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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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The Drim Method

The Prodsol Drim Framework

The Drim (Dramatic Improvement) Method lays out a simple way to get the most benefit from the Drim Framework with the least effort.

The Drim Method

  1. Keep an eye out for the Drim Triggers and move down the list until they disappear.
  2. Look for a Drim Story Match.
  3. Look for a Drim Arena Match.
  4. Look for a Drim Domain Match.
  5. Look for a Drim Dimension Pattern Match.
  6. Develop a (set of) Custom Drim Solution Patterns.

At each point, ask if the solution you've found is good enough, for now.  If so, run with it.  If not, move on to the next  step in the method


Redo - explaining, not (only?) which version to use, but how to apply it to your situation (as per the Drim Method: Story | Domain | Arena | Dimension Pattern | Custom Dimensions Patterns)

1.  Look for a Story Match

The Prodsol version has the benfit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

1.  Look for a Story Match

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specirfic situation.

2.  Look for an Arena Match

The Prodsol version has the benfit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

2.  Look for an Arena Match

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specirfic situation.

3.  Look for a Domain Match

The Prodsol version has the benfit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

3.  Look for a Domain Match

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specirfic situation.

5.  Look for a Dimension Solution Match

The Prodsol version has the benefit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

5.  Look for a Dimension Solution Match

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specirfic situation.

6.  Use the Prodsol Version First

The Prodsol version has the benfit of many thousands of hours work over 19 years - standing on the shoulders of giants who have gone before.

It's constantly evolving - at an ever-accelerating rate as more of it gets published and responded and contributed to from all over the world. 

You should be able to apply it to your situation directly, with a little thought.  It will be a lot easier - when you start out, anyway - if you choose the related Arena on this site:

6.  Apply the Prodsol Version First

  1. Choose an Arena (Marketing, Sales, Production, etc) from the Solutions in the Main Menu.
  2. Choose a specific solution - or set of them - from the collection within that Arena.
  3. Identify which of the solution elements seem to apply to your situation directly - and which don't seem to.
  4. Apply those solutions to your specific situation.

7.  Fashion your Own Version Next

Once you have you've got your head around the dimensions within the latest Prodsol Drim Framework, you will be well-placed to adapt the Prodsol version for your own use:

The primary objective is usefulness and ease-of-use, so get hung up on the (ever-evolving) Prodsol way, if the way things are presented or articulated don't work for you: the breakthrough is having a framework that enables one to address the various dimensions independently and in concert.

7.  Fashion your Own Version Next

Here are some steps you could follow:

  1. Reword the Prodsol version to suit your language, way of thinking, organisation, situation.
  2. Add, subtract and replace dimensions as makes sense to you.
  3. Relocate, add and enhance the specific solutions on this site in a way that makes sense to you. 

The Drim Dimensions

The Drim Dimensions

The Drim Dimensions Pictogram

The Drim Dimensions are perspectives - opportunity types - for securing dramatic improvement in any challenging situation or thing.

The Drim Dimensions

The dimensions are really the top level of a deeper taxonomy - and each dimension contains and applies to every toher dimension.

Feel free to adapt this set of Drim Dimensions to suit your world, toolset and way of thinking - this set is merely one way of looking at things.

We advise you to familiarise yourself and take advantage of this first - as there are many thousands of hours of research, thought and work behind their selection.



1. The Flow Dimension

Prodsol Flow Drim Dimension Pictogram

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system - and so benefits from the application counter-intuitive of dramatic improvement flow-improvement patterns. 

1. The Flow Dimension

  1. Flow-RATE Acceleration is increasing the volume produced by the situation or thing per time.
  2. Flow-TIME Reduction is reducing how long it takes to produce each outcome or thing.
  3. Flow-QUALITY Optimisation is improveing the value of what's produced.
  4. Flow-COST Containment is reducing how much investment is required.
  5. Flow-State Enablement is deliberately jumping into and remaining in a mental flow-state.

2. The Ingenuity Dimension

Prodsol Ingenuity Drim Dimension Pictogram

Ingenuity focuses on individual and collective genius - coming up with smarter, better, cheaper, more sustainable and predictable outcomes.

2. The Ingenuity Dimension

The problem with ingenuity is that it's extremely challenging - biologically - to come up with new outside-the-box solutions and insights.

Deliberately generating and integrating alternative ways of enhancing key dimensions of an evolving solution prototype enables us to escape this physiological constraint.

Applying patterns that resolve the common contradictions between physical properties accelerates things even further.


3. The Change Dimension

Prodsol Change Drim Dimension Pictogram

Having a perfect solution is of only academic value without the ability to make the change from the old way of doing things to the new way.

3. Change Dimension

The problem is that we are so familiar with the old way that we can follow it automatically, while the new way is unproven, untested and full of risks and kinks. 

The solution is to collaborate in creating simple frameworks for identifying and mitigating risks and ironing out kinks - and to give people the opportunity to become adept at the new way, over time, before abandoning the old way.

The trick is to make the new way way more compellingly attractive, appealing and addictive than the old way, in the short-term – for all parties.


4. The Mastery Dimension

Prodsol Mastery Drim Dimension Pictogram

Mastery is about becoming - individually and collectively - so good at challenging things that we can do them quickly and automatically.

4. The Mastery Dimension

The problem with learning new things beyond our current capability is that we learn best from (many) mistakes - and opportunities are relatively uncommon, so it takes a long time to achieve it.

The solution is to deliberately identify the most common remaining success and failure modes - and their earliest symptoms - ahead of time - so that we can apply deep practice techniques to grow our capability, at increasing speed, in the face of growing complexity and under increasing pressure, over time,


5. The Synergy Dimension

Prodsol SynergyDrim Dimension Pictogram

Deliberately forging synergy from dysergy (lack of synergy) and antergy (anti-synergy) offers huge oportunities, because we are so inept at it.

5. The Synergy Dimension

The problem with creating synergy is that our brains are wired to see conflicts, differences and incompatibilities far more easily than similarities, combinations and compatibilities.

The solution is familiarity with the most common forms of synergy - elusive concepts to the uninformed brain - and how they can be fashioned from the most common forms of dysergy (lack of synergy) and antergy (anti-senergy).

This enables us to deliberately identify and capitalise on synergy opportunities.


6. The Meaning Dimension

Prodsol Meaning Drim Dimension Pictogram

Meaning is a what motivates us - our motivations and beliefs and how they inhibit and drive individual and collective performance and fulfilment.

6. The Meaning Dimension

Meaning and purpose - immediate or ultimate  - drives all human activity and provides huge untapped opportunity for dramatic improvement.

The challenge with keying into meaning is that it is elusive and not as well-defined, logically grounded, accessible or easy to articulate as we may like to think.

The secret is to recognise that it's fundamentally about our perceived significance within the world we choose to live in - and our value system (what we think is important) and the mental model we have of how things work.


How to learn

How to use

Is it for you? 


The Drim Manifesto

The Drim Manifesto 

The Prodsol Drim Manifesto Pictogram

Dramatic Improvement is ALWAYS possible.

The Drim Manifesto

  1. The Fact: Dramatic Improvement is always feasible - in every single situation.
  2. The Key: Leverage - the more challenging the situation the greater the leverage.
  3. The Problem: We can't see the leverage points or opportunities.
  4. The Solution: Use universal leverage patterns as cognitive scaffolding to find the next level of leverage opportunities.

It's a never-ending feast!



1. The Fact

Drim Manifesto Fact Pictogram

Dramatic improvement is eminently feasible in EVERY single situation - without exception.

1. The Fact

It doesn't matter how challenging the situation is - or how much time we have - we can always secure dramatically better outcomes and experiences than we are currently securing.

It's perfectly - unavoidably - natural to be sceptical of this claim, but it is demonstrably, unequivocally true.

There are no exceptions: every single situation can be improved dramatically - no matter how intractable it may seem.


2. The Key

Drim Manifesto Key Pictogram

The key is LEVERAGE: the more challenging the situation, the greater the leverage opportunity.

2. The Key

Dramatic improvement arises from leverage.  Dramatic improvements can only be caused by leverage.

Truly challenging situations are challenging because they're dynamically complex - strong and complex interactions between the situation's  elements.

So the more challenging the situation (the greater the dynamic complexity) the greater the leverage - the more dramatic the potential for improvement.


3. The Problem

Drim Manifesto Problem Pictogram

The problem is, WE CAN'T SEE the leverage points – not that they aren't there.

3. The Problem

There is always another level of leverage – hidden, in plain hindsight, in the reality beyond the one we can currently see. The problem is that we can't see those leverage points, until we see them, because they are beyond our current capability to see - not because they aren't there.

One of the primary reasons that we can't see leverage points, is because they are counter-intuitive to the previous level of insight.  It's only when we see and truly understand them that they begin to make sense.


4. The Solution

Drim Manifesto Solution Pictogram

The solution is to use Universal Leverage Patterns as cognitive scaffolding to find the next level of leverage opportunities.

4. The Solution

Although unconscious incognizance prevents us from seeing the next-level leverage points themselves, it doesn't prevent us from seeing the repeating patterns that they follow.

Once we can see the patterns across the challenges we face - and the patterns across the interventions we can think of (especially the counter-intuitive ones) we can use these patterns as templates and exemplars – cognitive scaffolding – for finding the next-level leverage points.


Prodsol Dramatic Improvement Service Domains

Detail View | Current Promotions


Online Drim Services

Prodsol Online Services Pictogram Link

Services delivered - actively or passively - over the internet.

Online Drim Services

  1. Membership sites

  2. Webinars

  3. Courses

  4. Coaching

  5. Consulting

  6. Organisational Projects

  7. Drim Academy

  8. Practitioner Network


Public Drim Services

Prodsol Public Services Pictogram Link

Seminars, workshops and courses offered to the general public at very affordable prices.

Public Drim Services

  1. Seminars

  2. Workshops

  3. Courses

  4. Drim Aacademy

The objectives of our public services are two-fold:

  1. To enable us to support individuals and small organisations affordably and
  2. To enable managers & execs to experience our services before investing in onsite serices.

Onsite Drim Services

Prodsol Organisational Services Pictogram Link

Services provided to organisations - directly or through certified delivery partners.

Onsite Drim Services

  1. Key Note Presentations

  2. Seminars

  3. Workshops

  4. Courses

  5. Coaching

  6. Consulting

  7. Projects

  8. Setting up an Organisational Academy.


ALL Service Summaries

Nutshell Summary


Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Drim Webinar Service

Real-time presentations over the internet. 

Dramatic Improvement



  1. Flow-Optimisation.
  2. Defrag Your Brain.
  3. Deliberate Genius.
  4. The Dramatic Improvement Manifesto.
  5. The Dramatic Improvement Framework.
Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Online Drim Workshop

Interactive workshops over the internet.

Dramatic Improvement


  1. Flow-Optimisation.
  2. Defrag Your Brain.
  3. Deliberate Genius.
  4. The Dramatic Improvement Manifesto.
  5. The Dramatic Improvemnt Framework.


Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Drim Course Pictogram

Multi-part courses over the internet.

Dramatic Improvement


  1. Flow-Optimisation.
  2. Defrag Your Brain.
  3. Deliberate Genius.
  4. The Dramatic Improvement Manifesto.
  5. The Dramatic Improvemnt Framework.
Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Online Drim Coaching Pictogram

Individual & group coaching on the internet.

Dramatic Improvement


Get tailored support in securing dramatic improvement within your challenging situation.

  1. Cross-Briefing Session.
  2. First GPS Discussion.
  3. Second GPS Discussion.
  4. Ongoing implmentation Support (optional).

USD450 for the first 3 sessions: USD100/hr for subsequent sessions - or USD750 for a total of 7 sessions or 5 sessions for the price of 4.

Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Online Drim Advice Service

Diagnostic and Recommendation Services.

Dramatic Improvement


We help you work out what to change | what to change to | and how to effect the change.

  1. Cross-Briefing Session.
  2. First GPS Discussion.
  3. Second GPS Discussion.
  4. implmentation Support (optional).

We can provide implementation support agent (project) or coaching services if you like.



Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Drim Webinar Service

Real-time presentations over the internet. 

Dramatic Improvement



  1. Flow-Optimisation.
  2. Defrag Your Brain.
  3. Deliberate Genius.
  4. The Dramatic Improvement Manifesto.
  5. The Dramatic Improvement Framework.
Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Drim Workshop

Interactive workshops over the internet.

Dramatic Improvement


  1. Flow-Optimisation.
  2. Defrag Your Brain.
  3. Deliberate Genius.
  4. The Dramatic Improvement Manifesto.
  5. The Dramatic Improvemnt Framework.


Prodsol Drim Academy

Fortnightly meetups on Dramatic Improvement following a curriculum.


  1. The Drim Framework.
  2. FlowGenius
  3. Deliberate Genius
  4. ChangeGenius
  5. Deliberate Mastery.
  6. SynerGenius..
  7. Meaning Genius.
  8. Personal Project.
  9. Community Project.


Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Onsite Drim Workshop Service

Interactive workshops over the internet.

Dramatic Improvement


  1. Flow-Optimisation.
  2. Defrag Your Brain.
  3. Deliberate Genius.
  4. Demand Generation.
  5. Salesa Acceeleration.
  6. Operations Streamlining.
  7. Troubleshooting,.


Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Onsite Drim Course Service

Multi-part courses over the internet.

Dramatic Improvement


  1. Flow-Optimisation.
  2. Defrag Your Brain.
  3. Deliberate Genius.
  4. Demand Generation.
  5. Sales Acceleration.
  6. Operations Streamlining.
  7. Troubleshooting,.
Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Onsite Drim Coaching Service

Individual & group coaching on the internet.

Dramatic Improvement


Get tailored support in securing dramatic improvement within your challenging situation.

  1. Cross-Briefing Session.
  2. First GPS Discussion.
  3. Second GPS Discussion.
  4. Ongoing implementation Support (optional).

Pricing dependent on associated services delivered.

Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Onsite Drim Advice Service

Diagnostic and Recommendation Services.

Dramatic Improvement


We help you work out what to change | what to change to | and how to effect the change.

  1. Cross-Briefing Session.
  2. First GPS Discussion.
  3. Second GPS Discussion.
  4. Implementation Support (optional).

We can provide implementation support agent (project) or coaching services if you like.

Dramatic Improvement


Prodsol Onsite Drim Project Service

Dramatic Improvement in a target area.

Dramatic Improvement


We help you work out how to secure dramatic improvement, then provide a combination of agent and coaching services to effect the change - refining things as we go.

  1. Dramatic Improvement Solution development.
  2. Implementation Plan Development.
  3. Implementation.
  4. Ongoing refinement.

Organisational Drim Solutions


Civilisation Drim Solutions

Prodsol Civilisation Drim Pictogram Link

Dramatic improvement solutions for our civilisation and our planet.

Civilisation Drim Solutions

  1. Education.
  2. Poverty.
  3. Healthcare.
  4. Democracy.
  5. Crime.
  6. Fundamentalism.
  7. Capitalism.
  8. Existential Threats.



Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link




Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link




Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link



Personal Productivity

Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link

Personal Productivity



Prodsol Drim Ingenuity Pictogram Link




Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link





Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link





Prodsol Drim Mastery Pictogram Link







Content coming shortly.

Departmental Drim Solution Patterns

Departmental Drim Solution Patterns

Two -layer hierarchical tree with icons for each department

Drim solution patterns for departments and functions.

Departmental Drim Solution Patterns

This is a set of high-level drim solution patterns for the most common organisational departments / functional areas.

In due course, we'll create dedicated pages for each department - and add the less common departments - as demand and interest requires.

Check out the (sibling) General section of the Organisational Drim Solution Arenas for solutions that apply across all or most departments and functional areas.


Marketing Drim Solution Patterns

Marketing Drim Solutions Pictogram Link How to improve market demand and demand quality dramatically.

Marketing Drim Solution Patterns

The market opportunity always exceeds the demand we're seeing.   Here's why:

  1. Ideal clients don't even know about us.
  2. They're unable to diagnose their need reliably.
  3. They aren't clear on our offering's superiority.

Solution: Disseminate - through the networks that influence ideal client decision-makers the most - a highly-targeted, client-perspective-focused need-diagnostic, mapped directly into our product/service portfolio.


Sales Drim Solution Patterns

Two hands shaking

How to accelerate Sales dramatically.

Sales Drim Solution Patterns

  1. Define and generate sufficient Sales-Ready leads, to reduce wasted sales capacity.
  2. Accelerate the buying-cycle (not the sales-cycle), by removing common buying-group friction-points.
  3. Gain trusted access to influential people's networks.
  4. Batch sales activity by buy-cycle friction points & client to reduce time- & energy-wasting context-switching.
  5. Adjust pricing/campaigns to maximise contribution-rate.

Distribution Drim Solution Patterns

Central  hub with spokes leading to smaller hubs, leading to even smaller nodes

How to increase availability, while reducing total inventory and synchronise with marketing.

Distribution Drim Solution Patterns

Key solution patterns include:

  1. Increase availability, reduce total network inventory and increase SKU by centralising stock-holding and replenish more skus more frequently.
  2. Synchronise with Marketing and Sales to ensure that we sell more of what we have and less of what we don't.
  3. Run marginal-cost market-penetration campaigns.
  4. Use Deliberate Mastery to ensure effective in-market sales and support

Operations Drim Solution Patterns

Simple eight-entity flow-chart How to accelerate and streamline Operations

Operations Drim Solution Patterns

  1. Minimise multitasking by batching similar tasks and providing people with interruption-free focus-times.
  2. Optimise practices AND processes, by identifying and optimising bottlenecks in each flow.
  3. Float process decision-points to the top/start and use procedure guides and diagrams, rather than process guides and diagrams.
  4. Codify and disseminate expertise using reverse-engineered, asymmetrical decision-treees.

Production Drim Solution Pattterns

Horizontal bottleneck diagram with yellow arrows indicating relieving/widening the bottlneck.

How to improve Production throughput, quality and responsivemness drmatically.

Production Drim Solution Pattterns

This solution is a slightly adpated version of TOC's DBR/Production solution

  1. Minimise waste at and get more through the bottleneck.
  2. Synchronise all previous steps to the bottleneck-.
  3. Synchronise the bottleneck and sales and marketing: adjust the batch-size appropriately.
  4. Only widen the bottleneck (add more capacity) if even the above is not enough to match demand.

Projects Drim Solution Patterns

Simple Gantt chart image

How to streamline projects and make them more predictable.

Projects Drim Solution Patterns

  1. Pool time-, risk-, people-, equipment- and materials-contingency to improve predictability, due date performance and value created.
  2. Use RET and PPT, to ensure that everything essential and nothing superfluous is included.
  3. Minimise multitasking on current critical path tasks.
  4. Ensure that the critical path isn't delayed by other steps, info, equipment, materials or people.
  5. Small-batch iterations to minimise time and energy wasted on things that end up being not required.

R&D and PD Drim Solution Patterns

(Product Research & Development)
R&D & Product Development Drim Solution Patterns

How to accelerate and enhance ingenuity & innovation.

R&D and PD Drim Solution Patterns

(Product Research & Development)
  1. Repeatedly generate and integrate significant alternatives to a starting prototype / provisional solution.
  2. Require breakthrough rather than compromise solutions to conflicts, contradictions and trade-offs.
  3. Use Pattern Thinking to target and shape soltuions.
  4. Run parallel developments, to spread the risk.
  5. Iterate towards the ultimate state in batches.
  6. Deliberately and repeatedly TEASE the solution.

Finance Drim Solution Patternss

LIne graph with a set of multiple choices alongside it

How to dramatically improve that value and impact of Financial Reporting and Management Accounting - and better equip management teams to make informed decisions.

Finance Drim Solution Patternss

Decision-Ready Operational Reporting:

  1. Develop a set of Throughput Accounting Reports to expose the drim opportunity and formula.
  2. Establish departmental fixed and contribution-rate targets, to enable informed decision-making.
  3. Correct for external factors and common accounting anomalies, so that the noise impact on variation doesn't distort the signal.
  4. Work with management to surface and model the primary decision-options accurately.

Management Drim Solution Patterns

Orchestra conductor, general, sports coach and teacher icons

How to make management more impactful, inspiring and fulfilling.

Management Drim Solution Patterns

Use - and require your people to use:

  1. Flow-Optimisation, to work out where to focus.
  2. Defrag, to reduce time wasted by unnecessary context-switching.
  3. TAPTAS allocate time & energy approrpriately.
  4. Provisionals to escape the Peter Principle.
  5. A Drim IT to create and maintain focus.
  6. Drim Levers: ready-references for challenging situations.
  7. Pull-System For Change

Business Improvement Solution Patterns

Drim pictogram: growing arrow from bottom-left of a box to beyopnd the top-right

How to improve cross-functional performance and satisfaction.

Business Improvement Solution Patterns

  1. Cross-Functional Flow-Optimsation
  2. Commonstream initiatives to use and grow momentum and alignment.
  3. Develop, report on and engage on end-to-end drim-dimension-specific KPI's to guide and direct end-to-end focus.
  4. Develop an Intervention Funnel and promotion criteria to serialise/parallelise interventions.
  5. Engage people by creating a Pull-System for Ongoing Improvement.

Personal Drim Solutions


Personal Drim Solutions

Prodsol Personal Pictogram Link

Dramatic improvement solutions for oneself and interaction with others.

Personal Drim Solutions

  1. Confidence
  2. Relationships
  3. Career
  4. Productivity
  5. Ingenuity
  6. Sport
  7. Weightloss
  8. Mastery
  9. Wealth



Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link




Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link




Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link



Personal Productivity

Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link

Personal Productivity



Prodsol Drim Ingenuity Pictogram Link




Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link





Prodsol Weightloss Pictogram Link





Prodsol Drim Mastery Pictogram Link







Content coming shortly.

The Drim Solution Arena Patterns

Drim Solution Arena Patterns

A growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top-right beyound the square, with the primary arena icons surrounding the head of the arrow.

Drim Solutions secure dramatic improvement in performance and fulfilment for all concerned.

Drim Solution Arena Patterns

Drim Solutions are simple and (of necessity) counter-intuitive and invariably take advantage of (rather than fighting) the situational forces that constrain the improvement we're seeking.

The primary drim solution arenas are:

  1. The Personal Drim Solution Arena.
  2. Organisational Drim Solution Arena.
  3. Community Drim Solutions.
  4. National Drim Solutions.
  5. Civilisation Drim Solutions.

Personal Drim Solutions

Prodsol Personal Pictogram Link

Dramatic improvement solutions for oneself and interaction with others.

Personal Drim Solutions

  1. General [Impact Revolution]
  2. Arenas [Myself|Family|Friends|School|Work|Sport| Community|Leisure]
  3. Domains [Health|Happiness|Relationships|Wealth| LifeStyle|Productivity|Ingenuity]
  4. Dimensions [Flow|Ingenuity|Change|Mastery| Synergy|Meaning]

Organisational Drim Solutions

Prodsol Organisational Drim Pictogram Link

Dramatic improvement solutions for organisations.

Organisational Drim Solutions

  1. General [Culture|Productivity|Processes|Projects| Meetings|Collaboration| Strategy]
  2. Departments [Marketing|Sales|Distribution| Operations|Production|Projects|R&D and PD|Finance|Management]
  3. Dimensions [Flow|Ingenuity|Change|Mastery| Synergy|Meaning]
  4. Sectors [Farming & Mining|Manufacturing| Services|Intellectual|Government]

Community Drim Solutions

Silhouette of people on a black disc

Dramatic improvement solutions for physical and virtual groups of people and their environments.

Community Drim Solutions

Advances in technology and communication have brought us virtual communities - often at the cost of the local communities.  There's a lot we can do - individually and collectively - to both enrich virtual communities and strengthen local communities.

  1. Dramatic improvement in Community Wealth.
  2. Dramatic improvement in Community Health.
  3. Dramatic improvement in Community Safety.
  4. Dramatic improvement in Community Lifestyle and Culture.

National Drim Solutions

Silhouette of a crowd of people and a flag on a black disc

Dramatic improvement solution for regions and nations.

National Drim Solutions

The opportunity for improvement at larger scale is even more dramatic than at smaller scale - and local and central government are even less productive, efficient and rewarding than organisations are.

  1. Internal Solutions: Policies and frameworks for improving the individual and collective lot of internal stakeholders, populations, sectors and interest groups.
  2. External Solutions: Policies and frameworks for dramatically improving interactions with other regions and nations.

Civilisation Drim Solutions

Bottom half of an atlas (globe) with people silhouettes completing the top-half, on a black disc

Dramatic improvement solutions for our civilisation and our planet.

Civilisation Drim Solutions

  1. Domains [Education|Poverty|Healthcare|War| Democracy|Crime|Fundamentalism|Capitalism| Existential Threats|Globalisation]
  2. Arenas [Industry|Science|Government|Healthcare| Technology|Sport|Politics|Community]
  3. Dimensions [Flow|Ingenuity|Change|Mastery| Synergy|Meaning]

Current Promotions

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 Service Summary


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This page lists the memberships, webinars, workshops and services we're promoting.

You can see these on the top right-hand slider on this site's home page: Come here if you prefer to see static flashcards!


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If there's a Coming Soon button, then further information will be forthcoming shortly.

If there no icon to the right of the flashcard controls, then no further information will be provided.

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We have a lot in the pipeline and it will be released a fast rate over the next few days and weeks.


We have a lot in the pipeline!

  1. Solutions for each of the Drim Dimensions.
  2. Personal and professional Drim Solutions.
  3. Organisational Drim Solutions (over a dozen functional areas).
  4. Videos, podcasts and slideshows.
  5. Online and public webinars, workshops and courses.
  6. Special onsite services.


Join the

to get a deep understanding of the Drim Dimensions and apply them to your world.

The second intake of the DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT ACADEMY is planned for July this year.


The Drim Academy currently has a single, 12-Session Course in its curriculum.

We completed the first pilot of Level 1 this course in April of this year and are currently making enhancements to Level 1 while we complete the content for Level 2.

We'll launch an online version in June 2017 and recommence the public in-person version in July 2017.  

We'll post attendees comments here shortly.



How to Improve Any Situation or Thing Dramatically.

This three-part series kicks off in early-July.  The promotion starts in late June. 

Sign up here to get early notification: we restrict the the first session to 100 attendees, the second to 35 and the third to 10 - first come first served.


How to Improve Any Situation or Thing Dramatically.

This is one of the best ways to start your DRIM JOURNEY of learning the DRAMATIC IMPROVEMENT THINKING, METHOD and CORE SOLUTIONS.

  1. Session One equips you with the basics. Expect to see immediate gains across your key domains.
  2. Session Two focuses on one selected domain - and ensures that the gains in it are truly dramatic.
  3. Session Three focus on applying those insights across other domains.

This content is not available for your subscription-level.  Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access. 

This content is not available for your subscription-level.  Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access. 

This content is not available for your subscription-level.  Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access. 

This content is not available for your subscription-level.  Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access. 


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