly attractive, appealing and addictive than the old way, in the short-term – for all parties.


4. The Mastery Dimension

Prodsol Mastery Drim Dimension Pictogram

Mastery is about becoming - individually and collectively - so good at challenging things that we can do them quickly and automatically.

4. The Mastery Dimension

The problem with learning new things beyond our current capability is that we learn best from (many) mistakes - and opportunities are relatively uncommon, so it takes a long time to achieve it.

The solution is to deliberately identify the most common remaining success and failure modes - and their earliest symptoms - ahead of time - so that we can apply deep practice techniques to grow our capability, at increasing speed, in the face of growing complexity and under increasing pressure, over time,


5. The Synergy Dimension

Prodsol SynergyDrim Dimension Pictogram

Deliberately forging synergy from dysergy (lack of synergy) and antergy (anti-synergy) offers huge oportunities, because we are so inept at it.

5. The Synergy Dimension

he problem with creating synergy is that our brains are wired to see conflicts, differences and incompatibilities far more easily than similarities, combinations and compatibilities.

The solution is familiarity with the most common forms of synergy - elusive concepts to the uninformed brain - and how they can be fashioned from the most common forms of dysergy (lack of synergy) and antergy (anti-senergy).

This enables us to deliberately identify and capitalise on synergy opportunities.


6. The Meaning Dimension

Prodsol Meaning Drim Dimension Pictogram

Meaning is a what motivates us - our motivations and beliefs and how they inhibit and drive individual and collective performance and fulfilment.

6. The Meaning Dimension

Meaning and purpose - immediate and ultimate  - drives all human activity and provides huge untapped opportunity for dramatic improvement.

The challenge with keying into meaning is that it is elusive and not as well-defined, logically grounded, accessible or easy to articulate as we may like to think.

The secret is to recognise that it's fundamentally about our perceived significance within the world we choose to live in - and our value system (what we think is important) and the mental model we have of how things work.


The Dramatic Improvement Manifesto


The Drim Manifesto 

The Prodsol Drim Manifesto Pictogram

Dramatic Improvement is ALWAYS possible.

The Drim Manifesto

  1. The Fact: Dramatic Improvement is always feasible - in every single situation.
  2. The Key: Leverage - the more challenging the situation the greater the leverage.
  3. The Problem: We can't see the leverage points or opportunities.
  4. The Solution: Use universal leverage patterns as cognitive scaffolding to find the next level of leverage opportunities.

It's a never-ending feast!



1. The Fact

Drim Manifesto Fact Pictogram

Dramatic improvement is eminently feasible in EVERY single situation - without exception.

1. The Fact

It doesn't matter how challenging the situation is - or how much time we have - we can always secure dramatically better outcomes and experiences than we are currently securing.

It's perfectly - unavoidably - natural to be sceptical of this claim, but it is demonstrably, unequivocally true.

There are no exceptions: every single situation can be improved dramatically - no matter how intractable it may seem.


2. The Key

Drim Manifesto Key Pictogram

The key is LEVERAGE: the more challenging the situation, the greater the leverage opportunity.

2. The Key

Dramatic improvement arises from leverage.  Dramatic improvements can only be caused by leverage.

Truly challenging situations are challenging because they're dynamically complex - strong and complex interactions between the situation's  elements.

So the more challenging the situation (the greater the dynamic complexity) the greater the leverage - the more dramatic the potential for improvement.


3. The Problem

Drim Manifesto Problem Pictogram

The problem is, WE CAN'T SEE the leverage points – not that they aren't there.

3. The Problem

There is always another level of leverage – hidden, in plain hindsight, in the reality beyond the one we can currently see. The problem is that we can't see those leverage points, until we see them, because they are beyond our current capability to see - not because they aren't there.

One of the primary reasons that we can't see leverage points, is because they are counter-intuitive to the previous level of insight.  It's only when we see and truly understand them that they begin to make sense.


4. The Solution

Drim Manifesto Solution Pictogram

The solution is to use Universal Leverage Patterns as cognitive scaffolding to find the next level of leverage opportunities.

4. The Solution

Although unconscious incognizance prevents us from seeing the next-level leverage points themselves, it doesn't prevent us from seeing the repeating patterns that they follow.

Once we can see the patterns across the challenges we face - and the patterns across the interventions we can think of (especially the counter-intuitive ones) we can use these patterns as templates and exemplars – cognitive scaffolding – for finding the next-level leverage points.



Drim Implications Pictogram

The implications of the Drim Manifesto are huge and apply to absolutely every challenging situation or thing - including things that you have long resigned to be intractable.


Whatever challenging situation you are facing right now can be improved dramatically - no matter how intractable it may seem.

It's normal, if you've tried everything you could think of, to feel that the situation is intractable - no matter what one might try.  The Manifesto explains why you haven't any traction so far - and how to change that. 

If your current situation isn't challenging - merely boring - it can be improved dramatically as well: if that appeals to you.


Take Immediate Action

Take Immediate Action Pictogram

This is not the sort of thing that needs hours and hours of research and understanding - there is a fast-track that only takes a few minutes.

Take Immediate Action

A. If you have an hour to invest:

It's worth reading the rest of this Quick Article - and following the advice on each page, as you go.

B. If you have less than an hour to invest:

Just check out the Drim Dimensions section on the next page.  Skim the Dimensions, then follow the instructions on the Take Immediate ActionTake Immediate Action flashcard (same image as this one) on that page.

Click the Next Topic Button here or at the top or bottom of the page.


How to Improve Flow Dramatically


How to Improve Flow Dramatically

The Flow Drim Dimension Pictogram

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system - and so benefits from the application counter-intuitive of dramatic improvement flow-improvement patterns.

How to Improve Flow Dramatically

  1. Flow-RATE Acceleration is increasing the volume produced by the situation or thing per time.
  2. Flow-TIME Reduction is reducing how long it takes to produce each outcome or thing.
  3. Flow-QUALITY Optimisation is improving the value of what's produced.
  4. Flow-COST Containment is reducing how much investment is required.
  5. Flow-State Enablement is deliberately jumping into and remaining in a mental flow-state. 

Flow-Rate Acceleration

Prodsol Flow-Rate Acceleration Pictogram

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to improve the flow-rate of any system, process, programme, situation or thing dramatically.

Flow-Rate Acceleration

  1. Draw the flow.
  2. Identify the end-to-end bottleneck.
  3. Optimise the bottleneck for performance.
  4. Introduce QC immediately before the bottleneck.
  5. Choke the inflow to match the bottleneck's.
  6. Buffer the bottleneck to protect it.
  7. Introduce pre- and post-processing.
  8. Add bottleneck capacity.

Flow-Time Reduction

Prodsol Flow-Time Reduction Pictogram

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to reduce the cycle-time of any system, process, programme situation or thing dramatically.

Flow-Time Reduction

Flow-time is related to, but distinct from flow-rate. Flow-rate affects flow-time, but there are other things that contribute to flow-time, including:

  1. Rework time.
  2. Wait-time.
  3. Setup-time.
  4. Processing time.
  5. Curing time.
  6. Travel-time.

Flow-Quality Optimisation

Prodsol Flow-Quality Optimisation Pictogram

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to enhance the quality of any system, process,  programme, situation or thing - dramatically.

Flow-Quality Optimisation

The cost of perfection is infinite, so the objective is to optimise quality, rather than to maximise it.

  1. Assess the target against the primary quality dimensions (Performance|Features|Reliability| Conformance|Durability|Serviceability|Aesthetics|
  2. Draw the quality flow-system for each dimension.
  3. Identify the key intervention point to improve/ degrade quality.
  4. Intervene in stages.

Flow-Cost Containment

Prodsol Flow-Cost Containment Pictogram

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to reduce the cost of any system, process,  programme, situation or thing dramatically.

Flow-Cost Containment

The opportunity for cost reduction is limited to zero, so the objective is to contain rather than minimise costs to avoid compromising Flow-Rate, -Time, -Quality and -State)

  1. Identify the primary cost contributors, like Labour|Materials|Waste|Services|Utilities|Inventory |Advertising|Sales in the direct and indirect fixed, variable, extraordinary etc categories (e.g. TIMWOOD).
  2. Draw the cost flow-system and identify ways of containing cost at the ideal intervention points.

Flow-State Enablement

Prodsol Flow-State Enablement Pictogram

Free up time and energy lost (easily a day a week) in seemingly unavoidable multitasking.

Gain not only time and throughput, but also increased customer satisfaction and accelerated capability and collaboration, in the process.

Flow-State Enablement

Here is a starting set of simple techniques for reducing the seemingly unavoidable costs multitasking:

  1. Task Completion.
  2. Task Batching.
  3. FocusTimes.
  4. Interruption Windows.
  5. Scheduled Catch-Ups.
  6. Interruption Processing Slot.
  7. Cognitive Momentum Caching.

How to Improve Any Situation or Thing Dramatically


How to Improve Any Situation or Thing Dramatically

The Prodsol Drim Framework

Every single situation and thing can be improved dramatically.  Here's how.

How to Improve Any Situation or Thing Dramatically

Simplified overview of the entire website and body of knowledge.  It's a good place to start.

  1. You can improve any situation or thing dramatically, using simple levers hidden within it.
  2. There are 6 primary drim lever-types: Flow | Ingenuity | Change  | Mastery | Synergy | Meaning.
  3. Combine and apply the most obvious drim lever-types to your situation or thing.

What is "Dramatic" Improvement?

The Prodsol Drim Framework

Huge gains in speed, time, impact or value very fast with minimal effort or cost.

What is "Dramatic" Improvement?

Halving of things like:

  1. Product and service lead-time.
  2. Time to complete a project.
  3. Costs.

Doubling of things like:

  1. Speed.
  2. Capacity/throughput.
  3. Quality.
  4. Satisfaction.

Is it always possible?

The Drim Manifesto Pictogram

Dramatic improvement is not only possible but feasible in every single situation and with every single thing.

Is it always possible?

The Drim Manifesto

  1. The FACT: Dramatic Improvement is EMINENTLY
    FEASIBLE in EVERY single situation and thing.

  2. The KEY Is LEVERAGE: The more challenging the situation, the greater the leverage.

  3. The PROBLEM: WE CAN’T SEE the leverage opportunities – it’s not that they aren’t there.

  4. The SOLUTION: WE CAN’T SEE the leverage opportunities – it’s not that they aren’t there.


The Drim Levers

The Flow Drim Dimension Pictogram The Ingenuity Drim Dimension Pictogram The Change Drim Dimension Pictogram The Mastery Drim Dimension Pictogram The Synergy Drim Dimension Pictogram The Meaning Drim Dimension Pictogram


The Drim Levers

The Flow Drim Dimension PictogramFlow: Get more through the bottleneck.

The Flow Drim Dimension PictogramIngenuity: Generate & integrate alternatives.

The Flow Drim Dimension PictogramChange: Make the new way more attractive in the short-term.

The Flow Drim Dimension PictogramMastery: Practice early diagnosis & intervention.

The Flow Drim Dimension PictogramSynergy: Satisfy respective needs & aspirations.

The Flow Drim Dimension PictogramMeaning: Connect solution to meaning.

The more you use, the bigger the impact.


How to Use the Levers

The Prodsol Drim Method Pictogram

Every single situation and thing can be improved dramatically.  Here's how.

How to Use the Levers

Go through the steps, until you have a good enough solution - for now.

  1. Keep an eye out for triggers.
  2. Look for drim stories that might apply.
  3. Look for your favourite drim leverage patterns.
  4. Look for drim dimension leverage patterns.
  5. Develop a custom drim leverage pattern.
    (Provisional > AGI > Pattern Thinking > GPS)

COMING Coming Soon (Hourglass) Pictogram SOON

Drim Stories

Our brains grasp, understand, retain and retrieve stories way better than information, facts and concepts.

This section will contain a set of drim stories - and how to code and create your own library of stories to make your drim practice easier, quicker and more effective. 



Drim Implications Pictogram

The implications of the Drim Manifesto are huge and apply to abolutely every challenging situation or thing - including things that you have long resigned to be intractable.


Whatever challenging situation you are facing right now can be improved dramatically - no matter how intractable it may seem.

It's normal, if you've tried everything you could think of, to feel that the situation is intractable - no matter what one might try.  The Manifesto explains why you haven't any traction so far - and how to change that. 

If your current situation isn't challenging - merely boring - it can be improved dramatically as well: if that appeals to you.


Take Immediate Action

Take Immediate Action Pictogram

This is not the sort of thing that needs hours and hours of research and understanding - there is a fast-track that only takes a few minutes.

Take Immediate Action

A. If you have an hour to invest:

It's worth reading the rest of this Quick Article - and following the advice on each page, as you go.

B. If you have less than an hour to invest:

Just check out the Drim Dimensions section on the next page.  Skim the Dimensions, then follow the instructions on the Take Immediate ActionTake Immediate Action flashcard (same image as this one) on that page.

Click the Next Topic Button here or at the top or bottom of the page.


Quick Drim Insights


Quick Drim Insights

The Image Placeholder Pictogram Link

A growing collection of quick summaries, abstracts and insights from deeper within the website.

Quick Drim Insights

  1. How to Improve Anything Dramatically.
  2. How to use this Website
  3. Coming attraction (hourglass) image. How to Accelerate your Career.
  4. Coming attraction (hourglass) image. How to Flow-Optimise Anything.
  5. Coming attraction (hourglass) image. Deliberate Genius.
  6. Coming attraction (hourglass) image. How to Accelerate & Streamline Projects.
  7. Coming attraction (hourglass) image. How to Regain your Mojo.
  8. Coming attraction (hourglass) image. How to be Less of a Dick.

How to Improve Anything Dramatically

The Prodsol Drim Framework

Every single situation and thing can be improved dramatically.

How to Improve Anything Dramatically

A quick How to Guide that summarises the entire website and the drim body of knowledge.  Choose the level of support that matches your commitment level:

  1. Interested (Free Subscription)
  2. Committed
  3. Very Committed
  4. Totally committed

Click Here or the Subscribe Button Icon button below to subscribe.

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This content is not available for your subscription-level.  Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access. 

How to Use this Website

Prodsol How to Use this Site Pictogram Link

Brief notes on how the site works and how to get the most from it.

How to use this Website

Quick advice on how to get the most from this site:

  1. Layout and Navigation for desktop and mobile: it's simple - once you know how!
  2. Discover the dramatic improvement philosophy, framework, solutions and method.
  3. Learn the dramatic improvement framework.
  4. Apply the dramatic improvement solutions and method to your situation or thing.
  5. Find out about the site - so that you understand what it's got and what not!

COMING Coming Soon (Hourglass) Pictogram SOON

How to Accelerate Your Career

A simple for framework for deliberately and systematically improving your career prospects, trajectory, impact, progress and satisfaction.

We'll hold a Members Vote to determine which of these Quick Insights is next.

COMING Coming Soon (Hourglass) Pictogram SOON

How to Flow-Optimise Anything

A simple, step-by-step guide to improving flow-rate, flow-time, flow-quality, flow-cost and mental flow-state.  Everything is a flow-system!

We'll hold a Members Vote to determine which of these Quick Insights is next.

COMING Coming Soon (Hourglass) Pictogram SOON

Deliberate Genius

A set of simple techniques for deliberately and systematically generating next-level genius solutions - and growing individual and collective genius in the process.

We'll hold a Members Vote to determine which of these Quick Insights is next.

COMING Coming Soon (Hourglass) Pictogram SOON

How to Accelerate and Streamline Projects

A set of techniques for reducing project duration and cost dramtically, while improving value delivered dramatically - and improiving programme throughput dramatically.

We'll hold a Members Vote to determine which of these Quick Insights is next.

COMING Coming Soon (Hourglass) Pictogram SOON

How to Regain, Retain & Enhance Your Mojo

We all drink the Koolaid of Despair and suffer from Imposter Syndrome and destroyed confidence occasionally.  This drim solution will help you get (back) onto the horse of self-actualisation and transendence - every time you get thrown off.

We'll hold a Members Vote to determine which of these Quick Insights is next.

COMING Coming Soon (Hourglass) Pictogram SOON

How to be Less of a Dick

None of us is perfect - and we all have our dickish moments!  This solution is for people who want to accelerate their personal growth into who they reallyw ant to be, dramatically

We'll hold a Members Vote to determine which of these Quick Insights is next.

COMING Coming Soon (Hourglass) Pictogram SOON

The Consummate <Your Title Here>

A set of simple frameworks for deliberatelya nsd systematically lifting - and continuing to lift your game: whatever that game might be.

We'll hold a Members Vote to determine which of these Quick Insights is next.

COMING Coming Soon (Hourglass) Pictogram SOON

What would you like to see here?

The Drim Framework can be applied to absolutely everything  (including itself): what would you like to see it applied to next?

We'll hold a Members Vote to determine which of these Quick Insights is next.

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