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Change Drîm Solutions

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3. The Change Dimension Solutions

Prodsol Change Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Having a perfect solution is of only academic value without the ability to make the change from the old way of doing things to the new way - conventional approaches leave a lot to be desired.

3. The Change Dimension Solutions

Create a Pull-System for Change:

  1. Engagement & Response Frameworks, to help people respond constructively & collaboratively.
  2. Staged Evolution: Advance in short, achievable stages to reduce friction and overwhelm.
  3. CommonStreaming: Capitalise on existing enthusiasm and passion by starting there.
  4. Restricted Access: Limit access to ideal candidates.
  5. Early Intervention: Identify the earliest indications that the new way will be required.

The Change Pattern

ChangeGenius Pattern Image: Trigger point triangle at the bottom with a two-part red arrow heading off in an arc to the left (old response > consequences) and a two-part green arrow heading off in an arc to the right (new response > Prosequences

Identify and clearly define the Change Trigger point and symptoms and contrast the new response and it's prosequences with the old one and its consequences.

The Change Pattern

  1. Define the ideal transition point in migrating from the old way to the new way.
  2. Work out what triggers to use to prompt/remind ourselves to change to the new way.
  3. Identify the Prosequences of the new way and the Consequence of the old way.
  4. Contrast the new approach with the old approach.
  5. Use deep practice to make the transition easier and more effective.

The Need for a Change Framework

Change Framework Image:

Having a perfect solution is of only academic value without the ability to make the change from the old way of doing things to the new way.

The Need for a Change Framework

The problem is that we are so familiar with the old way that we can follow it automatically, while the new way is unproven, untested and full of risks and kinks.

The solution is to collaborate in creating simple frameworks for identifying and mitigating risks and ironing out kinks - and to give people the opportunity to become adept at the new way, over time, before abandoning the old way.

The trick is to make the new way way more compellingly attractive, appealing and addictive than the old way, in the short-term - for all parties..


The Basic Change Framework

A simple drîm framework for change.

The Basic Change Framework

  1. Ultimate State
  2. Propagation Support Symbol: Capital S within a square

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Ingenuity Drîm Solutions

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2. The Ingenuity Dimension Solutions

A bright yellow light bulb emitting rays of light within a black circle background

Every challenging situation requires extraordinary ingenuity - because we don't know what we don't know. This is a non-trivial problem to solve!

2. The Ingenuity Dimension Solutions

  1. Provisionals: Generate a series of rough, provisional solutions.
  2. AGI: Generate and integrate alternatives to the current provisional solution.
  3. GPS: Establish the single Goal, Problem and Solution for all stakeholders in all time periods.
  4. Pattern Thinking: Instead of compromising or choosing between inadequate solutions, find the repeating pattern across them.
  5. RET: Reverse-Engineer solutions from the benefts sought to the solution features required.

2. The Ingenuity Dimension

Prodsol Ingenuity Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Ingenuity focuses on individual and collective genius - coming up with smarter, better, cheaper, more sustainable and predictable outcomes.

2. The Ingenuity Dimension

The problem with ingenuity is that it's extremely challenging - biologically - to come up with new outside-the-box solutions and insights.

Deliberately generating and integrating alternative ways of enhancing key dimensions of an evolving solution prototype enables us to escape this physiological constraint.

Applying patterns that resolve the common contradictions between physical properties accelerates things even further.


The Top Five Ingenuity Lever Solutions

Prodsol Ingenuity Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Using these levers - independently or in concert - guarantees next-level outside-the-box genuius insights and solutions in a fraction of the normal time.

The Top Five Ingenuity Lever Solutions

  1. Provisionals: Force out a provisional solution, no matter how inadequate and enhance it iteratively.
  2. AGI: Generate and Integrate alternatives to a starting provisional solution or design.
  3. Pattern Thinking: Generate lots of ideas. Find common themes. Find the repeating pattern.
  4. GPS: Clarify the Goal, then the Problem and only then the Solution to maximise impact & efficiency.
  5. AWAPITA: Focus on completing As Well As Possible In the Time Available, rather than ASAP.

Provisionals Technique

Provisionals Technique Image:

Use the power of provisional solutions to overcome the Peter Principle and Perfectionism.

Provisionals Technique

Provisionals Technique is deliberately adopting very rough and of necessity inadequate solutions ahead of any thought or research.

The power of provisionals lies in their creation of a tangible working solution - that is a lot easier to enhance than an ethereal solution that doesn't yet exist.

Provisionals can take the form of a few descriptive words or a rough diagram or barely-working prototype: anything to trigger of the enhancement phase of the innovation cycle.



(Alternative Generation & Integration
AGI Image: Cycle with one circle, three circles and and combination of four curcles, around a bar graph with alternatiing flat and angled-up tops.

A way of deliberately and systematically developing lateral, outside-the box solutions.


(Alternative Generation & Integration

Generate and integrate significant alternatives to a starting provisional solution.

The starting provisional solution defines and is defined by the box one is currently thinking in.

Generating alternatives to it forces one to come up with something outside that box: a solution that defines its own - different - box. Integrating the solution ideas defines a new - more powerful and valid - box.



(Reverse-Engineering Technique
RET (Reverse-Engineering Technique) Image:

Use the power of reverse-engineering to streamline and guarantee outcomes.


(Reverse-Engineering Technique

Reverse-Engineering (working backwards from instead of forwards to) the ultimate state sought) offers a number unique of advantages.

  1. It enables us to ensure that we haven't missed any essential elements out.
  2. It enables to exclude the superfluous.
  3. It enables us to figure out demanding and complex challenges.

We don't need to abandon Forward Engineering - merely supplement it with RET.


Future Retrospective

Future Retrospective Image:

Use the gift of hindsight - to reverse-engineer failure, opportunity and success modes.

Future Retrospective

Future Retrospective is a more comprehensive version of the subsequently developed Pre- Mortem, in that it investigates not only the reasons for failure, but also the keys to success, opportunities encountered and the learnings achieved.

The objective is to enhance the project plan and project team preparedness by deliberately catalysing foresight by engaging hindsight in each of the key contributory modes.



As Well As Possible In The Time

A powerful and effective alternative to ASAP.


As Well As Possible In The Time

Completing something AWAPITA rather than ASAP switches the focus from perfection-as-long-as-it-takes to getting-it-done-in-a-timely-way-even-if-it's-not-perfect).  It enables us to overcome perfectionism, procrastination and multitasking and accelerate innovation and productivity.

It combines well with Provisionals, AGI and fast-cycle, multi-pass innovation.


Pattern Thinking

A set of a dozen vertically aligned black lines on the left above the label elements; Vertically aligned black-outlined square, triangle & circle above the label common themes in the middle &; A black-outlined hexagon above the label repeating pattern on the right. Three red pattern thinking symbols (red lasso with a red arrow coming off it to the right) on the left pointing to the three middle objects a single one, extending beyond the top of the square and the bottom of the circle in the middle.

Generate genius-level insights and solutions, on demand.

Pattern Thinking

A simple technique for finding the repeating patterns that drive the behaviour of the systems that make challenging situations seem so intractable.

  1. List the elements of the situation - like issues & challenges - & opportunities and solutions.
  2. Look for common themes across the set
  3. Look for the single repeating pattern across the set of common themes.

The themes & pattern won't be immediately obvious but will, very quickly, leap into focus.


The GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution)

GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution) Image:

Simple, powerful, universal strategy model.

The GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution)

  1. The Goal Pattern: The single situation-wide goal pattern,
  2. The Problem Pattern: The single situation-wide core/root problem pattern.
  3. The Solution Pattern: The single simple situation-wide breakthrough solution pattern.

There is a single, situation-wide GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution) Pattern for each & every challenging situation or thing. It can be found using Pattern Thinking or AGI, below.


GBE (Good|Bad|Exceptional)

GBE (Good|Bad|Exceptional) Image:

Simple framework and method for helping people escape the box of mediocrity.

GBE (Good|Bad|Exceptional)

GBE gets people to list current and potential good and bad features and experiences of products and services in a brainstorming way.

Then collaborate to develop good features and experiences against each bad one - with a view to replacing the bad ones with good ones.

The real impact comes from the third step, which is to create a third, Exceptional column/category to bring people to extrapolate and use other techniques to significantly exceed their best previous ideas.



TEASE Image:
  1. Target things more accurately or tightly.
  2. Enhance: Make things better.
  3. Accelerate: Make things faster.
  4. Streamline: Make things quicker, cheaper or easier.
  5. Energise: Make things more appealing to people.


TEASE is one of many Improvement Mode Frameworks that identify the improvement dimensions to consider.

Knowing what dimensions of a challenging situation or thing we can improve, enables us to both identify and focus on those dimensions more easily and precisely.

  1. Chose which dimensions will have the biggest impact - independently and in concert.
  2. Focus the Ingenuity Solutions at each dimension to generate ways of improving it.
  3. Find a combination that works.

Innovation Hothouse

Innovation Hothouse Image:

A way of deliberately and systematically catalysing, accelerating and synergising individual and collective ingenuity and innovation.

Innovation Hothouse

Run a succession of 90-second idea generation and recognition sessions to generate increasingly outside the box ideas and integrate and evolve them into simple counter-intuitive dramatic improvement breakthrough solution.

Innovation Hothouse has a number of advantages over conventional Brainstorming techniques, because it allows people to generate ideas in parallel and enables everyone's (not just the dominate personalities') ideas to be captured and built upon, collaborate lively.


The IMP Ideal|Minimalistic|Proposed Technique

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


The IMP Ideal|Minimalistic|Proposed Technique



The IFOES Framework

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


The IFOES Framework



The DCOMRIS Framework

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


The DCOMRIS Framework



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Propagation Support Symbol: Capital S within a square

Copyright © Prodsol International, 1998-2024.

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The Flow Drîm Solutions

Prodsol Flow Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Everything is a flow-system.

The Flow Drîm Solutions

Everything is a flow-system. There are five primary & interrelated facets of flow that can be improved:

  1. Flow-RATE Acceleration: Maximise flow-rate through the bottleneck.
  2. Flow-TIME Reduction: Target the greatest end-to-end flow-time contributors.
  3. Flow-QUALITY Optimisation: Identify and resolve the core contributors to quality failures.
  4. Flow-COST Containment: Target the biggest end-to-end cost-contributors.
  5. Flow-STATE Enablement: Defrag your brain and deliberately engineer the optimal mental state.

The Drîm Flow Discovery Page Contents

The Prodsol Drîm Framework

A high-level portal contents overview.

The Drîm Flow Discovery Page Contents

  1. Intro to Drîm.
  2. The Drîm Manifesto.
  3. The Drîm Dimensions.
  4. The Drîm Principles.
  5. The Drîm Solution Library.
  6. The Drîm Templates.
  7. The Drîm Mindset.
  8. The Drîm Method.
  9. Implications of the Drîm Framework.
  10. Integration with existing frameworks.

How to Improve Flow Dramatically

The Flow Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system. This section covers counter-intuitive ways of deliberately and systematically improving flow.

How to Improve Flow Dramatically

The problem with flow is that we all think we understand it & how to improve it - but there's a lot more to it than we realise.

The primary dimensions of flow are: flow-rate, flow-time, flow-quality, flow-cost & mental flow-state. They're closely related, which doesn't make it any easier to work out how to improve things!

Even the simple insight that end-to-end flow-rate is determined by a single bottleneck - which is obvious to everyone - is seldom capitalised on (people seldom know, agree, prioritise or focus on relieving the bottleneck).


The Flow GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution)

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The Primary Flow Leverage Patterns

The Primary Flow Lever Patterns

Prodsol Flow Drîm Dimension Pictogram

Every challenging situation or thing is a flow-system - & so benefits from the application of counter-intuitive dramatic improvement flow-improvement patterns.

The Primary Flow Lever Patterns

  1. Flow-RATE Acceleration is increasing the volume produced by the situation or thing per time.
  2. Flow-TIME Reduction is reducing how long it takes to produce each outcome or thing.
  3. Flow-QUALITY Optimisation is improving the value of what's produced.
  4. Flow-COST Containment is reducing how much investment is required.
  5. Mental Flow-STATE Enablement is deliberately jumping into and remaining in a mental flow-state.

Flow-Rate Acceleration

Prodsol Flow-Rate Acceleration Pictogram

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to improve the flow-rate of any system, process, programme, situation or thing dramatically.

Flow-Rate Acceleration

  1. Draw the flow.
  2. Identify the end-to-end bottleneck.
  3. Optimise the bottleneck for performance.
  4. Introduce QC immediately before the bottleneck.
  5. Choke the inflow to match the bottleneck's.
  6. Buffer the bottleneck to protect it.
  7. Introduce pre- and post-processing.
  8. Add bottleneck capacity.

Flow-Time Reduction

Flow-Time Reduction Image:

Set of counter-intuitive steps to reduce the cycle-time of any system, process, programme or situation.

Flow-Time Reduction

Flow-time is related to, but distinct from flow-rate. Flow-rate affects flow-time, but there are other things that contribute to flow-time, including:

  1. Rework time.
  2. Wait-time.
  3. Setup-time.
  4. Processing time.
  5. Curing time.
  6. Travel-time.

Flow-Quality Optimisation

Prodsol Flow-Quality Optimisation Pictogram

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to enhance the quality of any system, process,  programme, situation or thing - dramatically.

Flow-Quality Optimisation

The cost of perfection is infinite, so the objective is to optimise quality, rather than to maximise it.

  1. Assess the target against the primary quality dimensions (Performance|Features|Reliability| Conformance|Durability|Serviceability|Aesthetics|
  2. Draw the quality flow-system for each dimension.
  3. Identify the key intervention point to improve/ degrade quality.
  4. Intervene in stages.

Flow-Cost Containment

Prodsol Flow-Cost Containment Pictogram

A set of simple, counter-intuitive steps to reduce the cost of any system, process,  programme, situation or thing dramatically.

Flow-Cost Containment

The opportunity for cost reduction is limited to zero, so the objective is to contain rather than minimise costs to avoid compromising Flow-Rate, -Time, -Quality and -State)

  1. Identify the primary cost contributors, like Labour|Materials|Waste|Services|Utilities|Inventory |Advertising|Sales in the direct and indirect fixed, variable, extraordinary etc categories (e.g. TIMWOOD).
  2. Draw the cost flow-system and identify ways of containing cost at the ideal intervention points.

Flow-State Enablement

Prodsol Flow-State Enablement Pictogram

Free up time and energy lost (easily a day a week) in seemingly unavoidable multitasking.

Gain not only time and throughput, but also increased customer satisfaction and & accelerated capability & collaboration, in the process.

Flow-State Enablement

Defragment your Time & Focus, to reduce the task-interleaving effect, the task-switching overhead, the parallel processing overhead, pfc bypass, accelerated neurochemical depletion & arrested capability development.

Here is a starting set of simple techniques for reducing the seemingly unavoidable costs multitasking:

  1. Task Completion.
  2. Task Batching.
  3. FocusTimes.
  4. Interruption Windows.
  5. Scheduled Catch-Ups.
  6. Interruption Processing Slots.
  7. Cognitive Momentum Caching.

Here's a starting set of solutions for engineering the ideal mental state

  1. Define the ideal state: Motivated, enthusiastic, energetic, confident, focused, resourceful, masterful.
  2. Diagnose & address the current state: pathology; physical, physiology, cogntiive, emotional, relational, philosophical. (table, with score)
  3. Use the techniques for engineering the desired state, by addressing each foundational current state immediately & over time.

Key Drîm Solutions


Totally fragmented black human brain shape on the left; Lightly segmented black human brain shape on the right; separated by a red left-to-right arrow

Free up time and energy lost (easily a day a week) in seemingly unavoidable multitasking.

Gain not only time and throughput, but also increased customer satisfaction and accelerated capability and collaboration, in the process.


  1. Task Completion: Complete tasks before switching.
  2. Task Batching: Batch similar tasks together.
  3. FocusTimes: Schedule times to work uninterrupted.
  4. Interruption Windows: Publish ideal interruption times.
  5. Scheduled Catch-Ups: For co-workers.
  6. Interruption Processing Slots: Times for working on non-urgent stuff that comes up.
  7. Mental Bookmarking: Record next steps before switching.

TAP (Time Allocation Planning)

TAP (Time Allocation Planning) Image:

Allocate your time and energy in proportions that make the most sense and deliver the best end-to-end benefit.

TAP (Time Allocation Planning)

We tend to allocate our time, focus and energy to what we can make the most difference to, rather than what will make the most end-to-end difference.

  1. List the activities that currently take up your week.
  2. Estimate how much of your time each takes up.
  3. Add important activities that aren't even on the list.
  4. Determine the ideal time and energy allocation.
  5. Calculate the difference between them.
  6. Use Deliberate Genius to develop strategies for migrating from current to ideal allocation.




There are two primary sub-dimensions to flow-state engineering: Defragmenting Time & Focus & Attittuning:

Here is a starting set of simple techniques for reducing the seemingly unavoidable costs multitasking:

Here's a starting set of solutions for engienering the ideal mental state

  1. Task Completion.
  2. Task Batching.
  3. FocusTimes.
  4. Interruption Windows.
  5. Scheduled Catch-Ups.
    1. Define the ideal state: Motivated, enthusiastic, energetic, confident, focused, resourceful, masterful.
    2. Use the techniques for engineering that state.
    3. Diagnose the current state: pathology; physical, physiology, cogntiive, emotional, relational, philosophical.

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Drîm Motivation

We know that motivation is crucial to performance, but struggle to become - and stay - motivated and struggle to motivate others and keep them motivated.

Drîm Motivation

The key to becoming and remaining motivated - and regaining it if we lose it - is to become good at deliberately creating the crucible conditions for motivation:

  1. {tip title="Daily Motivation Maintenance" content="

    Because motivation is so vulnerable to mood, events and our physical and mental state, it's essential to deliberately and proactively check and maintain motivation on a regular basis - daily by default and more or less frequency if required.

    The objective is to assess your motivation levels and take appropriate restorative action as early as possible.

    Proactively Assess your current levels of motivation and Review a purpose-built collection of motivating thoughts, including inspirational quotes, words and notes of encouragement and recognition and clear statements about your mission in life to reinforce the gounded and realistic perspective needed to remain motivated.

    "}Daily Motivation Management.
  2. Foundation Check.
  3. Clear the Decks.
  4. Get Perspective
  5. No Dementors!
  6. Connect to Meaning.
  7. Size the task to your appetite, aptitude and energy.
  8. Deliberately build confidence.
  9. Build momentum over time.

The secret to sustainable motivation is to determine and connect with what is most meaningful - to ourselves and others - within the context.  And then keep reminding ourselves of the connection.


Flow & Other Dimensions

How flow affects & is affected by other dimensions.

Flow & Other Dimensions

All other dimensions are actually flow systems - & all other dimensions are required to improve flow: the dimensions are all recursive & omnipresent:

  1. Flow The rate at which flow is improved is a flow system - like the other dimensions, flow is infinitely recursive & omnipresent.
  2. Ingenuity The ingenuity process is a flow system | Ingenuity is required to accelerate flow.
  3. Change Change is a flow system | Improving flow requires change.
  4. Mastery is a flow-system | Mastery is an essential part of every flow-system.
  5. Synergy is a flow-system | Synergy is required to optimise flow.
  6. Understanding is a flow system | We need to understand flow in orrder to maximise it.

{tip title="Publisher, Author & Publication-Type" content="

Prodsol Limited 1998-2021 - Gary Bartlett - Original Remix.

Click the [P] ? icon for details.

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Propagation Support Symbol: Capital S within a square

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The Universal Human Condition Solution

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description

Multi-Option-Add-Your-Own Diagnostic & Intervention Frameworks

The Universal Human Condition Solution

The universal human condition problem is unconscious incognizance - we're forced to live in ignorance of what we don't know we don't know. This is a signficant physiological problem, because it prevents us from seeing & recognising the significance of what's right in front of us.

The solution to this problem of unconscious incognizance is to generate, integrate & test alternatives to an evolving hypothesis, building a multi-option-or-add-your-own diagnostic & intervention framework, in the process.  Hover here for a little more detail.


The Human Condition GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution) Strategy Pattern

Simple Human Condition GPS
Dramatic Improvement
Dramatic and ongoing improvement in performance, impact & satisfaction
We don't know
know we
what we don't
don't know
Multi-Option Diagnostic & Intervention Frameworks

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The Human Condition Goal Pattern

A sky blue rectangle with the words 'Goal Pattern' in it & with the pattern thinking symbol (5 horizontal black lines, with a red lasso encircling them in their middles, with a straight red arrow to the right) to the left of it.

Dramatic & ongoing improvement in performance, impact, satisfaction & fulfilment.

The Human Condition Goal Pattern

Performance, impact, satisfaction & fulfilment cover the various facets & fundamentals of human happiness.

It's a recursive repeating pattern, because our goal is to secure it for ourselves & others, close & far - and it's only if we can secure it for us all, that we can truly be happy & fulfilled, energised, confident & competent & respectful, honouring & appreciative of each other.

We seek dramatic & ongoing improvement - wrt an ever-unfolding vista of opportunity. It's not an absolute state that we can ever achieve, because the possibilities & challenges are endless.


The Human Condition Problem Pattern

A red rectangle with the words 'Problem Pattern' in it & with the pattern thinking symbol (5 horizontal black lines, with a red lasso encircling them in their middles, with a straight red arrow to the right) to the left of it.

Unconscious incognizance (we don't know what we don't know we don't know) compounded by detail & dynamic complexity.

The Human Condition Problem Pattern

Unconscious Incognizance

  1. We don't know what we don't know we don't know
  2. Much of what we don't know ain't so and
  3. Much of what we do know we don't realise can be applied to the situation we're currently facing.

Compounding Detail & Dynamic Complexity:

  1. Detail Complexity: Lots of parts.
  2. Dynamic Complexity: Moving parts with lots of interactions.
  3. Compounding Complexity: Every uninformed step tends to makes things worse.

The Human Condition Solution Pattern

A yellow rectangle with the words 'Solution Pattern' in it & with the pattern thinking symbol (5 horizontal black lines, with a red lasso encircling them in their middles, with a straight red arrow to the right) to the left of it.

Reverse-engineered, multi-option-add-your-own diagnostic & intervention frameworks, with alternative generation & integration

The Human Condition Solution Pattern

  1. Frameworks provide unconstrained structure.
  2. Reverse-Engineered Frameworks bridge the gap.
  3. Multi-Option-Add-Your-Own Frameworks reduce the need to invent from the ground-up.
  4. Building-Blocks extend the multi-option concept into multi-option sets.
  5. AGI forces us to think outside the square.
  6. Provisional Completion provides a starting place.
  7. Extending existing frameworks is the quickest way to build neural & collaborative network.

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The GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution)

GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution) Image:

Simple, powerful, universal strategy model.

The GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution)

  1. The Goal Pattern: The single situation-wide goal pattern,
  2. The Problem Pattern: The single situation-wide core/root problem pattern.
  3. The Solution Pattern: The single simple situation-wide breakthrough solution pattern.

There is a single, situation-wide GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution) Pattern for each & every challenging situation or thing. It can be found using Pattern Thinking or AGI, below.




A way of overcoming the fundamental Human Condition Problem of Unconscious Incognizance


A more comprehensive version of MODIF for overcoming the seemingly intractable human condition problem of unconscious incognizance:

  1. Reverse-Engineered (from the nirvana state)
  2. Multi-Option (for quick, reliable selection)
  3. Frameworks (to provide both control/predictability and freedom) with
  4. Alternative Generation and Integration (to ensure ongoing improvement).


Alternative Generation & Integration
AGI Image: Cycle with one circle, three circles and and combination of four curcles, around a bar graph with alternatiing flat and angled-up tops.

A way of deliberately and systematically developing lateral, outside-the box breakthrough solutions.


Alternative Generation & Integration

Generate and integrate significant alternatives to a starting provisional solution.

The starting provisional solution defines and is defined by the box one is currently thinking in.

Generating alternatives to it forces one to come up with something outside that box: a solution that defines its own - different - box.

Integrating the solution ideas defines a new - bigger & more powerful & valid - box.


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This content is not available for your subscription-level.  Please [R]egister or [S]ubscribe to gain access. 

Pattern Thinking

A set of a dozen vertically aligned black lines on the left above the label elements; Vertically aligned black-outlined square, triangle & circle above the label common themes in the middle &; A black-outlined hexagon above the label repeating pattern on the right. Three red pattern thinking symbols (red lasso with a red arrow coming off it to the right) on the left pointing to the three middle objects a single one, extending beyond the top of the square and the bottom of the circle in the middle.

Generate genius-level insights and solutions, on demand.

Pattern Thinking

A simple technique for finding the repeating patterns that drive the behaviour of the systems that make challenging situations seem so intractable.

  1. List the elements of the situation - like issues & challenges - & opportunities and solutions.
  2. Look for common themes across the set
  3. Look for the single repeating pattern across the set of common themes.

The themes & pattern won't be immediately obvious but will, very quickly, leap into focus.


Pattern Extrapolation

Four phases of solid black sinusoidal curve followed by two phases of a dotted red sinusoidal curve, all above a 6 phase dotted red sinusoidal curve

Continue in the direction & pattern of the breakthrough to flush out additional gains

Pattern Extrapolation

Extend the essence of the new insight or breakthrough solution beyond your comfort level - looking for further implications & ramifications to capitalise on the Drîm momentum gained.

The Repeating Pattern Phenomenon implies that any discovery or advance will apply throughout the situation.

Extrapolation is delibertaely looking for other applications, so that they don't need to be discovered or invented independently.


Deep Thought & Practice

Deep Practice Image:

Deliberately and systematically accelerate capability by stimulating myelination - the wrapping of myelin around axons in the brain.  

It peaks after 12-16 minutes and drops off after 40-60 minutes.  It's triggered by deep, repetitive concentration at the limits of current capability.

Deep Thought & Practice

  1. Break the desired performance into its key steps or elements.
  2. Repeatedly and uninterruptedly learn then practice each of the elements independently
  3. Slowly at first and with
  4. Increasing speed and pressure
  5. Combine the various elements together.

Myelin reduces electrical signal degradation and increases the flow of current which strengthens thinking patterns and performance.


Staged Evolution

Staged Evolution Image:

An agile-esque way of migrating to ideality in stages, over time - and establishing a market leadership position in the process.

Staged Evolution

  1. Define the current ideal outcome, product, service or state.
  2. Define the current state.
  3. Develop a very rough 3- or 4-stage migration from the current to the ideal state.
  4. Deliver the first stage - only introducing new ideas that reduce risk and accelerate this stage; add other new ideas to an Ideas List.
  5. Return to step 1, using the ideas list to enhance the ideal outcome.

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The Drîm Framework

The Prodsol Drîm Framework

This entire site is designed to help people overcome the unconscious incognizance problem.

The Drîm Framework

The Drîm Framework - developed, specifically, to overcome this problem, comprises:

  1. The Drîm Manifesto.
  2. The Drîm Dimensions.
  3. The Drîm Principles
  4. The Drîm Solution Library.
  5. The Drîm Mindset.
  6. The Drîm Templates
  7. The Drîm Method.

MCAYO Drîm Templates

A black rectangle, representing a page, with a drim pictogram, top right & differently shaped fields amd multiple-choice questions

Translating concept into tangible benefit.

MCAYO Drîm Templates

  1. Templates provide a thinking & communication structure, while increasing - freedom & flexibilty.
  2. Multi-choice templates are quicker & easier to use.
  3. The ability to add your own option enables ....
  4. Example populated-templates help people get a feel for the finished product ....
  5. Guidelines & simple self-tests ensure that we gain the most benefit with the least effort.

MCAYO templates enable us to apply any template, concept, model or framework directly, ....


The Flashcard Solution

A rounded square with a Title, Image & Teaser, alongside another with details in in.

A brain-friendly way to present ideas & information.

The Flashcard Solution

A brain-friendly way to discover & learn new concepts:

  1. The front of the flashcard (Title, Pictogram & Teaser) provides an overview.
  2. The back of the flashcard, provides detail.
  3. The tooltips provide a deeper layer of detail.
  4. Hovering (or pressing) on the flashcard provides detail.
  5. The navigation link (bottom right), links to comprehensive detail.
  6. The template link (bottom-left) links the template.

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Notes on the Human condition solution and GPS and how it applies to everything and how it can be used.


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Drîm Intro

Drîm Intro

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Intro to Drîm

Person icon shaking hands with a personified Drîm (growing arrow from bottom-left to beyond top-right of a box) Icon

What are we talking about here?

Intro to Drîm

  1. Drîm is about improving things dramatically.
  2. Expect 100's of % improvement ....
  3. The essence is to see constraints as levers.
  4. Drîm provides a MCAYO way of finding the levers - reducing the needs for re-invention
  5. Drîm is highly compatible - with all other frameworks: by intent, definition & design.
  6. Drîm is based on other work & is evolving rapidly.
  7. Drîm is for you if your aspirations exceed your expectations & you revel in the counter-intuitive.

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The Drîm Discovery Story

Open book with jumbled drîm icons aiming in different directions on the left page and a large single one on the right page

The discovery that challenging situations are made up of repeating patterns.

The Drîm Discovery Story

In an attempt to distinguish between competing breakthrough thinking techniques, it dawned on Gary Bartlett (Prodsol's Founder) that they were, really, versions of a deeper, simpler reality.

This led to the discovery of The Repeating Pattern Phenomenon, Pattern Thinking and the development of a taxonomy and library of drîm solution patterns.

This website is an evolving vehicle for disseminating these insights, civilisation-wide, as affordably and virally as possible - and supporting organisations and individuals in applying and implementing them.


Drîm Impact Expectations

Left and righte arrows colliding with a questin mark beside them

What sort of impact can you expect from adopting the Drîm Approach within your situation?

Drîm Impact Expectations

Expect net gains of 20-35% within a month or two in human|physical systems; 40-60% in pure human ones.

The impact you will get is dependent on three things:

  1. The complexity of your situation or challenge: the more complex and seemingly intractable the bigger the impact. (The Drîm Manifesto explains why.)
  2. Your appetite and aptitude for counter-intuitive solutions.
  3. Your willingness to shift - and maintain focus - away from where it has been to the real drîm levers.

Drîm Framework Compatibility

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


Drîm Framework Compatibility

The Drîm Framework is highly compatible - rather than competitive - with all other techniques and approaches: by intent, definition and design.


The Drîm Framework Overview

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


The Drîm Framework Overview

Dramatic Improvement is the discipline, framework and practice of deliberately and systematically improving any situation or thing dramatically.

It comprises:....


Drîm Self-Selection

Radio buttons against: Stick with what you have; Integrate Drîm; Look for something better; Build something new, from scratch - with the Drîm option selected

The implications are huge and apply to every single challenging situation or thing we face - individually and collectively.

Drîm Self-Selection

Whatever opportunity or challenging situation you - or we all - face right now can be improved dramatically - no matter how intractable it may seem.

So whether you:

  1. Aspire to (even) better insight, results or impact.
  2. Face seemingly intractable challenges,
  3. Feel too under pressure for something new or
  4. Merely revel in counter-intuitive ideas...

   ... drîm could make all the difference to your world.


The Drîm Portals

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


The Drîm Portals

The Drîm Portals are optimised for different scenarios (Discovery: Exploration; Quest: Situation; Journey: Growth; Academy: Training; Community: Collaboration & Support.)


Let Curiosity Be Your Guide

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


Let Curiosity Be Your Guide

Let curiosity be your (only?) guide.


Make Notes As You Go

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


Make Notes As You Go

Keep notes of the insights that emerge while you're browsing this portal - or risk losing them.


Be Prepared for Drîm

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


Be Prepared for Drîm

Be prepared for things to seem a little confusing at first: it's a whole new way at looking at reality.


Return Often

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


Return Often

Return often to gain greater familiarity & deeper insights.


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Drîm Impact

Drîm Impact Illustrations

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Prodsol Impact Pictogram

Here are some illustrations of the impact you can expect.

There are always solutions as impactful as these to be found, even - especially - when situations seem intractable, at the start.


We've enhanced the dramatic improvement framework significantly since some of these solutions were implemented - especially in the creating and sustaining change dimension.

So the impact you can expect is at least as significant as what we share below: no matter how intractable your situation may seem.

As you can see, the solutions are deceptively simple - and obvious in hindsight.  Beware the trap of thinking that your situation is different!



Prodsol Marketing Impact

Sales-ready leads with over 80% conversion-rate.


Global Distributor: Healthcare Equipment

Solution Overview

  1. Targeted dissemination of highly tailored self-diagnostics that enable ideal prospective clients (for whom the product offering is ideal) to diagnose their need reliably and map it into the distributor's product portfolio.
  2. Access to the prospective clients is direct marketing via special a interest groups that the most influential of them belong to.


Prodsol Weight-Loss Impact

Overweight business person needed a dramatic improvement solution for weight loss - he was prepared to do anything to lose weight.



Solution Overview

  1. Never say no to tasty or unhealthy food: merely delay gratification for as long as your motivation allows, and hydrate, exercise, attitune and eat healthy food in the interim.
  2. Realise that being hungry is not a life-threatening condition, but a highly attractive one (from a weight-loss point of view), because it means that any energy expended will burn fat reserves.


Prodsol Sales Impact

Dramatic increase in insurance sales across bank branches country-wide.


Bank: Life Insurance

Solution Overview

  1. A simplified, customer-centric understanding of the complex product.
  2. A tangible and memorable value proposition - supported by simple graphical illustrations.
  3. A simple selection and decision framework. 
  4. A small collection of rapport- and trust-gaining techniques.


Prodsol Production Impact

Dramatic increase in production throughput, on lower costs and dramatically reduced rebates and waste.


Manufacturer: Exotic Veneer Boards

Solution Overview

  1. Identified the press as the bottleneck.
  2. Ensured that the bottleneck was never starved (3 ready-to-go jobs, comprising veneer, substrate, glue and pressure|time specifications). 
  3. Press switched on first thing and off last thing., to ensure that press utilisation is high.
  4. Split shifts - overlapping in the middle of the day, to ensure that the press is always working.


Prodsol Marraige Relationship Impact

Many marriage relationships turned around - all over the world.


Marriage Reconciliation|Improvement

Solution Overview

  1. Recognise that relationship is the mutual satisfaction of respective and shared needs - and that neither party is clear on even what they really need, never mind what the other party really needs.
  2. Simple technique for surfacing respective and shared needs. 
  3. Decision-framework for acting on the insight.


Prodsol Project Impact

12 week projects completed in 8 weeks instead of 14 - company became very popular with both schools and trade-subcontractor - whose profits also soared.


Construction Company: School Blocks

Solution Overview

  1. Pool task-float on the project instead of the tasks.
  2. Agree with sub-contractors to reduce multitasking in exchange for guaranteed ability to start work on arrival.
  3. Rolling plan against a check-list of prerequisites (previous steps, equipment, resourcing, materials and information).


Prodsol Operations Impact

Backlog decimated within weeks.  Dramatic improvement in Customer and Staff satisfaction.


Insurance Company: Standard Claims

Solution Overview

Simple asymmetrical decision-tree and accompanying scripting that asks 6 questions to determine whether we have a potentially valid claim or not.

New claims specialists can use the method reliably on their first week rather than in their 3rd month.

Backlog decimated within weeks.  Dramatic improvement in Customer and Staff satisfaction.



Prodsol Sport U8 Soccer Team Impact

This primary school soccer team was being beaten by 4 - 10 goals: mostly to nil.

The win-loss record averaged a 5 goal deficit at the end of the first round, when we introduced our solution and a 5 goal advantage in the second round. 


U8 Soccer team

Solution Overview

  1. We taught and drilled the players (and their parents!) a simple technique (instead of merely kicking the ball as hard as possible):
    1. Pass square, and run straight (or through) and
    2. Pass straight (or through) and run square
  2. This enabled the team to carve up the opposition, and accelerated game sense development.


Prodsol Software Project Impact

The project budget - shortly beforehand approved to grow from 12M to 19M and 11 months to 24 months - was reduced to  350K and 3 months.


Telecommunications: Billing Platform

Solution Overview

  1. Instead of replicating a newly acquired subsidiary's front-end and back-end for the new billing middleware system, develop shims between the subsidiary's front-end and the middleware and between it and the subsidiary's back-end.

  2. This was at least a decade before this was a known solution and long before the days of API's.



Prodsol Software Development Impact

This company owned over 80% of the NZ market but was being losing out to inferior international competitors as it began expanding overseas.


Pathology Lab Software

Solution Overview

  1. Iterative, detailed working mockups of screens and reports before a single line of code is written.
  2. Pseudo coding and code prototyping.
  3. Pair design and development practices.
  4. Scheduled catch-ups between junior & senior devs.
  5. Agreed time allocation between support and new product development.


Prodsol Education Reading Impact

The class teacher was phlegmatic about this student who was pretty smart for her age, but disliked reading intensely and was in the bottom reading group.


Junior School Student: Reading Group

Solution Overview

  1. The problem was that the student's interests and maturity exceeded her reading ability.
  2. We had the parents read books on subjects and at levels that she was interested in - the student following along.
  3. Parents stopped frequently to allow her to read the next word (that she could read), increasing the complexity and number of words, over time.


Prodsol Healthcare Orthopedic Clinic Impact

12 internal and external projects had resulted in patient visit duration increasing and patient and clinician satisfaction decreasing.


Public Orthopaedic Clinic

Solution Overview

Patient flow-sequencing and -streamlining:

  1. Interleaving of appointment types at the clinical consultant step in the process.
  2. Patients are scheduled at the next available slot for their appointment type with their consultant.
  3. Patients' place in the clinic queue is retained no matter how long each process takes.


Prodsol Parent-Teenager Relationship Impact

Misalignment and frustration on both sides was reaching concerning levels: both parties thought that the other was being unreasonable.


Parent-Teenager Relationship

Solution Overview

  1. Realise that the time to direct the teenager's life is long past.
  2. Instead of trying to get him to adopt a solution that has a greater chance of succeeding, dedicate yourself to helping him make his solution succeed, including identifying flaws and opportunities within his approach.

Instantaneous change in relationship.



Prodsol Executive Productivity Impact

This company owner was working long days and getting home to his young family after dinner every night.  He turned things around within 2 days.


Company Owner: Higher Throughput on Shorter Days

Solution Overview

This was what became our standard Defrag Your Brain! workshop - combined with a few scheduling and delegation solutions.

The basic idea is to schedule preferred Interruption Windows and Focus Times - for managers and staff. This enables everyone to get way more done in way less time at way lower biological cost.


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Drîm Solutions

The Drîm Solutions

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Drîm Solutions

A growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top-right beyound the square, with idea bulbs.

Drîm Solutions secure dramatic improvement in performance and fulfilment for all concerned.

Drîm Solutions

Drîm Solutions are simple and (of necessity) counter-intuitive. They take advantage of (rather than fighting) the forces that constrain the situation.

There are four primary perspectives to explore:
Arenas | Dimensions | Domains | Levers.

  1. Start with the perspective that appeals to you most.
  2. Note the most appealing ideas for your situation.
  3. Stop when you think that you have enough.
  4. Move to the next perspective only if you need to.
  5. Dig deeper on the most promising candidates.

Context (If you're new to Drîm)

The Drîm symbol (a growing arrow from the bottom-left to beyond the top right of a square) inside square brackets.

A quick overview of the dramatic improvement concept and framework.

Context (If you're new to Drîm)

  1. Dramatic improvement (Drîm) is the discipline of deliberately and systematically improving challenging situations dramatically.
  2. Drîm is always feasible - the more challenging the situation, the greater the improvement potential.
  3. The secret is to use common repeating drîm patterns to find the drîm solutions hidden within challenging situations.
  4. This section provides some of those drîm solution patterns in some of the most common arenas.

Universal Drîm Solutions

The Universal Human Condition Solution

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description

Multi-Option-Add-Your-Own Diagnostic & Intervention Frameworks

The Universal Human Condition Solution

The universal human condition problem is unconscious incognizance - we're forced to live in ignorance of what we don't know we don't know. This is a signficant physiological problem, because it prevents us from seeing & recognising the significance of what's right in front of us.

The solution to this problem of unconscious incognizance is to generate, integrate & test alternatives to an evolving hypothesis, building a multi-option-or-add-your-own diagnostic & intervention framework, in the process.  Hover here for a little more detail.


The Drîm Dimension Solutions

The Drîm Dimensions Pictogram

The six primary drîm facets of any situation or thing: cover whichever of these are relevant and drîm is assured.

The Drîm Dimension Solutions

The Flow Drîm Dimension PictogramFlow: The speed and rate that stuff is produced.

The Ingenuity Drîm Dimension PictogramIngenuity: Simple counter-intuitive solutions.

The Change Drîm Dimension PictogramChange: Transitioning from old to new.

The Mastery Drîm Dimension PictogramMastery: Knowledge, expertise & experience.

The Synergy Drîm Dimension PictogramSynergy: 2 + 2 = 5: things and people.

The Understanding Drîm Dimension PictogramUnderstanding: The alignment of perception with reality.

Membership-Level Drîm Solutions

Membership Level Solutions

Dramatic Improvement symbol surrounded by the membership level icons


Membership Level Solutions

  1. E: Universal MCAYODIF for performance & satisfaction.
  2. I: MCAYODIF for personal & professional performance & satisfaction.
  3. L: MCAYODIF for orchestrating team / department / organisational performance & satisfaction.
  4. P: MCAYODIF for supporting another team's / organisation's performance & satisfaction.

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The Individual Drîm Solutions

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description

Apply drîm to your desk, workload & backlog.

The Individual Drîm Solutions

  1. Attituning: Deliberate attitude, motivation, resourcefulness & confidence.
  2. Defrag Your Brain: reduce the fixed-incrteasing overhead of task context swithing using cogtnitive batching & scheduling.
  3. TARPS: Time Allocation Ratios, Planning & Scheduling.
  4. Provisionals: Force something out, no matter how inadequate to serve as a proviaional solution.
  5. AGI (Alternative Generation & Integation): generate & integrate alternatives to an evolving provisional>working solution.
  6. GPS (Goal|Problem|Solution): the drîm solution strategy pattern.
  7. Need Surfacing:
  8. Xplor: instead of asking open or closed questions to secure and offer empathy, respect & trust, ask multi-option-add-your-own questions - and then validate by repeating it back in their workds before doing tso in your own, to tease out the insghts.


The Leadership Drîm Solutions

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description

Applying drîm to the art & science of leadership & management.

The Leadership Drîm Solutions

  1. Situational Leadership: Different styles & approaches for different people in different situations.
  2. Provisionals: Develop provisiobnal solutions & enhance tghem iteratively, ahead of time. Get your people to provide a provisional solution for every question they ask or problem they bring.
  3. Conditional Access: Provide people with access to you & initiatives only if they've jumped through the hoops.
  4. Alignment Management: Discuss organisational, departmental, professional & personal goals & approaches, to help them see & create alignment & synergy.
  5. DERT: Gain & display empathy, respect & trust & provide an ongoing series of trust-rewarding experiences.
  6. Leadership Worth Following: Lead people to a worthwhile place - to them & the organisation.
  7. Followship: Provide people with a framework for following in a value-contributing way.
  8. MIF & LIF: A simple framework for diagnosing & inrtervening at the leadership and management friction points.


Organisational Drîm Solutions

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description

Applying drîm departmentally & organisation-wide.

Organisational Drîm Solutions

  1. Defrag: Enable & support batching & scheduling to reduce interruptions.
  2. Flow-Optimisation & Reporting: Identify & prioritise departmental & end-to-end bottlenecks
  3. Innovation Hothouse: Replace brainstorming with collaborative idea generation & integration.
  4. Pull-System for Change: Build momentum using Restricted Access & Ripples in the Pond.
  5. Drîm Templates: Provide & encourage the use of standard problem-solving & performance improvement templates.
  6. Soaring Above: Avoid the brlame game & dark triad behaviours to foster collaboration, respect & synergy.
  7. Drîm Funnel: Agree on & promote the criteria for assessing ideas & recommendations, to secure alignment & collaboration.
  8. Departmental Solutions: Marketing; Sales; Operations; Production; R&D; Projects; Leadership; Tech Support; IT Support; Software Development.

Drîm Solution Design, Implemenation Planning & Implementation Management

Three stages following the same cycle.

Drîm Solution Design, Implemenation Planning & Implementation Management

  1. Solution Design: Describe the situation; look for a match. Develop a GPS, enhance the GPS.
  2. Implementation Design: Staged Evolution; Swim-lanes; Pull-System for Change; Pool time, people, money & resources; Implementation Funnel.
  3. Implementation Management: Implemenation Management Framework, enabling ahead of time & situational identification of the primary failure, opportunity & sucess modes.

Practitioner Drîm Solutions

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description

Applying drîm as an internal or external practitioner.

Practitioner Drîm Solutions

  1. DERT
  2. GPS Pattern
  3. The Drîm Training Solution: Give people a safe environment to practice the new understanding, skills & approaches in - starting with a common worked through situation, repeated at least three times before moving on to repeated freer-format situations.
  4. The Drîm Coaching Solution: Help people make the discoveries themselves (both from scratch & by choosing between options). Help them learn using multiple-choice self-diagnosis & intervention frameworks. Help them to make their chosen solutions work - only helping them choosing a better solution, when they realise the need for one.
  5. The Drîm Contracting Solution: Deliver to the terms of the contract, using a pre-arranged framework for adjusting scope & time.
  6. The Drîm Consulting Solution: Understand their situation & perspective better than they do, before suggesting a single thing. Develop a simple MECE Pattern Framework to enable people to appreciate the soundness of the thinking.  
  7. Deliberate Trust Network: Develop a trust network within the organisation, by providing a series & network of uncommonly-experienced trust-rewarding experiences.

Sector, Regional & National Drîm Solutions

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


Sector, Regional & National Drîm Solutions

  1. Sector: Disseminate universal & sector-specific drîm solutions - that exploit the common (universal & situational - e.g. Covid-19) challenges & opportunities the sector faces, via industry associations & training companies.
  2. Regional: Disseminate universal & region-specific solutions that exploit the common (universal & situational - e.g. Covid-19) challenges & opportunies the region faces, via local/regional goverment, the media, business associations & training organisations.
  3. National: Disseminate universal & country-specific solutions that exploit the common (universal & situational - e.g. Covid-19) challenges & opportunies the country faces, via country leadership, central government local/regional goverment, the media, business associations & training organisations.

Use story, art, humour & culture-specific paradigms to get the message across.


Civilisation Drîm Solutions

The IMAGENAME Pictogram Description


Civilisation Drîm Solutions

  1. Disseminate standard drîm solutions, civilisation-wide, in the appropriate languages, dialects, idioms & humour forms.
  2. Distil national & global expertise & convert it into MCAYO format to enable people to improve their thinking, decision-making, appraoches, processes & systems - indidually & collectively.
  3. Provide the platform that will allow people to distil & capture their - or others' - drîm expertise & make it available.
  4. Introduce Drîm thinking into the education system, so that school- & university-leavers are highly competent when they enter the work-force.

The Primary Drîm Perspectives

The Primary Drîm Arenas

The drîm icon (growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top right outside of the square) with idea bulbs

There are both universal and specific drîm patterns for each arena and domain of life.

The Primary Drîm Arenas

Drîm Solutions are simple and (of necessity) counter-intuitive and invariably take advantage of (rather than fighting) the situational forces that constrain the improvement we're seeking. They include:

The Personal Drîm Arena Pictogram Personal Drîm Solutions: Provisional set.

The Community Drîm Arena Pictogram Community Drîm Solutions: Coming soon.

The Organisational Drîm Arena Pictogram Organisational Drîm Solutions: Provisional set.

The National Drîm Arena Pictogram National Drîm Solutions: Coming soon.

The Civilisation Drîm Arena Pictogram Civilisation Drîm Solutions: Coming soon.


The Primary Drîm Dimensions

The drîm icon (growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top right outside of the square) with idea bulbs

Six primary dimensions to consider to unlock dramatic improvement.

The Primary Drîm Dimensions

The (well, a starting set of) primary drîm dimensions to nearly all situations - applying to both People and Things.

The Flow Drîm Dimension PictogramFlow: The speed and rate that stuff is produced.

The Ingenuity Drîm Dimension PictogramIngenuity: Simple counter-intuitive solutions.

The Change Drîm Dimension PictogramChange: Transitioning from old to new.

The Flow Mastery Dimension PictogramMastery: Knowledge, expertise & experience.

The Synergy Drîm Dimension PictogramSynergy: 2 + 2 = 5: things and people.

The Understanding Drîm Dimension PictogramUnderstanding: Aligning beliefs with reality.


The Primary Domain Solution Patterns

Person Icon and a Block, separate by a vertical line.

The primary drîm domains are People and Things. All other domains and sub-domains derive from (mostly a combination of) them.

The Primary Domain Solution Patterns

People (Key: Cognitive Science)

People are more like us & we are more like them than either party realises. Interpersonal issues signal different perspectives - it's almost never malice.

Things (Key: System Science)

We tend to apply force directly (ignoring & then fighting the system that they are & are part of), instead of using the system to effect the change that we need.


The Physical Drîm Lever Examples

A bar lever, pulley-system, bottleneck and domino about to topple onto a row of dominoes

Familiarity with common lever-types make enables us to spot opportunities that we might otherwise miss.

The Physical Drîm Lever Examples

Indirect, rather than direct intervention:

  1. Cause>Effect: Addressing effects via causes.
  2. Wedges: Using, directing & magnifying forces.
  3. Whips: Converting between momentum & speed.
  4. Pulleys: Mechanical advantage from gearing.
  5. Bottlenecks: Relieving end-to-end bottlenecks.
  6. Reinforcing Cycles: Converting Vicious Cycles into Virtuous ones.
  7. Conflict Resolution: Resoving contradictions & conflicts without compromise - for either party/requirement.

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The Drîm Framework

Drîm Framework

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The Drîm Framework

The Prodsol Drîm Framework

The Drîm Framework is a framework of simple frameworks for dramatically improving any challenging situation or thing.

The Drîm Framework

The Drîm Framework is the foundation of the drîm discipline, toolset, solution set and practice.

It will enable you to develop your own drîm solutions and get the most benefit from the solution library in the next section of the site.

In fact, merely reading this section will catalyse latent ingenuity within your brain and result in new ideas and perspectives over the next few minutes, hours and days.

You'll benefit most if you have a challenging situation in mind to apply the framework to.



Intro to Drîm

Person icon shaking hands with a personified Drîm (growing arrow from bottom-left to beyond top-right of a box) Icon

What are we talking about here?

Intro to Drîm

Dramatic Improvement is the discipline, framework and practice of deliberately and systematically improving any situation or thing dramatically.

The Drîm Framework is highly compatible - rather than competitive - with all other techniques and approaches: by intent, definition and design.

It enables anyone to secure significant gains - nearly immediately - in any challenging situation: the more challenging the more certain & dramatic the gains.


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The Drîm Discovery Story

Open book with jumbled drîm icons aiming in different directions on the left page and a large single one on the right page

The discovery that challenging situations are made up of repeating patterns.

The Drîm Discovery Story

In an attempt to distinguish between competing breakthrough thinking techniques, it dawned on Gary Bartlett (Prodsol's Founder) that they were, really, versions of a deeper, simpler reality.

This led to the discovery of The Repeating Pattern Phenomenon, Pattern Thinking and the development of a taxonomy and library of drîm solution patterns.

This website is an evolving vehicle for disseminating these insights, civilisation-wide, as affordably and virally as possible - and supporting organisations and individuals in applying and implementing them.


The Framework

The Drîm Manifesto

The Prodsol Drîm Manifesto Pictogram

Dramatic Improvement is ALWAYS possible.

The Drîm Manifesto

The Prodsol Drîm Manifesto Fact PictogramFact: Drîm is always feasible - always.

The Prodsol Drîm Manifesto Key Pictogram Key: Leverage - it increases with complexity.

The Prodsol Drîm Manifesto Problem PictogramProblem: We can't see the leverage points.

The Prodsol Drîm Manifesto Reason PictogramReason: Multi-dimensional complexity.

The Prodsol Drîm Manifesto Insight PictogramInsight: Reality comprises repeating patterns.

The Prodsol Drîm Manifesto Solution PictogramSolution: Use patterns as cognitive scaffolding.

The Prodsol Drîm Manifesto Implications PictogramImplications: Anyone can learn to do it.


The Primary Drîm Dimensions

The drîm icon (growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top right outside of the square) with yellow xyz dimension arrows bottom left

The six primary dramatic improvement facets of every challenging situation.

The Primary Drîm Dimensions

The Flow Drîm Dimension PictogramFlow: The speed and rate that stuff is produced.

The Ingenuity Drîm Dimension PictogramIngenuity: Simple counter-intuitive solutions.

The Change Drîm Dimension PictogramChange: Transitioning from old to new.

The Flow Mastery Dimension PictogramMastery: Knowledge, expertise & experience.

The Synergy Drîm Dimension PictogramSynergy: 2 + 2 = 5: things and people.

The Understanding Drîm Dimension PictogramUnderstanding: Alignment of beliefs with reality.


The Drîm Dimension Solution Patterns

The drîm icon (growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top right outside of the square) with idea bulbs

The universal solution patterns for the six primary dramatic improvement facets of every challenging situation.

The Drîm Dimension Solution Patterns

The Flow Drîm Dimension PictogramFlow: Optimise bottleneck throughput.

The Ingenuity Drîm Dimension PictogramIngenuity: Generate and integrate alternatives.

The Change Drîm Dimension PictogramChange: use pull instead of push.

The Flow Mastery Dimension PictogramMastery: Detect failure/success modes up-front.

The Synergy Drîm Dimension PictogramSynergy: Use apparent conflicts as leverage.

The Understanding Drîm Dimension PictogramUnderstanding: Hunt for belief:reality misalignment.

Familiarity with these simple, counter-intuitive drîm leverage patterns, makes drîm way easier.


The Primary Drîm Arenas

The drîm icon (growing arrow from bottom-left of a square to top right outside of the square) with idea bulbs

There are both universal and specific drîm patterns for each arena and domain of life.

The Primary Drîm Arenas

Drîm Solutions are simple and (of necessity) counter-intuitive and invariably take advantage of (rather than fighting) the situational forces that constrain the improvement we're seeking. They include:

The Personal Drîm Arena Pictogram Personal Drîm Solutions: Provisional set.

The Community Drîm Arena Pictogram Community Drîm Solutions: Coming soon.

The Organisational Drîm Arena Pictogram Organisational Drîm Solutions: Provisional set.

The National Drîm Arena Pictogram National Drîm Solutions: Coming soon.

The Civilisation Drîm Arena Pictogram Civilisation Drîm Solutions: Coming soon.


How to find Custom Drîm Leverage Patterns

The Custom Drîm Leverage Patttern-Finding Technique

A simple technique for finding the repeating drîm leverage pattern(s) in any challenging situation.

How to find Custom Drîm Leverage Patterns

The technique is called GPS(Goal|Problem|Solution) Pattern. Use Pattern Thinking to find the:

  1. The Drîm Goal Pattern IconGoal Pattern: The repeating patterns across all Drîm Outcomes for all parties.
  2. The Drîm Problem Pattern IconProblem Pattern: The repeating pattern across all Goal-preventing Challenges.
  3. The Drîm Solution Pattern IconSolution Pattern: The repeating pattern across all Leverage Solution Ideas for overcoming the Problem and achieving the Goal.

Drîm Stories

Prodsol Drîm Story Pictogram - Bookshelf of storybooks

A library of dramatic improvement stories to make it easier for us to remember drîm solution details.

Drîm Stories

Stories are a powerful way to help us learn, remember and apply important concepts and principles.

In due course, this section will contain:

  1. At least one story for each Drîm Dimension.
  2. A collection of stories for each Drîm Solution Arena and
  3. Well-known business novel book abstracts and summaries.

We use case stories from our own work, all the time.


The Drîm Method

The Drîm Method Pictogram Link

The Drîm Method is a simple set of steps for identifying and applying the Drîm Manifesto and Dimensions to a challenging situation or thing.

The Drîm Method

Move down the flow-chart until your solution is good enough - for now - and implement, returning to the method, as required.

  1. Adopt the Drîm Mindset: Look in drîm-space, not settle-space.
  2. Look for Leverage Pattern Matches: drîm dimensions, drîm stories, drîm arenas.
  3. Build a (set of) Custom Drîm Leverage Pattern(s): Find patterns across inadequate solutions.

Most of the time, the second step is more than enough.


How to Grow Drîm Capability

Series of steps to deliberately accelerate drîm insight and capability.

How to Grow Drîm Capability

The Absorb Drîm IconAbsorb: Explore and familiarise yourself with drîm concepts and solutions.

Integrate Drîm Insights IconIntegrate new and existing drîm patterns - to codify and extend your existing library.

The Practice Drîm  IconPractice : Apply drîm. Practice applying it. Make drîm part of your normal practice.

The Collaborate in Drîm IconCollaborate: Explore, discuss and teach drîm and work with others on drîm projects.

Drîm is an infinite cycle of ever-improving performance and satisafaction, so it's an ongoing, unending cycle.


Drîm Self-Selection

Radio buttons against: Stick with what you have; Integrate Drîm; Look for something better; Build something new, from scratch - with the Drîm option selected

The implications are huge and apply to every single challenging situation or thing we face - individually and collectively.

Drîm Self-Selection

Whatever opportunity or challenging situation you - or we all - face right now can be improved dramatically - no matter how intractable it may seem.

So whether you:

  1. Aspire to (even) better insight, results or impact.
  2. Face seemingly intractable challenges,
  3. Feel too under pressure for something new or
  4. Merely revel in counter-intuitive ideas...

   ... drîm could make all the difference to your world.


Is Drîm for You?

The Drîm Framework IS for you if:

A green check in a black box to the left of the drîm sympol

A quick affirmative diagnostic to help you decide that drîm is what you need at this point in your journey.  It highlights some facets of the journey that may or may not appeal to you.

The Drîm Framework IS for you if:

  1. Your appetite and aspirations for impact exceed what you're currently confident of securing.
  2. The idea of using a framework to focus and catalyse your energy and creativity appeals to you.
  3. You can cope with adapting concepts to your reality - not everyone can!
  4. You grasp and embrace the idea of continuous effort and focus over an extended period of time.
  5. You like the idea of repeating patterns - and intervening at the pattern-level.

The Drîm Framework IS NOT for you if:

A red cross in a black checkbox to the left of the drîm symbol

A quick negative diagnostic to help you work out whether drîm is indeed what you need at this point in your journey.

It may be a timing thing - or merely incompatible with the way you think and go about things!

The Drîm Framework IS NOT for you if:

  1. You need and want only marginally better results - at the moment - and are confident of getting them.
  2. You'd like better results, but are looking for a single simple thing you can set and forget.
  3. You think that a framework will stifle your creativity.
  4. You already have your own dramatic framework - and don't think that this one will add enough to it to justify the time and energy.
  5. You prefer inventing your own solutions, than adapting and adopting other people's solutions.

Take Action

Prodsol Drîm Services

Prodsol Online Services Pictogram Link

Online, public and onsite dramatic improvement support services.

Prodsol Drîm Services

There are various ways in which we can help you take advantage of our discoveries, solutions and services - online, for the general public and onsite:

  1. Online Services: membership, webinars, coaching and consulting services.
  2. Public Services: Seminars, workshops and courses.
  3. On Site Services: training and solution workshops, coaching; consulting and; projects.

Click the Prodsol Flashcard Details Button Details button,below to find out more.


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The Drîm Method

Drîm Method site version notes | release roadmap | how this page works | how to use it


(Alternative Generation & Integration
AGI Image: Cycle with one circle, three circles and and combination of four curcles, around a bar graph with alternatiing flat and angled-up tops.

A way of deliberately and systematically developing lateral, outside-the box solutions.


(Alternative Generation & Integration

Generate and integrate significant alternatives to a starting provisional solution.

The starting provisional solution defines and is defined by the box one is currently thinking in.

Generating alternatives to it forces one to come up with something outside that box: a solution that defines its own - different - box. Integrating the solution ideas defines a new - more powerful and valid - box.


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Acknowledgements: Capital A within a square
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