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Drîm is short for Dramatic Improvement. It's pronounced "Dream".
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Intro to Drim

Introduction to Drîm

Intro to Drîm

What are we talking about here?

Intro to Drîm

Dramatic Improvement is the discipline, framework and practice of deliberately and systematically improving any situation or thing dramatically.

It's highly compatible - rather than competitive - with other techniques and approaches: by intent, definition and design.

The framework enables anyone to secure significant immediate gains, in any situation.

Merely reading and reflecting on this page will start you thinking about your reality in a different way.


The Drîm Concept

The drîm icon in an idea thought bubble

Once you'e grasped the idea, you'll find yourself applying it automatically.

The Drîm Concept

The basic idea is that every single situation can be improved dramatically, by anyone.

The trick is to use simple, universal dramatic improvement patterns.

Examples across common domains, dimensions and arenas, make it quicker and easier.

Dramatic Improvement is a thinking virus: familiarity - and even exposure - to the framework and solutions, results in an immediate jump in automatic and intuitive drîm insight and capability.


The Drîm Discovery Story

Open book with jumbled drîm icons aiming in different directions on the left page and a large single one on the right page

The discovery that challenging situations are made up of repeating patterns.

The Drîm Discovery Story

In an attempt to distinguish between competing breakthrough thinking techniques, it dawned on Gary Bartlett (Prodsol's Founder) that they were, really, versions of a deeper, simpler reality.

This led to the discovery of The Repeating Pattern Phenomenon, Pattern Thinking and the development of a taxonomy and library of drîm solution patterns.

This website is an evolving vehicle for disseminating these insights, civilisation-wide, as affordably and virally as possible - and supporting organisations and individuals in applying and implementing them.



Drîm Implications Pictogram

The implications are huge and apply to every single challenging situation or thing we face - individually and collectively.


Whatever opportunity or challenging situation you - or we all - face right now can be improved dramatically - no matter how intractable it may seem.

So whether you:

  1. Aspire to (even) better insight, results or impact.
  2. Face seemingly intractable challenges,
  3. Feel too under pressure for something new or
  4. Merely revel in counter-intuitive ideas...

   ... drîm could make all the difference to your world.



Impact Expectations

Drim Impact Expectations

Drim Impact Expectations

Left and righte arrows colliding with a questin mark beside them

What sort of impact can you expect from adopting the Drim Approach within your situation?

Drim Impact Expectations

Expect net gains of 20-35% within a month or two in human|physical systems; 40-60% in pure human ones.

The impact you will get is dependent on three things:

  1. The complexity of your situation or challenge: the more complex and seemingly intractable the bigger the impact. (The Drim Manifesto explains why.)
  2. Your appetite and aptitude for counter-intuitive solutions.
  3. Your willingness to shift - and maintain focus - away from where it has been to the real drim levers.

Details Coming Soon

Impact estimates for different situation-types.

Details Coming Soon

We'll provide details and some rationale for specific gains you may expect in your situation, so

  1. Person   People.
  2. Process   Practice.
  3. Project   Programme.
  4. Plant   Platform.
  5. Product   Service.
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